Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Race discrimination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Race separation - Research Paper Example It becomes obvious that while the oppressor appreciates extensive social, mental, monetary, and political favorable circumstances through separation, the casualties pay an enormous physical and mental charge. In the advanced existence where topographical limits are vanishing each second, the issue acquires open consideration since it isn't feasible for societies to remain completely detached. Work environments of present day are multicultural as associations move out of their home regions. That implies correspondence and collaboration of individuals from different places and societies. In this way, the component of racial separation picks up the consideration of researchers. Characterizing racial segregation Article 1 of The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) characterizes racial separation as â€Å"any differentiation, avoidance, limitation or inclination dependent on race, shading, drop, or national or ethnic inception which h as the reason or impact of invalidating or impeding the acknowledgment, happiness or exercise, on an equivalent balance, of human rights and key opportunities in the political, financial, social, social or some other field of open life†(ICERD, 1966, Article 1). ... Direct racial separation One can say there is immediate racial segregation when one can show that one gets less ideal treatment than others dependent on racial personality. A case of such direct separation is noticeable in BBC v. Souster (2001) IRLR 150. Mr. Souster was a Rugby Special moderator of BBC Scotland. He raised the charge that the organization terminated him since he was not Scottish. Notwithstanding, the reaction of BBC was that the issue of racial separation would not emerge as both English and Scottish individuals have British identification. In the debate, the choice of the Scottish Court of Session was that only a typical visa would not mean absence of racial segregation. The court opined that there was isolated national cause and thus there was an instance of racial segregation by all appearances. In this way, one picks up the wide understanding that segregation isn't constantly founded on the real world; however dependent on the view of the discriminator. Roundabout racial segregation An investigate the clarification given by Equality and Human Rights Commission demonstrates that there are two classifications of aberrant racial separation. The main classification depends on shading or nationality, and the second depends on race, ethnic or national root. Circuitous racial segregation frequently shows up in evidently non-prejudicial necessities and conditions. To show, an organization may advance such a condition for business or advancement which just a specific racial gathering meets or which clearly denies chances for a specific racial gathering. An ideal case of this sort of segregation is seen in Aina v. Business Service (2002) DCLD 103D. For this situation,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What kind of successful interventions for obesity prevention in school Research Paper
What sort of effective mediations for stoutness anticipation in school from 10 to 12 evaluations have been led in the United State - Research Paper Example Mediation programs focused on heftiness anticipation for kids and young people ought to be a national need so as to have a sound country in future. There is significant increment in wellbeing hazard for kids and youthful who are large or overweight as they are at risk for experiencing maladies, for example, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, asthma and hypertension (Reilly et al., 2003). At the point when youngsters and teenagers with both kind 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are looked at, youth experiencing the later face expanded wellbeing complexities, for example, nephropathy and cardiovascular sickness related with diabetes (Eppens et al., 2006). Weight additionally brings about social and mental issues for the influenced kids with examines demonstrating young people likewise experience mental outcomes such including low confidence and wretchedness (Reilly et al., 2003). Corpulence for kids in first to 12 evaluations is a difficult that is boundless as it cuts over all social, financial and racial classes. In light of the accessible information, corpulence influences even kids from the minority bunches that incorporate Native Americans, African-Americans just as Hispanics notwithstanding low-pay gatherings. As indicated by Ogden, Carroll, Kit and Flegal (2012), the pervasiveness of corpulence for youngsters from African American (24 percent) and Hispanic foundations (21 percent) is higher contrasted with those from white ethnic foundation (14 percent). The issue of youth heftiness has prompted purposeful endeavors by partners in instruction and other government assistance associations to distinguish the youth corpulence causal components, the outcome on generally speaking prosperity of the kids just as the important systems to capture the circumstance. The result of expanded enthusiasm into the issue of weight in youngsters and youths going to first to 12 evaluations has prompted the distinguishing proof of a few contributing components that have been accused for
Complete List Colleges With No Application Fee(Updated)
Complete List Colleges With No Application Fee(Updated) SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Attempting to get a good deal on school applications? Uplifting news! There are very a couple of schools that permit you to apply for nothing. In this article, I'll give some broad data about application charges alongside a far reaching rundown of the considerable number of schools that offer free applications. Application Fees at a Glance Most universities charge application expenses in the $40-50 territory, yet they can now and then be as high as $90 (taking a gander at you, Stanford).Many top schools charge application charges of $75 or more. To place this in setting, assume you are applying to five unique schools. On the off chance that three have $50 application charges and two have $75 application expenses, you'll be burning through $300 on applications alone. At that point there's the matter of sending your grades. Sending SAT scores to five schools at $.25 per report will cost you another $56.25, so you're spending over $350 just to send in all the required materials.That’s not little change for the vast majority, so application expenses are something you may consider in your school search process. Luckily, numerous schools, even ones that have exceptionally high application expenses, offer waivers to understudies with money related need.In request to be qualified for a charge waiver, you should meet at any rate one of the accompanying standards: You were furnished with an expense waiver to take the SAT or ACT You are taken a crack at a Free or Reduced Price Lunch Program Your family pay falls inside the Income Eligibility Guidelines set by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service You’re took a crack at a government, state or neighborhood program that guides understudies from low-pay families Your family gets open help You live in governmentally sponsored lodging or an encourage home You can demand an expense waiver structure here.Once you round out the structure, your direction advisor needs to sign it, and afterward you should mail it to the confirmations office of the school you have chosen. On the other hand, on the off chance that you need to abstain from paying many dollars in application expenses or experiencing the way toward getting a charge waiver, you ought to consider applying to a portion of the schools with free applications that are recorded in this article. Settling on Smart Choices With Application Fees On the off chance that your fantasy school has a $50 application charge and you’re considering not holding a candle to the current situation due to the cost, you have to consider the expenses versus the drawn out advantages. Contrasted with the all out expense of going to school, that charge is an insignificant detail. Through the span of four years, in the event that you plan on attenting a private school, you'll wind up paying near $200,000 on normal in absolute expense. In any event, for government funded schools the sticker price will be near $100,000. The charge is an exceptionally little piece of the general costs that join going to school. Don’t penance the chance to go to a school that’s an ideal fit for you in light of an application expense. You'llmost likely wind up lamenting your choice later. Likewise, you should make an effort not to pick schools that don't fit what you're searching for in light of the fact that they have lower application fees.If you look at a portion of the no expense schools that I’ve recorded and find that you truly like them, at that point it’s a success win, however don’t let it impact you to an extreme if there are other expense charging schools that you figure you will truly adore! Need to assemble the most ideal school application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best confirmations counseling administration. We join world-class affirmations advocates with our information driven, restrictive confirmations systems. We've supervised a large number of understudies get into their top decision schools, from state universities to the Ivy League. We realize what sorts of understudies schools need to concede. We need to get you admitted to your fantasy schools. Study PrepScholar Admissions to augment your opportunity of getting in. Universities That Don’t Require Application Fees (By State) Note that a few schools require a charge for paper applications, which I've shown in the rundown. On the off chance that you present your materials online the charge will be deferred. Alabama Huntingdon College Miles College Spring Hill College The Frozen North The Frozen North Pacific University Arizona Williams Baptist College Arkansas Arkansas Tech University Henderson State University Hendrix College College of Arkansas at Pine Bluff California Brandman University California College San Diego Profound Springs College Dominican University of California Sacred Names University($20 expense for paper application) La Sierra University Menlo College Northwest College Notre Dame de Namur University Pacific Union College College of the Pacific Thomas Aquinas College Colorado Colorado Mountain College Johnson Wales University - Denver Regis University US Air Force Academy Connecticut US Coast Guard Academy College of Hartford($35 charge for paper application) Mitchell College($30 charge for paper application) College of Saint Joseph($30 charge for paper application) Delaware Wesley College Florida Ave Maria University Florida Gateway College Florida Institute of Technology Indian River State College Johnson Wales University - North MiamiPolk State College Holy person Leo University Santa Clause Fe College State College of Florida - Manatee-Sarasota Georgia Agnes Scott College Bainbridge College Berry College Oglethorpe University Piedmont College Savannah State University Wesleyan College($30 charge for paper application) Idaho School of Southern Idaho($10 charge for paper application) School of Idaho Illinois Augustana College Aurora University