Monday, September 30, 2019
Human Behavior and Biology: Fear and the Amygdala Essay
The definition of psychology is considered to very limited, as specialists from other fields try to prove. The usual notion about psychology is that it exists as a channel of understanding and making some measurements in behavior of humans and other species (Eysenck, 2004). The study of human behavior has been very interesting to many fields of expertise due to its complexity and difficulty. Fields other than psychology: biology, psychiatry, sociology, and many other medical applications are just few of the fields in which discussions regarding the aforementioned topic have been very well explored. In this regard, the experts combined in their efforts to form more credible results in the explanation of the basis of human behavior. Ethically, socially, and legally, behavior is an important tool to understand and explain such those subject matters (Carson & Rothstein, 1999). Goldsmith (1991), on his book The Biological Roots of Human Nature: Forging Links Between Evolution and Behavior, mentions about the huge involvement of biology into studying the fields of the humanists, social scientists, philosophers, and historians; that they should also include biological principles in the analysis of human behavior. He emphasizes that there should be two considerations in studying humans’ social behavior, that is, there should be integration of physiology, biochemistry, and the mechanism of behavior in the social aspect. He stressed about the evolution of human behavior to be dissected in biological terms. Anderson (2006) still improves this claim by saying that a criminal behavior for example, maybe is because of the impaired hormonal secretions of the specific body organs. Motives and the bodily processes should be taken into consideration to understand the individual differences with respect to personality and intellectual differentiation (Eysenck, 2004). A more interesting theory was formulated by Cesare Lombroso, about the facial types, and the way that a criminal can be identified. He based most of his explanations in a biological sense in the same way that the Germans suspected genetics to be effective in identification of people with criminal tendencies at the top of the Nazi’s rulership. It was then that several psychological explanations about criminal behavior have been accepted (Anderson, 2006). Plato also mentioned that criminality is the effect of the mind being imprisoned by an obscurity of thought which he connected brain being the biological component. It was studied by theorists and researchers in evolutionary biology the patterns regarding the kind of thinking depending on the life stage, whether young or adolescent: including parameters such as their problem-solving capacities and their academic competencies. Other cognitive domains were also associated to this behavioral study: the spatial abilities, mathematical abilities, verbal communication etc. (Lisi & Lisi, 2001). To be included in this paper are the dissection of the two parts suspected to be working in one direction of behavioral and of biological nature: the explanation of fear and its relation with the amygdala. A Brief background on Fear Fear is the emotion related to the feeling being in a dangerous state, which are actually tangible and realistic. Another definition is given to anxiety, which is often named as fear, because anxiety is the feeling of being in danger but there is no actuality. Watson and Ekman mentioned that fear is no other special feeling. It is just at the same level as joy and anger. Fear is described as a mechanism of survival, which arrives from exposure to negative things, or the negative stimulus. Fear is usually connected to the disagreement to feel pain (Coan & Allen, 2007). Personal fear can be classified as caution, phobia and paranoia. Fear is manifested when someone feels anxious, worried, frightened, in terror, paranoid and many other negative feelings. Paranoia is achieved when fear is so much heightened. When someone is observed to be in extreme change in behavior, and his attitude has gone extremely changed, one is said to be paranoid. Caution on the other hand is an interpersonal experience that makes a person feel that he could not trust anyone who is a strange to him. The person feels very different in the presence of the person whom he distrusts and only calms down when that person has gone distance away from his comfortable zone. Terror is a very pronounced classification of fear, which arises from a horrific experience. The person in a state of terror feels always in the vicinity of an immediate danger. The non-typical behavior of the person arises, making him irrational at some point. The subconscious feeling of fear can be extended nightmares. There are other effects on the person whenever he fears something. Physiologically, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The person may be observed to, or feel in himself being hindered from physical movement. Perspiration may also occur as the blood in the body is being forced from the viscera to other peripheral parts of the body. This blood at the periphery carries oxygen, nutrients and heat, which causes the body to feel warm or hot, therefore the body’s mechanism is to perspire, to release the excess heat to cool down the body. Along with this, the body will experience fast heart rate. Phobia A very interesting topic which deals with the concept of fear is called phobia. Phobia is fear of something. It may be because of a very unwanted experience towards that something that someone fears, or just a transferred rumor that something negative might happen when that object is encountered. Different types of phobia exist depending on the object of fear. In the context of classical conditioning, phobias come from a mixture of internal dispositions and external factors (Lewis & Haviland-Jones, 2000). The experiments of Seligman resulted to his conclusion of objects being feared are genetically predispositioned. He also mentions that for many cases, traumatic experience triggers phobia. Biology, together with life experiences, can be well explained A malfunctioning amygdale can cause psychological disorders. Patients are not able to classify neutral faces, identifying them as threat. Hyperactivity in the amygdala was observed by researchers when patients are shown frightening situations. Other patients with severe cases of phobia showed a corresponding increase in the amygdale activity. The left amygdala manifested hyperactivity when excitation like fear happened. The book Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals emerged in the 19th century. Charles Darwin emphasized here that the evolution of species has a counterpart cross culturally and universally. A research conducted by Paul Ekman involved facial expression experiment. Using neuroimaging differences in their evolutionary ancient brain parts were observed for changes, with corresponding changes in potential which was an increase (Doux, 2004). Theories about Emotion and Behavior The Somatic Behaviors William James started the study of emotions and largely argued about that emotional experience is mainly an effect of changes in the body (James, 2007). James, together with Carl Lange created James-Lange theory. This theory has a biological perspective of viewing the change in emotion as being accompanied next by bodily changes. They emphasize that the change in the state of the body is manifested through the change in emotion. The bodily reactions are considered to be the cause for the change in emotion as felt by a person (Barrett, Niedenthal, & Winkielman, 2005). This theory simply says that we tend to react first in a situation, for example is running because of an