Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Since The Beginning Of Time Women Have Always Been Treated
Since the beginning of time women have always been treated lesser and unequal compared to men. They have never had the same opportunities, education, payment etc. For Centuries women were considered weak and never tried to bring about change. Title IX has made a positive affect towards women and their protection, as did the Equal Rights Amendment, and the Equal Pay Act. As a result of the aforementioned actions, women’s rights have never been stronger. Women are far from equal to men, but they are closing the gap, and still fighting for improvement. Title IX provides that â€Å"no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any†¦show more content†¦Giving women the same â€Å"manly†sports opportunities was a giant step toward making women equal. Although Title IX is to make girls and woman have equal athletic rights in high school, and in college, it is also to protect education for both genders. This equality applies to all educational programs that receive federal funding, and to all aspects of a school s educational system. This includes sex-segregation and sex stereotypes in education, pregnant and parenting teens rights, and gender-based violence. Title IX in schools mandates that girls and boys are united and ensures that no one receives special privileges. Colleges made it a priority to give out more financial aid to women and to make them feel wanted instead of making them feel inferior to men. After this law was issued women’s â€Å"enrollment in college began to outpace men†(â€Å"Seventies†). Now, more women are accepted into schools. Some of the top schools such as Harvard and Princeton have equal male and women acceptance rates. There is an increase in women that are receiving law d egrees and medical degrees compared to previous years. There was an increase in women earning their bachelors degrees, their masters, their PHD’s etc., but still women could only progress so far. There existed a glass ceiling that women could never break through. The glass ceiling â€Å"applies to women as a group who are kept from advancing higher because they are women†Show MoreRelatedEvolution Of The Role Of Women s Society1513 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Evolution of the Role of Women in Society†Over the centuries, women’s role in society has changed significantly. Although not perfect, it has come a long way from what it used to be. Men have always been seen as the â€Å"leader in the relationship†, or the one who had the most power. Women were see as the weaker sex, only good for cooking, cleaning and raising children. They were very often looked down upon, and treated extremely poorly. 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