Bradley University Elmhurst College Aha College Greenville College Illinois College Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Wesleyan University Lake Forest College Loyola University Chicago McKendree University Millikin University Monmouth College Rockford University Holy person Augustine College College of St. Francis Indiana Anderson University Ancilla College Head servant University Calumet College of St. Joseph DePauw University Earlham College Franklin College Elegance College($30 charge for paper application) Hanover College Heavenly Cross College Indiana Wesleyan University Manchester University($25 expense for paper application) Purdue University-North Central Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology St. Joseph’s College St. Mary's College Trine University College of Evansville College of Indianapolis Valparaiso University Iowa Buena Vista University Focal College Coe College Cornell College($30 expense for paper application) Drake University Graceland University Terrific View University Grinnell College Iowa Wesleyan College Loras College Luther College Morningside College Mount Mercy University Northwestern College Simpson College St. Ambrose University Upper Iowa University Wartburg College Kansas Pastry specialist University Barclay College Bethany College MidAmerica Nazarene University Real College Kentucky Alice Lloyd College Asbury University Berea College Focus College Lindsey Wilson College College of Pikeville Thomas More College Transylvania University Louisiana Centennial College Loyola University New Orleans Tulane University Maine Colby College St. Joseph's College Solidarity College Maryland State house Technology University($25 charge for paper application) Hood College St. John's College Stevenson University($40 expense for paper application) US Naval Academy Washington Adventist University Need to fabricate the most ideal school application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best affirmations counseling administration. We consolidate world-class confirmations instructors with our information driven, restrictive affirmations systems. We've managed a huge number of understudies get into their top decision schools, from state universities to the Ivy League. We realize what sorts of understudies universities need to concede. We need to get you admitted to your fantasy schools. Get familiar with PrepScholar Admissions to amplify your opportunity of getting in. Massachusetts Cove Path College Becker College Eastern Nazarene College Emmanuel College($60 expense for paper application) Fisher College($50 expense for paper application) Hampshire College Lasell College($40 expense for paper application) Lesley University MCPHS University Merrimack College Mount Holyoke College($60 expense for paper application) Mount Ida College Newbury College Nichols College Simmons College Smith College Springfield College Wellesley College Wheelock College Michigan Adrian College Albion College Alma College Aquinas College Calvin College School for Creative Studies($10 expense to transfer portfolio tests for application) Concordia University College of Detroit Mercy Ferris State University Finlandia University Hillsdale College($30 expense for paper application) Kalamazoo College Kettering University Madonna University Michigan Technological University Northwood University Oakland University Olivet College Siena Heights University Wayne State University Minnesota Augsburg College Bethany Lutheran College Bethel University Carleton College School of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University Concordia College Gustavus Adolphus College Hamline University Metropolitan State University Holy person John’s University Holy person Mary's University of Minnesota St. Catherine University St. Olaf College School of St. Scholastica College of St. Thomas Mississippi Alcorn State University Jackson State University Millsaps College Mississippi University for Women Mississippi Valley State University Rust College($10 expense for paper application) Missouri Avila University School of the Ozarks Culver-Stockton College Drury University F
Friday, August 21, 2020
Statistical Analysis 10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Factual Analysis 10 - Essay Example Of the 330 understudies finishing oneself managed survey 159 (48%) were male and 171 (52%) were female. Factual techniques used to break down information various measurable strategies were utilized to investigate the information gathered. They incorporate figuring of the mean (M) and standard deviation (SD). These measures were determined for every one of the thirteen (13) factors (both free and ward) utilized in the examination. The mean (M) in Table 1 is a proportion of focal inclination which tells the normal of the scores doled out to a specific variable by the respondents while the standard deviation is a proportion of the variety of the scores from the mean. Computing the mean and standard deviation of â€Å"Gender†doesn't seem to bode well as the supreme figures on their own effectively explains how delegate the example is of the particular school populace and school populace by and large. Tests for connection of the considerable number of factors were additionally don e and the outcomes are appeared in Table 2. Connection is a proportion of the connection between factors. Proportions of relationship extend from - 1 to +1.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Identifying Schizophrenia in Children
Identifying Schizophrenia in Children Schizophrenia Print Identifying Schizophrenia in Children Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia Is Rare But Serious By Amy Morin, LCSW facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our editorial policy Amy Morin, LCSW Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on January 05, 2018 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on August 03, 2019 Schizophrenia Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes & Risk Factors Treatment Living With In Children In This Article Table of Contents Expand Prevalence Causes Symptoms Course When to See a Doctor Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis Coping and Support View All Learning your child has schizophreniaâ€"or suspecting your child may have itâ€"can feel overwhelming and scary. But early identification and treatment are important in managing the symptoms and improving your child’s long-term prognosis. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes people to interpret reality abnormally. It involves a range of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems that impair a child’s ability to function. Verywell / Cindy Chung Prevalence Onset usually occurs between the late teens and the mid-thirties. The peak age of onset for males is the early twenties and for females the late twenties, but it may occur at any age. According to the Institute of Mental Health, about .25 to .64% of Americans have schizophrenia.?? Childhood schizophrenia, characterized by onset before age 13, is only found in 1 in 40,000 children. Childhood schizophrenia presents special challenges in terms of diagnosis and treatment.?? Causes Scientists haven’t found a single set of causes for schizophrenia. It’s suspected that there are multiple genetic and environmental factors that play a role:?? Genetic Factors - Family, twin, and adoption studies support a strong genetic component in schizophrenia. Parents of children with schizophrenia are ten times as likely to also develop schizophrenia.?? If an identical twin has the illness, the likelihood that the other twin will develop schizophrenia is over 40 percent.??Environmental Factors - There may be some environmental factors that contribute to schizophrenia in children, especially if there are already genetic components at play. Prenatal infections, obstetric complications, and maternal famine may play a role.?? Symptoms Hallucinations, thought disorder, and flattened affect have been consistently found in children with schizophrenia. Delusions and catatonic symptoms occur less frequently.?? Childhood schizophrenia is often associated with cognitive delays. Cognitive decline typically occurs at the time of onset of schizophrenia. Intellectual deficits appear to be stable over time without continued deterioration.?? Here are the symptoms of schizophrenia:?? Hallucinations â€" Seeing or hearing things that aren’t actually thereDelusions â€" False ideas that are believed by the individual but not by othersDisorganized thinking - Evidenced by derailed or incoherent speechFlat affect â€" Monotone, diminished facial expressions, and appear apatheticPaucity of speech or thought â€" Only speaking when prompted and replying with short answersBizarre behavior â€" Inappropriate, disorganized, or odd behavior inappropriate for a child’s age Course The course of schizophrenia varies from person to person. But, there are hallmark phases that individuals tend to experience. Prodrome phase â€" Most individuals with schizophrenia experience some functional deterioration before the onset of psychotic symptoms.?? Social withdrawal, bizarre preoccupations, unusual behavior, academic failure, or a decline in hygiene and self-care may begin before any signs of psychosis.Acute phase â€" This phase is marked by prominent symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech and behavior, and a serious deterioration in functioning. This phase may last several months depending on the response to treatment.??Recuperative/Recovery phase â€" After the acute psychosis subsides, there is generally a several-month period when the individual continues to experience a significant impairment. Flat affect and social withdrawal are often present.??Residual phase â€" Children with schizophrenia may have several months or more between acute phases. However, most individuals will continue to be at least somewhat impaired. Some individuals never progress to residual symptoms and continue to have symptoms despite treatment.?? When to See a Doctor It’s hard to identify schizophrenia in children. Young children have excellent imaginations so it’s common for them to have imaginary friends with whom they carry on conversations. That type of pretend play doesn’t mean your child is having hallucinations. Kids also aren’t good at telling adults about their symptoms. When young children are asked questions about hallucinations or delusions, many of them say yes. But, that doesn’t mean they have psychosis. Instead, in a paper published in 2013, researchers believe kids may report having those symptoms because they have overactive imaginations, cognitive limitations, or they simply misunderstand the question. So asking your child questions like, “Do you ever see things that no one else sees?