event that could make us run, then the emotional manifestation is then felt or executed. In short, we react first before we get to feel the emotion. Another somatic theory where James-Lane also falls is the Perceptual theory which is known to be a neo-Jamesian theory. The Cognitive Behaviors with Biological Perspective On the other hand, the Cannon-Bard theory nullifies the claims of James-Lange theory and still believes on the previous pattern. This is a cognitive theory that contradicts a somatic theory of emotions. The Two Factor theory, also known as the Singer –Schachter theory rests on the hypothesis that respondents can have different emotional reactions as affected by adrenaline, considering that they have the same initial physiological state. The respondents were monitored for the emotion they are going to feel, whether happiness or anger, when a person on the same situation felt anger or happiness. The determination of the responses was based on the cognitive aspect or when the situation undergoes appraisal, or the physiological or biological aspect as adrenaline was injected to them. In connection to this, Klaus Scherer made a recent cognitive theory that stresses the connection on different bodily functions in combination to the cognitive components. The Amygdala Emotionality was discovered because of the bilateral ablation of the temporal lobe responses in the brain (Weiner, 2003). The part of the brain that is responsible for the feeling of fear is the amygdala. It is a tonsil shaped group of neurons situated at the inside portion of the temporal lobe of humans, including other species under the phylum vertebrata. The emotional reaction is being executed by this part of the brain which is also responsible for emotional stimulation (Kadish, 1994; Lewis & Haviland-Jones, 2000; Phelps, O’Connor, Gatenby, Gore, & Davis, 2001). In the process of fear conditioning, a part of the amygdala, the basolateral complexes help in the mediation of stimuli to the memory. These are brought to the synapses and later on passed to the central nucleus of the nerve, which is involved in the generation of many fear responses that includes immobilization of the body, increased respiration, and release of stress hormones. The type of conditioning called the Pavlovian conditioning may be caused by the damage in this part of the brain. The functions of the amygdala were looked at to account for the emotional and motivational properties it dictates in the brain. The amygdala is a small structure at the cortex which lies deep within the brain’s temporal lobe. Even small, it possesses a complicated neuroanatomy. It receives a large amount of neural inputs to the many parts of the brain, both the minor and major parts of the cortex. The heterogeneity of the structure of amygdala is due to the evolutionary reason that it comes from different parts of the brain which separated from a common point. The heterogeneous description is due to the differences in the structures of the neurons as already explained in the previous statement. There were so many description proposed to amygdale regarding its function, and it was by (Johnson, 1923) that the introduction of the description of the amygdale commonly used today. The nuclei of the amygdala should be described as divided into two groups, the primitive group and the recent group (Moore & Oaksford, 2002). A third part was suggested to be occupying the ventricular floor of the cortex (Alheid & Heimer, 1988). The amygdala is said to be well placed in that position because it is able to gather signals from almost every part of the brain, integrates them all, and is responsible for the processing to arrive at what kind of emotion shall be executed by humans and other species. Research in emotions has been exploiting the amygdala in experimentations. The different types of emotions, fear as example, have different mechanisms in the brain but actually goes to the same pathway which is trying to escape, or of which implies behavioral inhibition (Lewis & Haviland-Jones, 2000). The impulses sent by the amygdala can have two general effects: first is the modulation of the memory’s retention time for long term responses; second is the influence on attention and perception. The retention of the episodic events is crucial in the emotional response so that the event is not forgotten. In this way we are more likely to be aware of the emotional events compared to the neutral events. Experiments dealing with the delay of fear responses were done to account for the effect of amygdala. Respondents were instructed to use an active emotion regulation strategy to lower conditioned fear responses. It was found out that doing this lowers the physiological expression of the CR and CS activation of the amygdala. It was deduced from the experiment that cognitive strategies and control mechanisms during fear conditioning and by just viewing negative scenes can disrupt or alter the responses of the amygdala. The studies presented regarding the instructed fear implies that conditioned fear is not necessarily affected by the awareness in cognition and understanding of the emotional properties. It was also found out that there are many things that can affect the amygdala aside from these two. Dependent responses such as the aversive properties, symbolic communication can also affect the function of the amygdala. Cognitive control mechanisms can be tapped also in the execution of different emotion regulation strategies which can diminish the amygdala responses to strong emotions such as fear. Another study conducted by Phillips and Le Doux (1992) was concerned not just with the contribution of amygdala on the procurement of the conditioned fear responses using a cue, but with the participation of another part of the brain which is the hippocampus. It was found out that for rats, under the unoperated conditions, faster responses were more susceptible to extinction than those with the responses from conditional stimuli. Lesion experiment on rats’ amygdala reflected an interference on the conditioning of the fear responses to both the cues and the context. On the other hand, hippocampus lesions only affected with the conditioning of the responses, but was found out to be irresponsible for the cues (Phillips & Doux, 1992). An almost similar experiment was carried out by McKittrick and his colleagues (1996) and Blachard together with this co-researchers (1998) using remodeling of the dendrites and it was found out that this kind of treatment which involves different stress applications to the hippocampus, specifically repeated restraint stress affects the hippocampus the same way with the previous experiment. It was mentioned that amygdala behaved the same (Gazzaniga & Bizzi, 2004). Moore (2002) mentioned a study in his Emotional Cognition: From Brain to Behaviour, which puts a borderline between the functionality of the hippocampus and amygdala. Le Doux’s theory is often discussed in debates due to its relevance in explaining whether cognitive processes always precede an emotional experience. He said in Moore’s writing that the activation of amygdala by impulses from the neocortex is somewhat consistent with the notion that emotional processing is post cognitive. The hypothesis that emotional processing can be preconscious and precognitive is consistent with the experiment dealing with the thalamic inputs as the amygdale is activated. The two hemispheres of the brain are somewhat different in function with respect to its emotional role. The emotional stimuli perceived by the brain, together with its processing of emotional expressions are usually processed by the right hemisphere. They were able to prove this as they sent signals only to the right hemisphere of the brain, and it was found