Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Don’t Shoot A call for International Diplomacy Essay
Don’t Shoot: A call for International Diplomacy Worldwide terrorism became the central focus of the United States’ foreign policy following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. At that time, the world saw the obvious hatred that other countries hold toward the U.S. and the extreme danger that came with it. Our eyes were opened to foreign issues that many of us were not previously aware of. President Bush’s initial response to the new danger was to overtake and reform two regimes, Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as to eliminate Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Instability still exists in these areas of the world, but there looms a much more immediate threat in the nuclear countries of Iran and North†¦show more content†¦Diplomacy is still the best option, assuming we eliminate our unipolar, self-centered view and cooperate with other countries to achieve peace and stability. Weapons of mass destruction and terrorism have become the two major focuses on the international stage in today’s world. The ultimate fear of the United States is the possibility that nuclear weapons might be placed in the hands of terrorist organizations and states, which might use such weapons to attack other countries. Iran and North Korea possess large scale nuclear proliferation programs, which have recently become much larger threats to the world. North Korea, which was previously bound by a non-proliferation treaty with the United States, recently broke the treaty by resuming its nuclear programs. The United States has been unsuccessful in persuading North Korea to resume compliance with the agreement. Iran, on the other hand, is much more deceptive in its nuclear programs. When nuclear proliferation was recently discovered to have resumed in Iran, Iranian officials explained that they were producing uranium (the â€Å"main ingredient†in nuclear weapons) f or national energy resources. Thomas Omestad of U.S. News and World Report states that â€Å"Iran intends to convert 37 tons of ‘yellowcake’ uranium oxide into uranium hexafluoride, a gas that in turn could be used to produce enough highly enriched uranium for five nuclear bombs†(Omestad 38). Richard Russell of Parameters quotes Iranian PresidentShow MoreRelatedSuccess Strategy For International Marketing2539 Words  | 11 Pages Success strategy for International Marketing OUTSOURCED 2/17/2015 Etty Rajashekar i133710 â€Æ' Outsourced PART A Intentional marketing: International marketing is the process of planning and under taking transactions across national boundaries that involve exchange. Outsourcing is a film directed by Jeff coat. A comedy talks of conflict between cultures and the romantic era. 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