†isn’t likely to give you much insight into whether your child should see a doctor.?? Symptoms also tend to begin gradually. Over time, however, a child may develop psychosis and the symptoms become much more obvious. If you notice developmental delays, strange eating rituals, bizarre behavior or ideas, change in academic performance, or social isolation, consult your childs doctor. Since schizophrenia in children is rare, there’s a good chance the symptoms may stem from something else. But it’s important to find out the reasons for the changes that you’re seeing. Diagnosis There isn’t a lab test that identifies schizophrenia. Mental health professionals make the diagnosis based on several factors, after gathering a full history, observing the child, and interviews with the parent and child. Other conditions must also be ruled out. Schizophrenia Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF Many of the symptoms of schizophrenia in children are also found in other disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders, mood disorders with psychotic features, or obsessive compulsive disorder.?? Medical conditions may also result in psychosis. Central nervous system infections, endocrine disorders, genetic syndromes, autoimmune disorders, and toxic exposures may cause children to exhibit symptoms similar to those found in schizophrenia.?? Drug use may also cause psychosis. Hallucinogenic mushrooms, stimulants, inhalants, and cannabis are just a few of the drugs that may lead to psychotic symptoms. Prescription drug misuse may also lead to acute psychosis. Symptoms resolve within a few days to weeks after the drug is discontinued.?? All of those other conditions must be ruled out before a diagnosis of schizophrenia can be made. How Mental Health Professionals Use the DSM Today Treatments Antipsychotic medication is the primary treatment for schizophrenia in children as well as adults. Individuals with schizophrenia are at significant risk of relapse if antipsychotic medication is discontinued. It’s essential for parents to maintain contact with physicians to monitor symptoms, side effects, and adherence.?? Talk therapy may also be helpful to children with schizophrenia. Children and their parents may benefit from psychoeducation and problem-solving sessions. It may be important for siblings to get involved in therapy so they can understand their brother or sister’s behavior.?? Social skills training, relapse prevention, and basic life skills training may be helpful. Some children with schizophrenia may need specialized education programs or vocational training programs. If a child becomes a danger to herself or others, a psychiatric hospitalization may be necessary. Inpatient treatment can be helpful in getting symptoms under control. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs Prognosis Childhood-onset schizophrenia is associated with low intellectual functioning and higher rates of negative symptoms across the lifespan. According to a 2011 study published in Pediatric Clinics of North America, childhood-onset schizophrenia is associated with greater social deficits in adulthood compared to those with other mental illnesses.?? It’s also been linked to lower level of employment and a lesser likelihood of living independently, compared to other psychiatric disorders.?? Adolescents are at a higher risk of suicidal behavior during their first episode of psychosis. At least 5 percent of people who exhibited symptoms of schizophrenia before age 18 die by suicide or accidental death directly related to behaviors caused by their psychotic thinking.?? Individuals with schizophrenia are at a higher risk of physical health conditions such as heart disease, obesity, hepatitis, diabetes, and HIV. There isn’t a cure for schizophrenia, but symptoms can be managed with treatment. Early intervention is key to improving the outcome for children with schizophrenia.?? Coping and Support Learning your child has schizophreniaâ€"or suspecting that he or she may have itâ€"can feel scary and overwhelming. It’s important to learn as much as you can about schizophrenia in children, however, so you can best support and advocate for your child. Ask your child’s doctor for resources on schizophrenia. Attending support groups for people who have a family member diagnosed with schizophrenia could serve as a wealth of information. The National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI, may also be a valuable resource. NAMI is a mental health organization who has local affiliates who provide support, education, and services in communities throughout the United States. NAMI may be able to help you locate the resources, tools, and information you need to help your child. It’s important to take care of yourself as well. Attend a support group or seek therapy for yourself. Managing your stress level will be key to helping you be best equipped to support your child. What to Know About Child Psychology and Development
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Female Protagonists and Masculine Traits Destructive Tendencies in Antigone and Salome - Literature Essay Samples
Author Shannon Alder once said, â€Å"Often those that criticise others reveal what he himself lacks.†Essentially what Alder is saying is that the things we find fault with in other people are really the things that we do not have and therefore desire. In their works, Salome and Antigone, authors Oscar Wilde and Sophocles, respectively, use this theory to show how women wield power over men. Both female protagonists in their stories are criticized for their masculine characteristics forceful lust, strength, and independent thought, among other things. It is these criticisms that result in the men unknowingly giving their power up to the women, as the women embodying certain masculine characteristics threatens the power of their male opponents. However, by attacking their male rivals with the same qualities the males use to attack others, these women become victim to the same fatal flaws that their opponents are victim to, leading to their demise. In both stories, Antigone and Salome both gain power by exhibiting traditionally masculine characteristics, and wield this power over the men who are threatened by women breaking the gender binary. Antigone has the power of free thought, which is something that is traditionally not a feminine characteristic. At a time where women are supposed to be submissive to men and base their behavior and decisions on what a man tells her, Antigone defies the gender binary and therefore gains power because of her ability to think independently. When Antigone is talking to her sister Ismene about burying her brother even if it means she has to disobey the law, she says â€Å"Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way†(Sophocles, 191). The simplicity of her language as well as her blatant tone are very uncharacteristic of a stereotypical woman during that time period. She speaks with such conviction and confidence, which is much more typical of a man. This proclamation by Antigone shows that even from the second page of the play, she is defying gender norms and intends to be as powerful if not more powerful than the King himself. Antigone does exhibit traditionally masculine characteristics, but it is the consequence of her behavior that is the most noteworthy. By challenging gender stereotypes and calling into question the stability of Creon’s empire as well as his authority, she is able to wield power over him and even take it away from him. This is shown when Antigone exercises her power over Creon by demoting him to less than a man due to his questionable morals: â€Å"And yet, as men’s hearts know, I have done no / wrong†(226). As explained in my previous essay on Antigone, the juxtaposition between â€Å"men†who would know that she did not sin, and Creon, who believes she has sinned, shows Antigone’s defiance of Creon’s power. A big part of his power comes from his belief that he is a man and is therefore inherentl y superior to women, but Antigone invalidating his claim to manhood gives her power and takes away his. Similarly, Salome behaves in certain ways that are traditionally masculine. In romantic situations, women are supposed to be meek and flirty, while men are supposed to be ravenous and act upon their desires. Salome embodies the masculine characteristic of forceful lust in her interactions with the prophet Iokanaan. She says to him, â€Å"I am amorous of thy body, Iokanaan†¦ I will kiss thy mouth, Iokanaan. I will kiss thy mouth†(Oscar Wilde, 16-17). The erotic and assertive tone of this quote reveal Salome’s expression of traditionally masculine stereotypes regarding lust and eroticism. This inappropriate and impulsive exclamation by Salome to the prophet shows her defying gender norms and taking away power from Iokanaan by figuratively disrobing him, and stripping him of his dignity, like men might stereotypically do to women. Like in Antigone, it is the implications of Salome’s masculine behavior that is the most important. King Herod is used to getting w hat he wants as King, and what he wants is Salome. However, by being unchaste and sensual rather than compliant, she takes away Herod’s power and does not allow him to get what he desires. She takes away a key component of his manliness by taking it for herself. When Herod commands Salome to drink wine with him, eat fruits with him, and sit with him, she responds consistently, â€Å"I am not thirsty, Tetrarch†¦. I am not hungry, Tetrarch†¦. I am not tired, Tetrarch†¦.†(Wilde, 22-23). Her unwavering disobedience of Herod’s request to spend time with him hints at her rejection of his desire for her, and the power that she is able to wield over him by embodying a traditionally masculine characteristic and using it against him. Overall, both Salome and Antigone are able to use masculine characteristics against the men in their lives, but are different in which characteristics they embody and what specific threat they pose to masculine authority. Antigone and Salome are both hypocrites, however, because they embody the very masculine characteristics that they are fighting against and criticizing, which in the end, results in them losing power. Antigone aims to challenge Creon’s power and not let him control her just because he is a man and she is a woman. However, in speaking out against the state and politics, she embodies the very language of the state that she is rebelling against, as my partner, Johnny Armenta, pointed out to me. When asked if she will confess to the crime, she says â€Å"I deny nothing†(Sophocles, 208). By not denying her crime nor explicitly admitting to it, she is practicing traditional laws, such as not incriminating herself. Johnny pointed out that by using the rhetoric of written state law, Antigone defies Creon using his rules of the game and his playbook, and in doing so, is hypocritical. While fighting against Creon, she literally uses the same diction and style of speaking that he would in governing Thebes. Similar to Antigone, Salome also exhibits hypocrisy. Salome gets mad when Iokanaan doesn’t desire her, but then doesn’t want to be desired by Herod. Salome looks at Iokanaan, but gets mad when Herod looks at her. In this sense, she adopts the same body language as Herod, and is hypocritical for objectifying Iokanaan like Herod objectifies her. As demonstrated in the previous paragraph, Salome rejects all of Herod’s invitations to spend time with him, which shows her disapproval and dislike of Herod’s desire for her. However, she is hypocritical because she does to Iokanaan exactly what Herod does to her. At the end of the play, Salome complains: â€Å"Thou wouldst / have none of me, Iokanaan. Though rejectedst me†(Wilde, 43). Her somber tone shows Salome’s dissatisfaction with her relationship with Iokanaan because he did not want her like she wanted him. However, this is ironic because she refused to satisfy Her od in the same way that Iokanaan refused to satisfy her. Overall, both Salome and Antigone are hypocrites in the ways that they embody the language whether literal language or body language of the authority figures they are fighting against. Though they are both similar in their masculine traits and their hypocrisy, they are different in that Antigone has personal power and the strength to rebel but Salome only gains power from Herod. This is shown through the nature of each woman’s death, suggesting that though using other people’s weaknesses to bring them down is a way to gain power, the only true way to be powerful is through personal power. Antigone dies through suicide, as demonstrated in the quote: â€Å"She had made a noose of her fine linen veil / And hanged herself†(Sophocles, 240). Although she ends up dead, she died with her power intact and with the power of personal choice, which Creon didn’t have. He chose to have her killed, but she took the power away from him by killing herself. Unlike Antigone, Salome never had personal power. She only had power because of Herod’s desire for her, and the only time she exercised her power was when Herod gave her one wish if she would d ance for him. This shows that Salome’s only exercise of real power came from denying Herod. Her death represents this, as well. Unlike Antigone who took control over her own destiny and maintained her power, Salome gets killed by Herod and loses control over her fate when Herod yells â€Å"Kill that woman!