out that it produced faster heart rates compared to that of the impulses produced by just showing signals to the left hemisphere (Alheid & Heimer, 1988; Cheng, Knight, Smith, Stein, & Helmstetter, 2003; Davidson, 1998). This was also confirmed this hypothesis to those patients suffering from split-brain disorder. The corpus callosum, being the bridge between the two hemispheres, is severed during the operation for those who suffer from epileptic disorders. As a result of this experiment, they were able to know that the two hemispheres function independently of each other. Accurate identification or merely detection of the emotional stimuli happens only when the signal flows to the right side of the cortex. It is pointed out that whatever the hemisphere to function depends on the type of emotion that is felt during that time. The left frontal cortex is more likely to function for pleasant emotions. The right lobe on the other hand functions in the presence of unpleasant emotions. There are people whose only one side of the brain dominates, as proven by Tomarke et al. (1992). People who are dominant in left brain functions are more likely to show positive responses to stimuli, comparing to the other part which remains opposite or negative in reaction. It was further explained by the movement of the muscles of the face which kind of response occurred at the moment of stimulation. It was explained that a left facial muscle contraction is due to a positive response, whereas the right facial muscle reaction is due to a negative response. Bilateral neurotoxic amygdala lesions in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta): Consistent pattern of behavior across different social contexts – an Example Case Amygdala has always been associated with the behavior of humans, more generally on the primates. Their social behaviors have always been connected to the cases brought about by lesions caused to the amygdala, wherein their behaviors are subjected to studies. The rhesus monkeys were the non-human primates that are of large importance to the study, since somehow these monkeys represent humans in a more dramatic way than other primates might have. The environments were different for each and every sample monkey, and their physiological characteristics were also different, one is a lesioned or lacerated monkeys and the other monkeys were just normal or unoperated monkeys. In 32 days they were subjected to a 4-monkey group interaction. They were first assessed in pairs (N. J. Emery et al. , 2001), and were already popular or familiar with each other’s presence to avoid intimidation and possible aggression and depression. As observed, the operated or lesioned monkeys manifested a common or consistent behavior. Obstruction in the amygdala was suspected to be the reason. The operated monkeys were seen to be more sociable; they had better affiliation with other monkeys than with that of the non-operated monkeys. The operated monkeys showed a faster adaptation with their new partners, because of the immediate decrease in their nervous and fearful behavior relative to the controls. Other possible behaviors such as sexual behavior were not observed among the samples, both the operated and the unoperated, making the authors conclude of that the amygdala may inhibit this the sexual drive of the monkeys, and that there are still other factors that must be considered in looking at other behavioral patterns. References Alheid, G. F. , & Heimer, L. (1988). New perspectives in basal forebrain organization of special relevance for neuropsychiatric disorders: The striatopallidal, amygdaloid, and corticopetal components of substantia innominata. Neuroscience, 27, 1-39. Anderson, G. S. (2006). Biological Influences on Criminal Behavior. FL: CRC Press. Barrett, L. F. , Niedenthal, P. M. , & Winkielman, P. (2005). Emotion and Consciousness: Insights from studies of the Human Amygdala. CA: Guilford Press. Carson, R. A. , & Rothstein, M. A. (1999). Behavioral Genetics: The Clash of Culture and Biology: John Hopkins University Press. Cheng, D. T. , Knight, D. C. , Smith, C. N. , Stein, E. A. , & Helmstetter, F. J. (2003). Functional MRI of Human Amygdala Activity During Pavlovian Fear Conditioning: Stimulus Processing Versus Response Expression. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117(1), 3-10. Coan, J. A. , & Allen, J. J. B. (2007). Handbook of Emotion Elicitation and Assessment. CA: Oxford University Press. Davidson, R. J. (1998). Neuropsychological perspectives on affective and anxiety disorders: A. VT: Psychology Press. Doux, J. L. (2004). The Emotional Brain, Fear, and the Amygdala. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 23(4), 727-738. Eysenck, M. W. (2004). Psychology: An International Perspective. VT: Psychology/Textbooks. Gazzaniga, M. S. , & Bizzi, E. (2004). The Cognitive Neurosciences. MA: MIT Press. James, W. (2007). The Principles of Psychology. New York: Cosimo, Inc. Johnson, J. B. (1923). Further contributions to the study of the evolution of the forebrain. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 25(337-481). Kadish, M. R. (1994). The Ophelia Paradox: An Inquiry Into the Conduct of Our Lives NJ: Transaction Publishers. Lewis, M. , & Haviland-Jones, J. M. (2000). Handbook of Emotions. CA: Guilford Press. Lisi, A. M. -D. , & Lisi, R. D. (2001). Biology, Society, and Behavior: The Development of Sex Differences in Cognition. CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Moore, S. C. , & Oaksford, M. (2002). Emotional Cognition: From Brain to Behaviour. PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Phelps, E. A. , O’Connor, K. J. , Gatenby, J. C., Gore, J. C. , & Davis, C. G. (2001). Activation of the left amygdala to a cognitive representation of fear. Nature Neuroscience, 4, 437-441. Phillips, R. G. , & Doux, J. E. L. (1992). Differential contribution of amygdala and hippocampus to cued and contextual fear conditioning. Behavioral Neuroscience, 106(2), 274-285. Weiner, I. B. e. a. (2003). Handbook of Psychology. NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Reflections on Transgender Essay
Before going to the transgender workshop, I have already had a mindset of gender stereotype and I have never thought of accepting the sexual minorities like trans and homosexual people. I was raised in a traditional and conservative family that my parents showed me that a man should be the head of the family because he is the breadwinner so all family members have to rely on him. On the other hand, a woman should always listen to her husband and stay at home to serve her husband and take care of the children. Family is the primary socializing agent that I learn how a family functions by observational learning. Moreover, I was taught in school that how girls and boys should behave without questioning the reason why I should behave like that. The formal, informal and hidden curriculum in school shaped my thought about gender. For instance, boys should be active and girls should be quiet in class. Socialized by family and school for a long time, I internalized the gender stereotype made by the culture of society so I admitted that I had a closed-mind before. I now understand why students are inculcated with this kind of gender stereotype. It is because capitalists want to maintain their power and heterosexual domination in a patriarchy society so they labeled the minority as abnormal. According to the conflict theory of Karl Marx, the education systems produce the ideology of gender stereotype so as to maintain and legitimate the base created by capitalists who control the means of production. I have learned to think in a critical manner because many of our mindsets are shaped by society. We have to question whether they are rational before