Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Personal Narrative - A Hasty Decision Essay -- Personal Narrative Writ

A Hasty Decision When I turned eighteen I went out and began renting my very own apartment. The effort I put into this task at the time seemed sufficient. I went online, found a place I liked with good location and low rent. I asked my good friend Sean to live with me to help keep costs down. Then I took care of all the utilities, gas electric, cable, phone, internet, and all the necessities. My first apartment gave me some very rough times, but from that time I learned a little about apartments and a lot about life. Things were going great for Sean and I. we had been living on our own in Tera Vida Apartments for three months and we were getting along swell. The only occasional dispute was when we would rock, paper, scissors to see who was taking out the trash. Expenses were no problem. Sean had a job as a telemarketer and was getting weekly bonuses in excess of five hundred dollars for beating the quota. I was driving the zamboni and working in the pro shop of the local ice rink. The best part of all was no one was telling us to do anything at all. Almost out of nowher...

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