†and Salome is crushed beneath Herod’s soldiers’ shields (Wilde, 25). Salome’s loss of power over herself and her future in her dying moment suggests that not having personal power really means not having much power at all. All throughout her story, Antigone’s power and decisions are made independent of what other people think, but Salome’s actions and wielding of power are based on other people’s actions and reactions. In the end, both Salome and Antigone use traditionally masculine characterics to gain and wield power over their male rivals. By defying gender stereotypes, they subdue their male rivals by using the same techniques that the males would generally use to subdue other people. In doing so, they do gain power, but at the same time, become hypocritical. In using masculine traits to invalidate the masculinity of their opponents and to gain power, they bring negative punishment to each of their male rivals, but ultimately, bring the worst punishment upon themselves: death. Antigone dying with her power intact and Salome dying powerless suggests that though schadenfreude as a method of gaining power can be temporarily efficient, it is power from within that brings about the strongest and most permanent power. Though this is a satisfying and sensible conclusion, the death of both women who attempt to defy gender norms and wield power over men calls into question the consequences of women wiel ding power. While it is admirable that both women are able to wield power over men and cause the men to question their authority, death should not be an ideal outcome for women who want to prove themselves against men. Their deaths, though meaningful and symbolic, are still horrible and tragic, which makes one wonder if their deaths are really a victory, or if women should be allowed to express power without dying as a consequence.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Wal-Mart a Human Resources Perspective - 3847 Words
[pic] Table of Contents Research Proposal Memo Introduction of Company Mission and Vision of the company HR Forecasting and Succession Planning Diversity initiatives Training and development Compensation and benefits Corrective action and discipline Turnover issues S.W.O.T Analysis Conclusion/Recommendation To: Professor Steven Cates, GB 520 class, and To Whom It May Concern Date: 3-20-2009 Re: Wal-Mart: Human Resources Project Proposal For this course project I have chosen a company that I am very familiar with and have first hand knowledge of, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. My plans for this project are to first gather information concerning Wal-Mart’s human resource practices, policies, and†¦show more content†¦It all starts with the â€Å"availability†of an associate. This is where an associate to write down what hours they are available and which ones they are not. Once this information is placed into the scheduling system, the system will automatically schedule that associate days and times to work within that parameter. By allowing the associate to state this information upfront, they are able to meet the needs of their family, education, or secondary job needs without confusion down the road. Now this is not to say that the associate will get to work a luxury schedule of their choosing, because there are other factors that play a role in the Manpower Forecasting. According to www.walmartstores.com, the main goal of their scheduling/forecasting system is â€Å"to ensure that we have the correct number of associates in our stores needed to serve the customers shopping which we believe results in better customer service hour by hour.†In order to accomplish this goal, their new scheduling system which was instituted in January 2006 put in place to create schedules that meet two requirements â€Å"they will better match customer traffic demands, and their schedules will be more consistent week to week because we can more accurately forecast customer hour by hour, thus giving our associates predictability to help plan theirShow MoreRelatedWalmart Ethics Paper1336 Words  | 6 PagesManages Ethics and Compliance Challenges Examine the manner in which Walmart’s business philosophy has impacted its perception of being unethical towards supply and employee stakeholders. Provide one example of Walmart in an unethical situation. Wal-Mart stores, Inc. is the world’s largest retail enterprise. It is also the world’s largest employer. Mr. Walton the founder of Walmart always believed that customer service and low pricing where the main ingredients for a successful company. Mr. WaltonRead MoreWal-Mart Legal Compliance and Job Analysis1569 Words  | 7 PagesRunning head: WAL-MART Legal Compliance and Job Analysis Paper Wal-Mart Legal Compliance and Job Analysis BUS530- Human Resource Management [ July 17, 2011 ] The Title VII lawsuit by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was a justified result of sexual harassment and mismanagement by Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart could have taken several steps within Human Resource (HR) policy to help deal with this incident, prevent further incidents, and ensure the defendant was properly employedRead MoreEssay Wal-Mart1065 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: WAL-MART EXPANDS HEALTH BENEFITS Business Case 4 Human Resource Management Foundation – HRM 500 1. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
The Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man Essay - 2265 Words
Identity communicates a strong characteristic that cannot naturally be expressed in terms of a social category. Social and personal identity enable the formation of an individual, reflecting the idea that social categories are assured with the bases of an individual’s self esteem. â€Å"Race and racial identity are identifiable as a social constriction culture†(Little and McGivern, 328). However, issuing social categories based on race or ethnicity links to biased regulations and practices. Johnson’s novel, The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, examines ways racial identity is socially constructed through the segregation of Jim Crow Laws, the act of passing off†another race, and through practices of lynching. The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man explores the way racial identity is socially constructed within legally sanctioned forms of racism and discrimination. Throughout years in the United States, Southern states have enforced various attempts of segregation at the state and local levels. One of the first regulations Southern states legally passed was Jim Crow Laws. Legalized in the early 1880s to the mid 1960s, Jim Crow Laws approved the segregation between blacks and whites. The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man takes place during the Jim Crow era displaying the challenges and obstacles African Americans faced during this time. African Americans during this era worked for white members of society. Jobs in the South consisted of working as plantation servants,Show MoreRelatedThe Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man By James Weldon Johnson2162 Words  | 9 PagesJames Weldon Johnson author of The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man discusses the issue of race and identity in his short story. Writing in first person Johnson follows the unnamed protagonist from childhood up to adulthood, he demonstrates in different areas how this unnamed man handles his identity and his race as colored. The fact that he remains namele ss throughout the story shows more of the connection between identity and race. During the course of the story Johnson’s protagonist makes theRead MoreThe Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man By James Weldon Johnson Essay2267 Words  | 10 PagesThe Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man, James Weldon Johnson James Weldon Johnson’s novel The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man was first published in 1912. This novel is one of the highly celebrated works during the Harlem Renaissance although it was published prior in 1912. Johnson graduated from Clark Atlanta University in 1894. He was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt as United States consul to Venezuela and Nicaragua. He also was highly involved in the Harlem Renaissance with hisRead MoreJames Weldon Johnson s The Autobiography Of An Former Colored Man And Nella Larsen s Passing3489 Words  | 14 PagesThe Theme of Passing, Racial Prejudice and Internalized Racism in James Weldon Johnson’s The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man and Nella Larsen’s Passing The concept of racial passing refers to the occurrence in which an individual is able to transcend racial boundaries. During the Harlem Renaissance, the term â€Å"passing†meant to signify mixed race individuals who were light skinned enough to pass as white and mingle freely within white society, almost completely undetected. This was significantRead MoreRacial Segregation And Jim Crow Essay2143 Words  | 9 Pageswhite supremacy place on African American life. Racism and Jim Crow were always backed by the threat of violence, moreover, the southern race relations†(Holloway, â€Å"Jim Crow Wisdom: Memory and Identity in Black America since 1940†). The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man takes place during the Jim Crow era displaying the challenges and obstacles African Americans faced during this time. â€Å"Johnson devotes much of his attention to the black middle and upper classes, their constant struggles to hang ontoRead MorePosition of slaves from their perspective954 Words  | 4 Pagesbrought to America, had treatment of „ignoranceâ€Å". In fact, the owners kept their slaves stupefied, they did not learn anything except for work. Nor did they know the current date, not to mention date of their birth. You could not meet a slave, (later a former slave) who knows his date of birth. Children were separated from their mothers at a very early age. The reason for the separation was that the mot her, who is still young, hires somewhere for work on a field and a child is raised by older women whoRead MoreNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass Essay1760 Words  | 8 Pagesdifferent opinions about the autobiography of Frederick Douglass being a primary source, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass is a primary source because it mentions his purpose for writing, it clarifies the arguments made by Frederick Douglass, and finally, it illustrates the credibility of the author. Frederick Douglass is a former slave, impassioned abolitionist, brilliant writer, newspaper editor and the eloquent orator. He mentioned in his autobiography that he is a slave who learnedRead MoreFrederick Douglass : A Old Man At The Age Of 201654 Words  | 7 Pagesfree man at the age of 20, was a prominent figure in African American history. After escaping to freedom, Frederick Bailey changed his name to what became the revered, intelligent lecturer and public speaker, Frederick Douglass. He composed several literary works, including A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave and The Heroic Slave. He also delivered an address called, â€Å"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?