accepting those thoughts. After attending the transgender workshop, I had a brief understanding about what transgender is. Transgender means that people identify themselves as another sex different from their biological sex. Their gender identity and gender expression are different from their biological sex and gender role constructed by society. For example, some of them are male at birth but they id entify themselves as female. We called them MtF (male to female) and another type is called FtM (female to male). Mainly, trans people are divided into two groups, the Crossdresser, who like to dress up as a different sex and the Transexual, who have undergone sex reassignment surgery. From the sharing of two trans people, Fei (a MtF) and Siu Keung(a FtM), I know that being a trans person is tough because he or she has to face a lot of difficulty in daily life such as being questioned by family and friends as well as being discriminated against in society that make them have low self-esteem. Like Fei, he discovered that he liked a boy when he was in Form 3 or 4 and then his classmates humiliated him so he hated himself very much at that time and he even tried to commit suicide. I can see that peer is another socializing agent that affects our mindset of who we are and what we are supposed to behave. If we violate the expected behavior of society, we will be regarded as freak and abnormal. In order not to be isolated or labeled as abnormal, we follow the main stream and hide the side that what we actually are. Also, I can see that only the hegemonic masculinity is being accepted among people through Fei’s experience. He was once invited to a themed party a nd he wore a dress to go to the party. However, his friends asked him not to wear dress to come again. Feminine masculinity is not acceptable. Everything has its diversity but people tend to divide things into binary opposition. The one who owns power decides which character is the â€Å"right†and normal one and the other is regarded as â€Å"wrong†and abnormal. It is obviously a power struggle. Trans gender people are leading a difficult life. In Hong Kong, there are approximately 200-300 trans people (Leung, 2012). Many of them are like Fei that they have to behave â€Å"normal†in front of other people and they could only be the true self when they are alone. Trans people will also consider their behaviors as abnormal or even consider themselves as a psychopathy. As many of them are reluctant to find help, they are in lack of people to share their feelings that make them feel lonely and helpless. Some of them many even hurt their reproductive organs or commit suicide. Apart from the lacking in mental support, the institution in Hong Kong doesn’t provid e enough support for trans people. Until now, there is no law to protect trans people, as they are not included in the Sex Discrimination Ordinance. Only those who are judged to have Gender Identity Disorder can be protected under Disability Discrimination Ordinance. (Leung, 2012) Yet, in the mean time, trans people are labeled as disable as well as having mental disorder, which is another kind of discrimination. Also, health care system in Hong Kong is not comprehensive enough for trans people. At present, there are only two hospitals, which are Prince of Wales Hospital and the sex clinic in Castle Peak Hospital, that provide transgender medical diagnostic services so trans people have to wait about seven weeks to see the doctor (Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients, 2013). Knowing what tough situation that the trans people are facing, I feel sympathy for them and I will now show my respect to trans people. I used to think that the Crossdresser was abnormal and disgusting. Now, I question why women can dress like men but men cannot dress like women. It is unfair to men that they will be criticized and discriminated against if they dress like women. Also, the media uses language to derogate the Crossdresser such as calling them ladyboy â€Å"ä º ºÃ¥ ¦â€"â€Å". Like Fei, he likes wearing dress since he was small but he has tried to throw away all his dresses as his mother and girlfriends did not accept that. It is hard for him not to be the one he wanted to be and he had spent years being the one he hated. I will consider crossdressing as a hobby of trans people because they just spend time on something they like to do. Also, we should not criticize their act because it does not do any harm on other people. In addition to the Crossdresser, transsexual people have to master up their courage to undergo sex reassignment surgery as it is not as easy as we think. In fact, it is a long process. They have to first get a referral letter from doctors, social workers or psychologists and they must pass the two-year mental and psychological evaluation process including living as another sex for one year. Next, they can be defined as gender identity disorder. After that, they are referred to public hospital to undergo surgery. In fact it is dangerous for them to undergo sex reassignment surgery, especially the FtM people. There is a high risk of injury in penile reconstructive surgery and the success rate is low. Also, they have to take hormones. According to some medical studies, there will be some long-term side effects of taking female hormones. For example, the risk of having breast cancer will be higher and the load of the liver will be increased (Transgender handbook, 2012). I appreciate their determination that they would rather sacrifice their health in order to be their true selves. As Goffman said, gender is something that an individual actively do, we can choose to be a man or a woman, as we like. In this post-modern age, queer theory suggested that gender is fluid. A picture of the genderbread person shows that there are more than eighty combinations that an individual can be. For example, she can be a female but identifying herself as a man and she can express herself as androgynous and bei ng a bisexual. I know that when we do not understand an issue clearly, we have no right to criticize it. After knowing what transgender is, I choose to respect. We should be open-minded to accept the existence of diversity of gender in society or at least we should respect so that we all can live in a society with harmony. I have a friend who is a bisexual. I was once reluctant to befriend him. But now, I always show him my support and I am willing to listen to his difficulties in daily life to help him release stress. Also, I realized that I do not need to do something to fulfill what society expects me to do as a girl. For example, I do not need to be tender; I do not need to have long legs, big breasts or a slim body to impress men. I just have to be myself, which is unique. Work cited 1.Leung , J.(2012). Gossip boys and girls[Brochure]. Hong Kong: Transgender Resource Center. 2.Medical services provided for Gender Identity Disorders patients. (2013, October 9). Retrieved from of Hong Kong. (2012). Transgender handbook[Brochure]. Retrieved from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
An Evaluation of the Personalisation Agenda and the effect on Adults Literature review
An Evaluation of the Personalisation Agenda and the effect on Adults with Learning Disabilities - Literature review Example The author of the essay "An Evaluation of the Personalisation Agenda and the Effect on Adults with Learning Disabilities" begins with that in order to understand personalisation, it is important to understand that there are two different models of disability that we are currently recognizing. The medical model of disability concentrates on the idea that if an individual's body is 'fixed' that they will be able to better fit into society. The medical model does not benefit the individual because there are many conditions that an individual is born with that cannot be 'fixed' in this way. The social model of disability is a more accurate depiction of the person with disability because it is concerned with the barriers that are in place to prevent a person with disabilities to access society. These barriers can be due to the environment, which keeps people from being able to access buildings and services because of physical barriers. The barrier can be due to people's attitudes when the y stereotype certain abilities with people or discriminate against them. The barrier can also be due to organizations with inflexible policies, practices or procedures that exclude people with disabilities (Office for Disability Issues 2010). The Personalisation Agenda leans more towards the social model of disability because it emphasizes the challenges and/or barriers for people with disabilities. It was created in order to eliminate some of the barriers that individuals currently are exposed to when attempting to access services. 2. The Problem for Adults with Learning Disabilities According to the Learning Disability Coalition (2010) it is important for people with learning disabilities to have the same choices for care as other people have who do not have disabilities. This is one of the provisions that this new legislation has created. The challenge is that although this legislation has gone through and is attempting to be enforced, there are still challenges for some agencies in getting the resources needed for people with l
Friday, September 27, 2019
Employment training part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Employment training part 1 - Essay Example In this study the focus is on formal and informal training in the organization, their strengths and weaknesses and why are they required in an organization. Training Training is associated with the work related computing that comes in variety of forms staring from â€Å"formal, scheduled classroom instruction to spur-of-the-moment sessions with a co-worker to self-based trial and error efforts†(Danziger and Dunkle, 2005, p. 1). Both individuals as well as the organization have their own choices regarding the training method. The training can be characterized in several dimensions. The two most important dimensions that are considered while selecting a training method are the degree of interaction that takes place between one another during the training and the degree of formality involved in training. Based on this, there are two types of training formal and informal. Figure 1 Source: (Danziger and Dunkle, 2005) Formal Learning Formal learning is the learning that takes place in a structured and organised environment and is explicitly in terms of resources, time and objectives. From the learners’ point of view, it is intentional and leads to certification and validation. It aims towards achievement of competencies, skill and knowledge (Patrick, 2010). Formal training leads to formal learning amongst the individuals. Formal training is the professionally developed training program or session that has a fixed agenda to be offered or discussed either on or off site during the compensated working hours of the employees. Formal training includes professional conferences, seminars, employee skills and development programs, apprenticeship training, certification training and technical trainings (Crotty, 2004). The learning is evolved from certain organized program of instructions. Formal learning is achieved by the learners, when they undergo some well designed training programs in their workplace. Formal leaning displays certain specific essential feat ures that are: This have a specific curriculum The trainer is responsible for delivering its teaching strictly in accordance with the curriculum. There is a certain assessment system that assesses the achievement of leaning objectives of the learner and certifies it (Jarvis and Watts, 2012). Informal Learning Informal learning is signified as the learning process that takes place from the daily activities of an individual related to leisure, family and work. It is not structured or organised in terms of learning support, time and objectives. From the perspective of the learner, it is unintentional and is often referred to as â€Å"learning from experience†or simply experience. The main idea behind informal learning is that people by their virtue of existence are exposed to various learning situations continuously (Patrick, 2010). However, informal learning has gained increased attention as a significant part of management and leadership development. Some of the research scho lars have signified informal learning as lesson of experience that has helped many mangers in reaching to the top of the organization (Halliday-Wynnes and Beddie, 2009). Learning from the experience is a continuous process that often entails in dealing with failure or hardship. For instance, in cases where the business leaders learn from
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Finances Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Finances - Assignment Example This is where the knowledge of budgeting and finances come in as one needs to be able to figure out the needs of the hospital and prioritize them in order starting with what is needed the most going down and use this knowledge together with the budget they have been given to spend to determine the best way to utilize the money that has been handed to them What Has Been Your Exposure to Your Organization’s financial statements? Who In Your Organization Might Provide You with Your Organization’s Financial Statements? What Is This Information Used For? The amount of exposure to the organization’s financial statements has mostly occurred from the budgeting and shopping activities that are done for medical supplies when the time for replenishing the available stock arises. During this period, the hospital present us (the nurses) with the amount of money that they are able to provide for these activities and using the size of the budget, one is able to determine whether the hospital’s financial status has improved, remained the same or even dwindled since the last time such an activity took place (Paul, 2008). If a hospital has done well then the size of the budget is more likely to increase while no change in the budget may mean there is no change in their finances either and so on. There are a number of individuals that present the nurses with the financial statements of the organization who include the Program administrators and ward managers during budgeting and the chief financers when a review of the annual expend iture takes place. These statements are used to show the gains and losses that have been incurred during the year as well as budget for the next batch of medical supplies that are needed. The accounting system affects the different parts of the organization as a whole as it deals with the organization’s entire financial flow. Firstly, it will affect the speed with which