†in Rochester, New York on July 5th, 1852. Aiding former PresidentRead MoreSlavery And Jim Crow Laws1613 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween the two races. The rise of abolitionism is were the journey for equality began with black political theorist like, David Walker, Fredr ick Douglas, and Anna Julia Cooper. Decades later the Civil Rights Era would continue the work of those former slaves ultimately changing the treatment of black people nationwide. Black activist like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Mary McLeod Bethune along with several others can be accredited for the equal liberties obtained by blacks in AmericaRead MoreEssay about Booker T. Washington: Up from Slavery2688 Words  | 11 PagesThe autobiography of Booker T. Washing titled Up From Slavery is a rich narrative of the mans life from slavery to one of the founders of the Tuskegee Institute. The book takes us through one of the most dynamic periods in this countrys history, especially African Americans. I am very interested in the period following the Civil War and especially in the transformation of African Americans from slaves to freemen. Up From Slavery provides a great deal of information on this time period and helpedRead MorePresident Abraham Lincoln, Frederick D ouglas, and Susan B. Anthony1415 Words  | 6 Pagesestablished for blacks. Many historical figures defended the rights of those marginalized. Among them President Abraham Lincoln, who instituted the abolition of slavery in 1865 and set the basis for reconstruction in 1862, Frederick Douglas, a former slave who spoke for slaves freedom and after emancipation, for the rights of the newly freed, and Susan B. Anthony, a Quaker abolitionist, whom together with others started the suffrage movement. Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was born in February
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Sample Appointment Letter - 1041 Words
LETTER OF APPOINTMENT ---------------------------------  «First_Name »  «Middle_Name »  «Add1 »  «Add_2 »  «Phone »(:+ 91 (:  «Email » Dear  «First_Name » , With reference to your application and subsequent interview, we are pleased to offer you an appointment in this company on the following terms and conditions: 1. Our Value, System and Culture: As communicated to you during our discussions, we value competence, performance, discipline, and integrity above every thing else and that constitutes the foundation of this contract. We believe strongly in delivering highest quality of our customers, dealing fairly with mutual respect and on strict merit with our employees. We work in an atmosphere of trust transparency and go†¦show more content†¦7. Misconduct: If at any time, you are found guilty of misconduct, commit any breach this contract of employment or refuse or willfully neglect to perform to the satisfaction of the company or any of the sister/ group companies in connection with whose business you may be engaged, all or any of the duties devolving upon you, the company may at once, without any previous notice, terminate the contract of your employment solely at your cost, risk and responsibility. 8. You will intimate the Company regarding any changes of your residential address. 9. Ethics: You are required to deal with the company’s money, material and documents with utmost honesty and professional ethics. If you are found guilty, at any point of time of moral turpitude or of dishonesty in dealing with the company’s money, material or documents or theft of any information or misappropriation regardless of the value involved, your services will be terminated immediately. 10. Probation Period: The above agreement is subject to a probation period of 6 months depending on your performance. On the successful completion of probation period, you would be absorbed as a regular employee of the organization. The Company however reserves the right to extend the probation period in its discretion. During the probation period, the company can terminate the employment without serving any written notice. 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Topics include: summarizingRead MoreDescription Of Setting. A Study On Reverse Integrated Of1305 Words  | 6 Pageschallenges of reverse integrated care at MRZ and the strategies needed to positive outcomes of integration. Description of Population or Study The DBH Intern conducted interviews of 30 MRZ employees from February 1, 2017, to February 29, 2017. The sample were randomly chosen based on length of employment and represent each role within the clinic. Participants include, two psychiatrists, twelve therapists, the PCP, one nurse, two case managers, one family specialist, two treatment coordinators, threeRead MoreTBLS BK3 WK3 Ch3 Asgn1 V02970 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Part 1: Schedule Your UMA Mock Interview Appointment 10 points As a UMA student, you are expected to meet with a Mock Interview Specialist to prepare you for your formal interview. During this 45-minute session, you will practice answering questions and gain valuable information on how to professionally present yourself to a potential employer. In order to get credit for this assignment, you MUST schedule your appointment by completing the scheduling form below. If you have already completed aRead MoreSynthesis Of Two Variables : Rural And Access To Mental Health Providers850 Words  | 4 Pagesgreater than 50 miles from an urban city. Snowball sampling through the PCPs identified 8 sites meeting the inclusion criteria. The sites then identified patients with mental illness and family members who were willing to talk to researchers. The sample size was 44 which included a combination of patients and family members. A semi-structured interview process performed during group discussions were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by mental hea lth professionals for coherent themes (Robinson etRead MoreThe Origin Of Veterinary Profession1104 Words  | 5 Pagestime that is happening animals that need surgery are being examined. Then the surgical procedure is discussed with the owner. They sometimes draw blood samples for blood work. Some reasons for appointments could be a new puppy or kitten, vaccinations, sick animals, checking lumps, removing stitches, and sadly sometimes there might be an appointment for being put down. Some common surgeries are tumor removals, dental cleanings, and tooth extractions. Next they normally have lunch. Every vet has a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Since The Beginning Of Time Women Have Always Been Treated
Since the beginning of time women have always been treated lesser and unequal compared to men. They have never had the same opportunities, education, payment etc. For Centuries women were considered weak and never tried to bring about change. Title IX has made a positive affect towards women and their protection, as did the Equal Rights Amendment, and the Equal Pay Act. As a result of the aforementioned actions, women’s rights have never been stronger. Women are far from equal to men, but they are closing the gap, and still fighting for improvement. Title IX provides that â€Å"no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any†¦show more content†¦Giving women the same â€Å"manly†sports opportunities was a giant step toward making women equal. Although Title IX is to make girls and woman have equal athletic rights in high school, and in college, it is also to protect education for both genders. This equality applies to all educational programs that receive federal funding, and to all aspects of a school s educational system. This includes sex-segregation and sex stereotypes in education, pregnant and parenting teens rights, and gender-based violence. Title IX in schools mandates that girls and boys are united and ensures that no one receives special privileges. Colleges made it a priority to give out more financial aid to women and to make them feel wanted instead of making them feel inferior to men. After this law was issued women’s â€Å"enrollment in college began to outpace men†(â€Å"Seventies†). Now, more women are accepted into schools. Some of the top schools such as Harvard and Princeton have equal male and women acceptance rates. There is an increase in women that are receiving law d egrees and medical degrees compared to previous years. There was an increase in women earning their bachelors degrees, their masters, their PHD’s etc., but still women could only progress so far. There existed a glass ceiling that women could never break through. The glass ceiling â€Å"applies to women as a group who are kept from advancing higher because they are women†Show MoreRelatedEvolution Of The Role Of Women s Society1513 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Evolution of the Role of Women in Society†Over the centuries, women’s role in society has changed significantly. Although not perfect, it has come a long way from what it used to be. Men have always been seen as the â€Å"leader in the relationship†, or the one who had the most power. Women were see as the weaker sex, only good for cooking, cleaning and raising children. They were very often looked down upon, and treated extremely poorly. The tables have turned and now women can have leadership positionsRead MoreWomen in Society 963 Words  | 4 Pagesbelieve that women should be treated differently then men in certain issues like the draft because unlike men, women are needed to produce new life. In sexual assault and rape case women should always be treated differently then men. Because men 9 times out of 10 are stronger then women and can defend themselves better then women can. Women also should have the free choice to deiced what they want to do with their bodies in regards to medical and abortion ri ghts. Since the beginning of the formationRead MoreA Time Of Revolution And A Reflection Of Modern America1563 Words  | 7 PagesMichael Beien Professor K.Shumate English 205 09 Nov 2015 Women in the Workplace The 19th century was a time of revolution and a reflection of modern America. National Geographic claims that the 1980s was the decade the made us and changed our generations into what it is today. There was a major event about women inequality, salaries gap and job discrimination. These