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Agile Port System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Agile Port System - Essay Example Older ports have to get into alliances and partnerships to coordinate their activities and decrease unnecessary competition. These alliances can lead to the creation of satellite terminals instead of the presence of several redundant old ports. This can help reduce congestion of containers at deep-sea ports and free up space for high-cost facilities in such locations. Through alliances, there can be the better exchange of information, which reduces dwell-time and improves movement (Konings, Priemus and Nijkamp, 2015). Exchange of valuable information helps in security checks and value added logistics, and this is only achievable through partnerships for the common good of making profits. In relation to technology, fast and real-time data processing and sharing are essential for the expansion of infrastructure and superstructure. This is essential to facilitate tracking and tracing of shipments. For example, the Electronic Data Interchange information system can help in recording and sharing of information across ports. Efficient coordination between terminals and inland transportation operations is applicable if older ports adopt modern web applications and systems to facilitate the dynamics of terminal handling operations. In addition, older ports should improve gate operations technology to improve processing time in gate lanes. Construction of dedicated lanes is also essential to save time and improve functionality. In conclusion, several areas mentioned above require improvement to adapt an agile port system.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Carl Ernsts, Mona Siddiquis and Quran book review Essay - 1
Carl Ernsts, Mona Siddiquis and Quran book review - Essay Example ority of the Muslims, for example, the Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan believe that it is mandatory to fight in the name of God and kill the disbelievers. In doing so, they believe they would enter the heaven once they perish from the world. This essay will investigate the ways some of the non-Muslims and Muslims misunderstand the Quran and act upon the Holy verses. The aim of the essay is to understand the meaning of the word ‘Jihad’ and to see how Islam has been defamed in the name of the ‘Holy War.’ There are two main reasons that Islam is considered a religion that promotes terrorism. Firstly, when non-Muslims read the verses of Quran they completely ignore the fact that Quran was not only a book of guidance for people living in the past or to the people it was revealed but it is a book belonging to the people who lived in the past, are living in the present and also for the future generation to come. Secondly, some people follow the Quran word by word in a very literal sense. The Quran uses metaphors, and though it is the word of God, not every word is to be taken literally. The word Jihad is babbling not only for the non-Muslims but also for some Muslims who use and follow it in the wrong sense. The Holy Quran says â€Å"Not equal are those believers who stay behind in their homes while the believers exert in the cause of God with their wealth and life. God has kept a higher rank for those who exert in the name of God†(Quran 4:95). The believers of the book hugely misunderstand this verse. There is a misconception between some groups of people what exertion refers to. Though it is believed that it refers to Jihad, the meaning of Jihad tends to vary greatly among believers. Some of the better-known scholars of Islam like Abdullah Yousuf and Muhammad Asaddefine Jihad as a struggle or fight made to achieve justice. Jihad is a struggle made against oppression even if it means to risk one’s life. While there is some extremist groups that define
Monday, September 23, 2019
Interview with an entrepreneur Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview with an entrepreneur - Term Paper Example In 2003, the company has grown into car design modifications and initiated as Project Kahn and Kahn Design. His company sells an average of 250 bespoke vehicles a year and moreover, he is developing a parallel property business under Kahn Landmark and has a buying capability of over ?75 million with properties worldwide. He has also moved into the world of watch design and is on the lookout for a talented fashion designer who can help launch the Project Kahn fashion-label. Also, he has recently purchased the UK's most expensive number plate, F1. During an Interview Afzal Kahn was asked several questions about his entrepreneurship and success. Following are the answers given by Afzal Kahn in response to the questions that were asked in an exclusive interview: How Kahn took Start-up of Entrepreneurship? (Entrepreneur Process and Opportunity Identification) Afzal Kahn studied architecture but he always had a strong passion for cars. At some initial age, he give up architecture and estab lished Auto Design Technics in Bradford and within five years he made sufficient money and went on to set up A Kahn Design. Afzal Kahn said that he strongly consider that everybody has given with a gift just like Armani has a gift for fashion design, he feels that he has borne with a gift for car designing. At his teenage, he got motivated from the plastic coffin making factory where he learned the skills of managing a factory. Kahn said that he was always passionate about cars and his dream was to set up a shop of car. Later on, implemented his skills into practice and then after few years he started making plastic parts which are used in cars and then he founded an Auto Design Technics in Bradford. Initially he did not start with direct supply to customer and as he earned money, he established his working staff and expanded his product ranges. In start, he was unaware of owning patents and its important and therefore, Kahn’s customers were using his deigns and works into th eir product ranges. Then he decided to expand his products range and selling them to the consumers directly. In the duration of just five years of hard work and devotion towards work, he made a sufficient amount of money and established A. Kahn Design. Thus direct business by selling directly to customers amplified his earning which enabled him to try out with a wider product range. By the time, A. Kahn Design became experts of designing different parts of car. His first remarkable creation was the design of a wheel rim (five- spoke) and for making it; he went to Italy to discover a factory where he can manage to start its production. About this creation, Kahn said that this invention was different to everything else out at that time. This invention was very less advertised but still his wheels sold in a very short time. In recent years, Kahn expanded his business. He then managed to buy a few Land Rovers and then he revealed their original design and then re-engineered them with hi s own style. Kahn’s work is different from others as Kahn has invested a lot in technology unlike other competitors he made the model of the car digital which looked like a real one when others were using clay models. What is the theme for
Sunday, September 22, 2019
This is Dead Ringer by Dennis Hamley Essay Example for Free
This is Dead Ringer by Dennis Hamley Essay Giles Conover also disguises himself as a cleaner and a scholar of great age. Naomi Drake disguises herself as a match seller, shop assistant and one who washes up. The atmosphere throughout the film is sinister and clouded due to special effects and the black-and-white photography. The use of light and shade is great and adds tension to the audience and this is great for a movie of this age. And also when the Creeper moves there is a sound track that is very scary and this gives a feeling of; Something is going to happen for sure. I cannot miss this. It grabs attention!!! My favourite scene was when the Creeper broke the back of Giles Conover and then tried to kill Sherlock Holmes. We see the Creepers face for the first time and he is hideously ugly. Of course Sherlock Holmes kills him, with a snub-nose Bulldog revolver. Holmes then smashes the final bust of Napoleon and recovers the valuable Borgia pearl. This was an exciting and dramatic ending to the film. Dr Watsons comic acting was humorous. When he hid the pearl in his mouth for protection of the precious stone it was amusing because no one noticed where it had gone. The original story, The Adventure of the Six Napoleons, did not have the Hoxton Creeper in it. Beppo is the killer in the original story but using Rondo Hatton as the Creeper was brilliant idea by the film studio and made people even more interested in the movie. I feel The Pearl of Death was a success basically because of the impression that was given by the Creeper. In The Scarlet Claw, another film starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes, disguise is also used. The murderer is a master of disguise and uses five disguises, including that of a woman! The postman called Potts, who is the murderer, dresses up as Judge Brissons maid and tears out the judges throat with a garden weeder. This is the weapon he uses to kill all his victims. The film is set in Canada in the lonely village of Le Mort Rouge. The setting is misty and creepy. There is a marsh next to the village where Sherlock Holmes chases the murderer, but does not catch him. This is a vivid scene which I enjoyed. In the end though, Holmes foils the villain who is a mass murderer and master of disguise. Miles Mander plays two roles that are very different in the two films I have watched. Firstly, he acts as a villain on the loose: Giles Conover, and then he acts as a man totally scared and out of his wits: Judge Brisson. I like his role as Conover; it suits him because he looks a very mean man who will do anything for his needs. To conclude, I have enjoyed these films. But I was not scared by them. My English teacher says the Creeper is very scary but I think differently. I believe Rondo Hatton would have been scary to those watching in the cinemas half a century back. I think these films are not scary to a modern audience because there are far scarier horror films these days due to modern technology and special effects. I personally feel Basil Rathbone is an excellent actor; he was very good for the era he was in. I feel more tension is needed to make it up to the scratch of standard films today. I feel that some of the characters are too one dimensional and they need a little bit more feeling in their acting, but still the camera work is excellent for a film of this age. The films seem very old fashioned. I think improvements are needed to make them a bit more modern. There is fog, a lonely marsh, a bell ringing, and a monster on the loose. This creates a creepy, sinister atmosphere. But this gives me an impression that these were stories of many ages back. These days films are more interesting but these films are ace because of their many turns and twists. 1125 words Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Societys True Nature Essay Example for Free
Societys True Nature Essay In Franz Kafkas enigmatic novel The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa lives the life of a bug. The traveling salesman awakens one morning to find himself incredulously transformed into a â€Å"monstrous vermin.†At First, Gregor is apathetic towards his â€Å"metamorphosis†and immediately begins describing his room and slight discomforts in great detail. At the same time, Gregor incessantly comments on unimportant aspects of his – almost dismissing the fact that he is now a cockroach. When his family starts knocking on his door, Gregor immediately begins conjuring scenarios in which he imagines that his family genuinely cares for him. This illusion is soon shattered after the reader is exposed to the true nature of the Samsas. Gregors metamorphosis symbolizes what he is and has always been in society – a cockroach. Through Gregors physical transformation, Kafka communicates that people are oblivious to how alienated they are from society and humanity in its entirety. First off, in The Metamorphosis, readers are immediately exposed to the absurd atmosphere Kafka has created when he describes how â€Å"Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams †¦ [to find] himself transformed into a monstrous vermin†(1). At first glace this statement may sound normal, but after analyzing this and many other statements, it becomes apparent that Kafka has purposely placed the Samsas in an unreal environment. For example, in the sentence previously mentioned, the third-person narrator speaks casually of Gregors metamorphosis as if it were nothing. In his article, Johannes Pfeiffer says that Gregor â€Å"does not truly realize his new position in all its gravity†(55). Gregors inability to acknowledge his transformation might represent people and their apathy towards the more significant things in life. Throughout the story, the narration alternates between first and third person – suggesting that the narrator of the story constantly shifts from Gregor to an unknown entity. However, the baffling narration in The Metamorphosis is no mistake. Through this bizarre style of narration, Kafka brilliantly demonstrates how alienated people can be from themselves – for Gregor is alienated to the point where he must tell his story in a third-person perspective. Moreover, it has been speculated that society manipulates people by having certain ideals. As a result of his father being unemployed and his mother and sister not being able to work, Gregor is left with the burden of holding his family together by reluctantly taking a job as a salesman. The following excerpt describes the Samsas financial situation: In the course of the very first day his father explained the familys financial situation and prospects to both the mother and the sister. From the time he got up from the table to get some kind of receipt or notebook out of the little strongbox he had rescued from the collapse of his business five years before. . . In those days, Gregors sole concern had been to do everything his power to make the family forget as quickly as possible the business disaster which had plunged everyone into a state of despair (25). The excerpt is describing Gregor listening in on his family discuss the financial situation at hand. We learn that the Samsas massive debt is a result of Mr. Samsas failed business. Being the concerned son he has been brainwashed to become, Gregor – with good intention – took a myriad of jobs to appease his family and restore peace in the chaotic household the Samsas inhabit. The significance of this is that it identifies the reality people choose to live in – a reality where people abandon aspirations and conform to the desolate society that surrounds them. Lastly, Gregors transformation itself is ironic. A metamorphosis suggests ascension into a higher form; but in Gregors case, he has devolved into one of the most insignificant form that comes to mind – a cockroach. However, Gregors bug form is simply an illustration. After close analysis, it can be said that Gregors metamorphosis is his inner state surfacing into the physical world. With that said, one can come to the conclusion that Gregor has always been a bug and has been alienated from his family prior to his transformation. The Samsa family loses faith in Gregor recovering (as if they ever had any) and begins discarding remnants of his past. Gregor is addressed as â€Å"it†(Pfeiffer 55) later in the book when his family dehumanizes him. Reading about how Gregor and his family are so alienated from one another that they do not see it is powerful on its own, but seeing Kafkas message and understanding how people live in a world not too different from Gregors is a ha rsh truth that only a handful of people come to realize. All in all, Gregors metamorphosis symbolizes the alienation, which has always (and may always) exist. It is a powerful symbol that reveals how alienated people are from themselves and society in its entirety. After reading Kafkas The Metamorphosis, one cannot help but question whether his own life is real or a deviation that has spawned and thrived in the alienated society man has given birth to.