women gamed their employment right because they claimed them self to be citizen, and one of the right American citizen is to be ableRead MoreWhat Is the Impact of the Male Characters Treatment of Women Towards a Western Female Audience?1528 Words  | 7 Pagestreatment of women towards a western female audience? In the novels â€Å"Scarlet Song†by Mariama Ba and â€Å"The Waiting Years†by Fumiko Enchi we as readers are able to experience the way in which the male characters’ treat the female characters of the novel. Women in present time are able to sympathize with these women because the way in which the men treat them leaves a very strong and negative impression and ambiance. It is true that different women may have different reactions toward how the women are treatedRead MoreAnalysis Of I Want A Wife By Judy Brady1101 Words  | 5 Pages Women have been the unsung heroes throughout history. Women have acquired the ‘supporting character’ role in many tales of the past. From women like Zelda Fitzgerald, whose own talents were consumed by her husbands, to the myths of the ancient greek religion, where male god ferociously ruled and abused their female goddesses. These stories have taught women that they have had to fight harder to achieve the same resp ect as their male counterparts. Our grandmothers, great-grandmothers, and so on,Read MoreCcot823 Words  | 4 Pagestreatment of women and the discovery of oil. In Middle Eastern history women have had limited rights and have always been unequal to men. Women have always remained very conservative; being sheltered from other men not being able to go in public being covered from head to toe. The discovery of oil has also created many opportunities for the Middle East giving them a national identity and increasing economy. Their religion and government mostly continued to stay the same. They maintained to have Islam asRead MoreEssay on American Iranian Cultural Differences981 Words  | 4 Pagescultures treat women with the up most respect and others as if they were lower than life itself? Growing up in earlier years the only examples we as American’s had was just by what we were told. In today’s world we are able to communicate better and see more of how the cu ltures are in other countries. In America all are treated with equal rights, but in Iran there are those with privileges and those with none. Women are treated as slaves and they are dispensable. The Iranians have total disrespectRead MoreThe Fairytale Of Cinderella By James Finn1247 Words  | 5 Pagesclassic fairytale that has been creatively turned into many different versions throughout the many years that it has been around. Though there are many renditions of this fairytale, one thing that can be seen to stay constant is the purpose. The purpose of Cinderella is to give hope or suggest possibilities. More specifically she is given hope of a better life where she will not be treated poorly by her stepmother and stepsisters, and refuge from the unfair cards she had been dealt. There are many prevalentRead MoreA Doll s House By Henrik Ibsen869 Words  | 4 Pagessuburban Europe surrounding a middle-class family. Nora, the female protagonist is quite different from the social norms portrayed during this time period. The play focuses on the controversial topic of the change in social norms. Throughout the play, Ibsen utilizes theme, characterization, and symbolism to explain the injustices of inequality faced by women in Europe as well as countries. A Doll’s House took place in the 19th century, surrounding a suburban family. The theme of this play is a marriageRead MoreEducation Threatens Society : Why Girls Should Not Be Educated917 Words  | 4 PagesHumans have chosen the patriarchal path, therefore men are seen as superior to women and have been treated as such since the beginning of the human race. This superiority has women locked into the positions of child caretaker, house cleaner, cook, and overall as an object to be owned as property. Women are easier to control and lock into these traditional gender roles if their education is restricted, ergo, girls should not be allowed to participate in school in Afghanistan. Since the beginning of time
Sia Singapore Airline Free Essays
string(65) " is where the two manufacturers can differentiate there product\." Executive Summary The report provides an overview of the company and its environment. The paper identifies various resources and capabilities available to the company. The various strategies that Singapore Airlines utilise and how they affect the airlines performance. We will write a custom essay sample on Sia Singapore Airline or any similar topic only for you Order Now Key issues have been identified that threaten Singapore Airlines current market. The often complicated Government regulations and global laws that affect the airline industry have been defined and explained. Current industry issues and trends that affect Singapore Airlines have been researched, a number of recommendations have been provided, as a possible solution. Overview of Singapore Airlines Singapore Airlines (SIA) first flights began in 1947 partnered with Malaysian Airlines, each funded by there governments. The two airlines mainly serviced South East Asia. Singapore separated from Malaysia in 1965 to become the republic of Singapore. The two governments therefore decided to go there own ways and set up there own airlines. In 1972 Singapore Airlines was launched. The domestic market was basically non existent due to Singapore being a small country geographically. Singapore Airlines had to immediately pursue an international presence and started planning flight routes, airport resources, and government acceptance into foreign destinations etc. SIA also had to establish themselves as a genuine competitor and market the airline internationally to potential customers and future stakeholders. Today, SIA has more than 10,000 employees and 95 aircrafts. The airline now serves 89 destinations around the world including Asia, Europe, North America, Middle East, Australasia, and Africa. ( www. airlines. priceline. om) SIA is situated at Changi Airport along with subsidiaries Silkair and Tiger Airlines. ‘In 2004, Changi Airport received a record 30,400,000 passengers, a year-on-year growth of 23. 1% in passenger traffic. Similarly, a record 1,780,000 tonnes of cargo was moved, representing a year-on-year increase of 10. 2% in airfreight volume’. (http://en. wikipedia. org). Changi Airport is classed as â€Å"the hub of Asia†, Changi provides stopovers, refuelling, and passenger exchange for all the international airlines travelling from one side of the world to the other. Changi Airport is also expanding to accommodate for there cut price airline and new Airbuses arriving in 2006. Analysis of Singapore Airlines Environment In analysing the environment, the important external influences that effect performance and decisions of Singapore airlines have been detailed in this section. The airline industry has been strongly controlled by agreements and policies. Airlines couldn’t just fly to any destination or country without appropriate authorisation. Most countries have there own national airline that are generally government backed and hold a big influence on there operation. The governments also implement policies and regulations to control foreign airline access to there airports. Some countries now have deregulated there national airline industry to reduce the amount of government control, and make access to airports/services more open for negotiation. Countries that have employed this action are the United States, Australia, European Union and Japan. The deregulation of the Airline industry opens doors for more entrants to the market and increased competition. Singapore Airlines is still owned by the Singapore government and is still affected by such controls. The Singapore government has signed an agreement with the United States called â€Å"Open Skies†that gives both countries unrestricted flight access to each others countries. The open skies phenomenon is gathering momentum and more and more countries are signing up. Singapore Airlines is currently in negotiations with Australia, to reach an agreement regarding open skies access down under. Basically the countries that gain open skies agreements are able to expand on existing business. The airline industry is highly competitive industry and the rival airlines are always taking advantage of any opportunity to gain more destinations. Statistics show Asia’s population is steadily increasing every year and this contributes to the increase in flights. Asia is recognised as the hotspot for air travel at present and into the future. Asia-Pacific intercontinental flights are up 7% and there has been growth of 8% intra-regional services (www. oag. com). This interest in the area has seen new cut price airlines emerge to cater for the demand. SIA has established its own low price airline Tiger Airlines to satisfy demand. Other environmental factors influencing SIA and the airline industry are rising fuel prices. The price rise in fuel causes a cost increase in the running of flights, therefore a rise in ticket prices. SIA have just passed a decision to put a US$10 surcharge on ticket prices to accommodate the fuel rise. Terrorism has caused massive economic losses for airline industry and also bankruptcy. Terrorism strikes happen at any time without warning and destinations around the world that are directly affected by terrorism attacks see a dramatic stop in airline flights. The airlines cannot predict these attacks from happening and have to build such occurrences into there risk management policies. Review of the Industry Structure In analysing the industry structure this report uses Porters 5 Forces. The five forces look at the Threat of New Entrants, Power of Suppliers, Power of Buyers, Availability of Substitutes, and Competitive Rivalry. Threat of New Entrants: The international airline industry has high barriers to entry for a number of reasons, firstly there are quite high costs involved in setting up an industry. As mentioned previously, gaining flight access to foreign countries and obtaining airport space is another hurdle that stands in the way of new entrants. The current airlines dominating the industry are constantly working on maximising cost efficiency, and performance to discourage any new entrants and to try force out existing poor operators. The Domestic industry is more attractive to new entrants as it doesn’t have as much complications as the international side and lower barriers to entry. Power of Suppliers: The aircraft suppliers of the airline industry are dominated by two suppliers Boeing and Airbus. The aircrafts engines are standardised so both aircraft manufacturers have similar engines. Boeing and Airbus both outsource there parts for there planes and generally use the same suppliers. The body frames and interiors is where the two manufacturers can differentiate there product. You read "Sia Singapore Airline" in category "Papers" Due to the standardisation of engines the switching costs of suppliers is reduced and airlines. (De Melo, 2000) Power of Buyers: The power of buyers is low in the airline industry as switching costs are high. Most airlines are similar inside; it’s more the service that sets them apart. Most airlines follow each other on prices and cause buyers to pay there price, on the other hand new entrants my cause price competition and therefore a buyers market. (www. fool. com). Availability of Substitutes: The substitutes that could threaten the airline are cars, boats and trains. These substitutes are not that much of a threat to aeroplane travel. Airlines are generally is used to cover large distances in a short period of time, and was establish to fill a demand that the other forms of travel couldn’t accommodate as effectively. Alternate measures of transport are more of a personal choice not a direct parallel substitute. (www. fool. com). Competitive Rivalry: The airline industry is highly competitive and price wars are a common occurrence. There is constant fighting for territory and expansion. Major players in the industry concentrate on lowering there costs and improving service to deter new entrants. What Key resources available to Singapore Airlines? Singapore Airlines is a well establish international airline with strong profitable track record. The company has a government ownership and also private stakeholders. The airline has always been profitable and the funds reinvested back into the company, to build on capital. The table below shows that last 3 years financials and even in the case of the S. A. R. S breakout in 2004 they still posted a profit. [pic] Aside from just financial capital, Singapore Airlines has many other resources listed below: †¢ Changi airport the home of Singapore Airlines is one of the largest freight handling facilities in the world, and is the most popular hub in Asia. †¢ Singapore has a resource of about 95 aircrafts that now are brought internally and not leased; the aircrafts are generally replaced every 4-5 years. †¢ Singapore Airlines has built a mass of 89 international flight destinations. †¢ The airline has built a human resource training facility. †¢ Changi Airport hosts SIA state of art engineering company that services there planes and other international airlines. SIA also has one of the largest flight kitchens in the world situated at Changi. †¢ SIA belongs to the Star Alliance where other airlines join resources together to increase coverage around the world. Star alliance covers 790 airports in 138 countries. †¢ Finally the brand attribute, is probably there most powerful resource. â€Å"Singapore Girl you’re a great way to fly†Has been strongly nurtured over the last 32 years to be the most recognised brand and icon in the airline industry, Singapore Airline has many capabilities that support there resources, these are: †¢ Latest technological and communication products linking there global network. †¢ Huge investment in human resources, this provides highly skilled workers and management. †¢ Expansive destination coverage due to Star Alliance. State of the art freight facilities that link with the port shipping authority What it takes to be successful in the Airline Industry and What strategies are used by Singapore Airlines? Singapore Airlines is basically the trend setter of the airline industry. SIA has employed many innovative strategies since it began. These strategies have been supported and str engthen over the years, and have led to the success, the company enjoys today. To be successful in the airline industry you have to employ superior efficiency, quality, innovation and customer responsiveness. SIA has exercised a quality/service differentiation strategy to become one of the leaders in the passenger airline industry. ‘Singapore Airlines has carefully built a financial and fixed cost infrastructure which allows them to continue investing to support the brand while challenging the competition on costs’. (www. venturerepublic. com) More recently Singapore Airlines became a member with the star alliance, which helps the company maintain economies of scale by code sharing, where SIA can offer services on another airline under its own flight codes and offer more destinations. By building solid capital the airline now enables them to purchase aircrafts and equipment internally without the need for leases and interest. This has enable SIA to have the latest aircrafts and renew them every 5 years. By having a new fleet the company is able to be more efficient with regards to fuel economy, maintenance, and have less downtime. (www. venturerepublic. com). Another benefit of owning aircrafts outright gives flexibility if there is a dramatic decline in the economy, SIA has the freedom of not being locked into long leases and aircrafts can be disposed of, if need be. Therefore they can handle the ups and downs of the economy, more so than competitors. (www. venturerepublic. com). Singapore Airlines have always concentrated on being innovative, as mentioned above they replace there airlines every 4-5 years taking advantage of new technology. The company has always the first to introduce new innovative ideas for example hot meals, free alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, Hot towels, personal entertainment systems, and video on demand. SIA will also be the first to own the new Airbus Super jumbo A-380 in 2006. www. allaboutbranding. com) SIA is committed to providing a world class quality and service, the airline allocates a substantial amount of time and money into there staff training and education. The company has 4 training facilities with various programs that exercise classroom, work experience and simulation strategies. (www. trainersdirect. com) SIA has more concentration on staff training than any other airline. Singapore Airlines employees have to complete a 4 month training course before they are even allowed to serve a customer. On average in 1997 Singapore Airlines spent $5600 per staff per year on training. The emphasis on staff training is so they can provide the best quality service. (www. trainersdirect. com) The branding of SIA is based on quality. SIA have the strongest brand name in the airline industry. â€Å"Singapore girl you’re a great way to fly†has been there brand of quality for the last 32 years. ‘The icon has become so strong that Madame Tussaud’s Museum in London started to display the Singapore Girl in 1994 as the first commercial figure ever’. (www. venturerepublic. com). The airline provides the best on flight cuisine including fine wines, and cocktails. Complimentary gifts are received on each level of passenger class. SIA have maintained a policy that once a passenger pays for there ticket there is no more to pay. (www. venturerepublic. com). Some airlines in tough economic times have started to charge for in-flight drinks and entertainment where SIA haven’t. This commitment to quality has won the airline numerous international awards and differentiated themselves from other airlines. Some issues facing Singapore Airlines The Airline has purchased a number of the new Airbus Super jumbo A-380, which could be a bit premature due to the fact they are still in negotiations with the Australian government over open skies. The Australian government holds the key to Singapore gaining open skies agreements, if an agreement is reached Singapore will be able expand and benefit from long haul flights between Australia and United States. On the flip side the introduction of the new airbuses into the industry will cause less demand on Singapore as a stop-over, refuelling hub. Airlines that adopt the new airbuses will be able to bypass previous stopovers and enjoy cost savings. As explained earlier there has been a dramatic increase in demand for inter-Asia flights. Rival players have noticed the increase in demand and have implemented there own low cost airlines. E. g. Australia’s Jet Star. Recommendations and Justifications Singapore Airlines conduct a very professional business they have a strong brand, strong human resources and management, advanced facilities and a proven track record as being one of the top airlines for the last 20 years. I recommend: The airline pursue â€Å"open skies†agreements to expand there destinations. †¢ Establish the long haul routes with the new Airbus technology before rival airlines purchase the aircrafts. †¢ Keep strong emphasis on the brand name and quality of service. †¢ Utilise some of the success factor from SIA on the new low-cost airline to compete with new rival competitors establish ing themselves in the Asian market. †¢ Promote Changi Airports engineering and freight facilities to the new inter-Asian airlines as long haul flights maybe bypassing Singapore’s Changi Airport in the future. Stay with the competitive advantage outlined above, using the differentiation strategy. †¢ Maintain the innovation and complimentary products. †¢ Help support the Star Alliance to improve customer satisfaction. It is very hard to recommend a lot of strategies for Singapore airlines to undertake, as they have been leaders in the industry for so long and have developed award winning strategies that have made them very successful. This report has been constructed from a wide array of research that has complemented Singapore Airlines various approaches to conducting business. How to cite Sia Singapore Airline, Papers
Bless Me Ultima Essay Research Paper In free essay sample
Bless Me Ultima Essay, Research Paper In life there are many people and events that one will meet that will hold such an impact on their life that it will lodge to them for every bit long as they can retrieve. In Rudolfo Anaya? s Bless Me Ultima, Antonio has encountered many events in his life that taught him a great trade. The events and people that Tony learned a great trade from are, Ultima- and the conversation she had with Tenorio before she cured Pedro Luna, Cico- and the aureate carp, and Tony? s uncles- when he stayed with them for the summer. In Chapter 10, Antonio? s uncle Lucas comes to seek Ultima? s aid to bring around their brother from a expletive put on by brujas. Ultima agrees to assist, and she takes Antonio with her to El Puerto to bring around his uncle. After they arrive, Ultima and Tony go to Tenorio Trementina? s barroom store to ground with him. Tony observed everything Ultima did and looked up to her a great trade. He implies this on page 86 after Ultima tells the work forces in the store she seeks Tenorio ; Tony provinces, # 8220 ; Her voice was strong and confident. She stood tall, with a nobility to her stature that I had seen frequently when walked on the IIano. She was non afraid, and so I tried to stand like her and set my frights out of my heart. # 8221 ; This quotation mark signifies that Antonio observed Ultima? s stature frequently and he thought of her as fearless and stood like her to acquire rid of his frights. Tony looked up to Ultima because he knew she was really wise, that? s what # 8220 ; La grande # 8221 ; meant. In Chapter 12 on page 115 Tony says, # 8220 ; I felt more affiliated to Ultima than I did my ain female parent, # 8221 ; which states that he felt really near and safe with Ultima, and he looked up to her, like any kid would to his female parent. So when they were in the barroom, Ultima? s actions and everything else she did had a positive impact on Tony. Events of Antonio? s spiritual penchant changes a batch throughout the novel every bit good. In Chapter 11 on page 105, when Tony is introduced to the aureate carp, he says, # 8221 ; I could non hold been more beguiled if I had seen the Virgin, or God Himself. # 8221 ; This quotation mark signifies that the aureate carp had a positive impact on Tony more than the Virgin had on him, because on page 42, Tony says, # 8220 ; There was no 1 I loved more than the Virgin. # 8221 ; # 8221 ; God had power, he spoke and the boom echoed through the skies ; God was non ever forgiving, but the Virgin was full of a quiet, peaceable love. # 8221 ; Tony besides refers to the Virgin as # 8220 ; the last alleviation of all sinners. # 8221 ; All of these quotation marks signify that every bit much as Tony loves the Virgin, and how God had so much power, he refers to the aureate carp as a # 8220 ; marvelous thing. # 8221 ; He so compares that to where the power of God had failed to work and Ul tima? s had, which meant the manner he felt about the aureate carp was equa led to how he felt about Ultima? s thaumaturgy, but the power of God was no lucifer to the aureate carp, or the thaumaturgy of Ultima. Near the terminal Tony learns from this event on page 244 when he says, â€Å"I doubted the God of my sires, the God of the Lunas, and knew I praised the beauty of the aureate carp.†This was the interrupting point of him placing the faith he genuinely believed in, because Ultima told him in Chapter 11 that as he grew into manhood he would happen his ain truths and that? s what he learned to make. When Tony goes to remain with his uncles in El Puerto in Chapter 22, on page 237 he says, # 8221 ; The remainder of the summer was good for me, good in the sense that I was filled with its profusion and I made strength from everything that happened to me, so in the terminal non even the concluding calamity could get the better of me. And that is what Ultima tried to learn me, that the tragic effects of life can be overcome by the charming strength that resides in the human heart. # 8221 ; This quotation mark states that, Tony has matured while remaining and working with his uncles. When he describes the regard they showed the Earth and how they cared for the workss he is get downing to understand himself, that he was both, Luna-the Moon and the Earth from his female parent, and Marez-the ocean and the air current, of his male parent. This signifies this on page 238 when Antonio says, # 8220 ; I knew that the hereafter was unsure and I did non yet know if I could follow in their fo otfalls and till the Earth everlastingly, but I did cognize that if I chose that life that it would be good. # 8221 ; Tony references that he thought that was the last summer, he was a true kid. Another event that happens in Antonio? s life, that sums up all his life events in one, is that he learned a great trade from the decease of Ultima. At the terminal of the novel on page 248 Tony says, # 8220 ; If my uncle would of come earlier, he would of saved Ultima, but it is better non to believe that manner. Ultima said to take life? s experiences and construct strength from them and non weaknesses. # 8221 ; This quotation mark fundamentally tells everything Ultima taught him, the wisdom and apprehension he learned through her, the cognition of him cognizing the bird of Minerva was her spirit when no 1 else did, seting his frights out of his bosom which he learned from her every bit good, and above all, all of the cognition she taught him by disbursement clip with her through her remedies and picking of herbs, but so once more, Ultima is non the lone individual who influenced Antonio? s life ; she is merely one of the 1s who had the above impact on him. Ultima would ever be w ith Tony. You neer know what you have until it? s gone, but Ultima taught Tony otherwise on page 248, # 8220 ; If desperation enters your bosom, expression for me in the eventides when the air current is soft and the bird of Minerva sing in the hills, I shall be with you-. # 8221 ;
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Need to Know and Dear Diary free essay sample
Today was my first day back at school. Vive been looking forward to the start of school for ages, really glad its finally started. It was my first day back. It wasnt bad for a start but then it got worst. Well you see my new teacher Miss Caroline Fisher has lust moved into our school; I dont think she Likes me. Today she asked the whole class doesnt everyone know how to read or write? l said to her that I TLD really learn how to read or write I Just read the dally papers and she also told me that I would stop reading and writing because Im back at school now.It feels Like she was trying to tease me and make me embarrass myself. So now I have to find out what her game Is with me? I thought that everything would be new since Its a new term and a new start, but the first day of school Just felt Like a normal day at school. We will write a custom essay sample on Need to Know and Dear Diary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At break I saw Walter In the playground; I had to go up to him. I was so embarrassed because of him but Gem stopped me before I could get there and then told Walter to come and sit with us at lunch.I was so furious, but I stilled put up with him. His table manners were so disgusting I couldnt believe it, its like he hasnt eaten in forever. But I had to tell him about his manners; it was the right thing to do. Then California punished me for criticizing Walters manners, but I really thought that he should know. When I got home I told my father everything. He really had to know; also I thought that once he has heard it I wouldnt have to go back to school again. But it didnt work.Instead he gave me good advice. He said you need to know the person before trying to do something to them, really become them and think of the position they are in. Maybe I should get to know Miss Caroline Fisher a little bit better before I start investigating her or find out what her game with me is. I guess that my fathers advice always makes me think of a new way for me to look at people and understand them. I think I will give that a really good thought and try to get to know my teacher better.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Sample Introduction Essay About Movie
Sample Introduction Essay About MovieIf you are interested in what kind of reading material a resume can provide, then a sample introduction essay about the movie is something that you will definitely enjoy. There are lots of people who are actually afraid to write the resume because they do not want to feel as if they are being judged or that the interviewer might think poorly of them when they read their resume.However, if you really want to make your resume look professional looking, then you should make a good point of writing a resume. As such, you should know that writing a resume is not easy and some people might consider it as an impossible task.However, if you follow some of the steps mentioned here, you will surely find the right direction to follow in order to create a resume that is one that is actually attractive. The best way to start is to read and watch as many movies as possible. This is something that you must do in order to get an idea about what kind of movies you should be writing about.However, since there are so many types of movies that you can choose from, you will also want to write down your favorite scenes and lines that you remember and put them on your resume. In this way, you will be able to give a better impression to your potential employer and make him realize that you really have an interest in writing a resume.With regards to what type of sample introduction essay about the movie that you should put on your resume, you can either stick to what you already know or you can take the opportunity to learn more about the subject matter. However, if you are unsure, it is still a good idea to look into it because it might help you come up with a better written resume. If you are able to craft a nice introduction, you should then prepare for the style of your resume and then deliver it to the world.In order to make it look professional, you should also make sure that it has some type of organization throughout it so that you can see a t a glance how many sections it has. This will also help you determine the order of your resume so that you will know what is first and what is last. This will also help you put it in proper order so that your resume will look good and professional.In conclusion, the sample introduction essay about the movie that you are going to use on your resume is something that you should really try to take advantage of. Once you are done with it, you will probably realize that you did a good job and that you had fun in creating it.
Friday, March 20, 2020
What to Do if Youre Failing a Class in College
What to Do if You're Failing a Class in College Failing a class in college can be a major problem if its not handled in the right way. A failed class can have an impact on your academic record, your progress toward graduation, your financial aid, and even your self-esteem. How you handle the situation once you know youre failing a college course, however, can have a significant influence on what happens after grades get turned in. Ask for Help as Soon as Possible Ask for help as soon as possible once you know you are in danger of failing any class during your time in college. Keep in mind, too, that help can take many different forms. You can ask for assistance from a tutor, your professor, your academic adviser, a learning center on campus, your friends, a teaching assistant, members of your family, or even people in the surrounding community. But no matter where you go, start going somewhere. Reaching out for help just may be the best thing you can do. Learn What Your Options Are Is it too late in the semester or quarter to drop the class? Can you switch to a pass/fail option? Can you withdraw - and if you do so, what is the impact on your transcript or financial aid eligibility (and even health insurance)? Once you realize youre failing a class, your options vary depending on when in the semester or quarter you make that realization. Check with your academic adviser, the registrars office, your professor, and the financial aid office about what you can do in your particular situation. Figure Out the Logistics If you can drop the course, when is the add/drop deadline? By when do you have to get paperwork in - and to whom? Dropping a course at various parts in the semester can have varying effects on your financial aid, too, so check in with the financial aid office about what needs to be done (and by when). Give yourself a little extra time, too, to gather all the signatures and coordinate other logistics for whatever you plan to do. Take Action One of the worst things you can do is to realize you are failing a class and then do nothing. Dont dig yourself in deeper by not going to class anymore and pretending like the problem doesnt exist. That F on your transcript may be seen years later by future employers or graduate schools (even if you think, today, that youll never want to go). Even if youre not sure what to do, talking with someone and taking some action about your situation is a critical step to take. Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself Lets be honest: lots of people fail classes and go on to live perfectly normal, healthy, productive lives. Its really not the end of the world, even if it feels overwhelming at the moment. Failing a class is something that youll handle and move on from, just like everything else. Dont stress too much and do your best to learn something from the situation - even if its how to not let yourself fail a class ever again.
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