Friday, September 20, 2019
ASDA Employee Motivation Research
ASDA Employee Motivation Research Research Project To determine some vital roles of leadership in improving the sense of motivation in employees in the retail organisations of UK- A study on ASDA. Task 1 Understand how to formulate a research specification Part 1: You have to create a research proposal in a subject of your interest. In doing this, you have to formulate and record possible research project outline specifications (AC1.1); Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection ( AC1.2); Undertake a critical review of key references (AC 1.3) ;Produce a research project specification (AC1.4). Introduction Business organisations are an integral part of nations economy in todays globalised set of environment where all industrial sectors are largely concerned about a timely achievement of their stipulated goals and objectives. In context to which, they are hereby required to operate with a strategic arrangement of their action plans to duly accomplish their stipulated targets on time. It is with reference to yet another prime concept of realism in todays set of business where an establishment is comprised of two vital set of bodies entitled as employees and employers (Alfalfa-Luque, Marin-Garcia and Medina-Lopez, 2015). Wherein, the employees are direct in charge of their respective set of employers where they are with a through accountability of guiding them. This in turn has breakdown the preceding role of employers where they are mainly positioned at two vital profiles of leaders and managers in the organisation. Both these parties are required to perform a similar set of responsibility by thoroughly guiding their respective set of employees and generate a prior sense of encouragement in them. It is mainly with respect to carry out there assigned tasks on time for an eventual achievement of their organisational goals and objectives. In order to achieve this research, I will start by: To analyse the factual concept of leadership in retail organisations of UK To discover the adopted tools of motivation in ASDA To identify the relationship between the tact of leadership and motivation in ASDA To recommend some principle strategies to enhance the motivation level of employees with some profound tactics of leadership Background of the study The present survey is based upon a configured purpose of exploring the function of leadership to enhance the sense of motivation in the deputed employees of retail organisations in UK. For which, a renowned retail enterprise named ASDA has been taken into consideration for it where it is a subsidiary supermarket of Wal-Mart as its parent company (Cadden, Marshall and Cao, 2013). With a foundation year of near about 68 years, it is currently headquartered at Leeds that is in the West Yorkshire of England. It is evident to deal into grocery products along with general merchandise commodities and fiscal services as well. As per a recent transcription of the year 2016, ASDA is depicted to be extended in around 630 distinct locations at a global level. Herein, it is also ascertained to employ total 180, 000 number of workers to operate at its widespread locations. The current study has hereby focussed to interpret the adopted procedures of ASDA to motivate their deputed set of employees by aligning it to their applied tact of leadership at the workplace. Leaders in ASDA are evident to play a crucial role in handling the work of their respective set of teams (Kim and Brymer, 2011). However, it is together essential for them to continually stipulate such standardised practices of directing their staff members that in turn results in improving the sense of motivation in them. This investigation will thereby focus upon defining such effective practices of leadership that will consequently lead to upgrade the motivation level of the employees by referring to varied tools of motivation and certain abstractive theories of leadership as well. Literature review Concept of leadership in the retail organisations of UK It is as per the stated clause of Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault (2015), where todays organizations are with a strong requisition of leadership at their workplace to make an optimum utilization of their accessible resources. In accordance to which, leadership is hereby referred as such vital trait that is both inbuilt and out built for the leaders. This means that there exist two types of leaders where some of them are called as born leaders and other can refer to acquire its attributes to become an effective leader. The concept of organizational leadership tends to deal with both expertise tactics as well as human psychology by emphasizing more upon the development of leadership skills and abilities. It should, however, relate to the undertaken goals and objectives of the organization where a potent leader will refer to deal with the hard times of industry and still develop by that time. Tools adopted by the retail organisations of UK to motivate their employees There exist varied motivational tools that are being adopted by the organisations in order to raise the motivational sense of their employees. Bayne and Woolcock (2016) had hereby enlightened two vital types of motivational tools in the organisation known as internal and external tools of motivation. Wherein, an intrinsic tool is in context to meet out the mental needs of the employees by rewarding them with non-monetary means like higher-grade responsibilities as a mean of providing empowerment. Another source of extrinsic motivation involve the tools of monetary benefits for the employees such as bonuses and additive remuneration on carrying out a considerable work. Relationship among the tact of leadership and motivational context of employees in the retail organisations of UK There exists an implicit relationship among an applied tact of leadership and motivation as per the reflected outlook of Menges, Walter, Vogel and Bruch (2011). It is where the leaders are hereby referred to be a prime source of motivation to produce an encouraging sense of work in them. This is also in correspondence to employ varied available theories of motivation with a prime accountability of the leaders to practice them at the workplace. The two-factor model of Herzberg is a factual instance of such conceptual theory that is often being referred by the leaders to inculcate in their day to day practice for fulfilling the need base consideration of their respective employees. Other than this, there together exist varied styles and models of leadership that should be referred by the leaders for aptly managing the carried assignations of their employees. Research aims and objectives A prior intent of this study is To determine some vital roles of leadership in improving the sense of motivation in employees in the retail organisations of UK- A study on ASDA. This configured aim has further depicted some leading objectives that are as stated below: To analyse the factual concept of leadership in retail organisations of UK. To discover the adopted tools of motivation in ASDA. To identify the relationship between the tact of leadership and motivation in ASDA. To recommend some principle strategies to enhance the motivation level of employees with some profound tactics of leadership. Research questions It is mainly on the basis of above formulated aims and objectives to carry out this survey, which is hereby, directed by some below mentioned research questions: What is the factual concept of leadership in the retail organisations of UK? What are the tools adopted by ASDA to motivate their employees? What is the relationship among the tact of leadership and motivational context of employees in ASDA? Rational of the research: This section is specially to determine such contributory factors that have largely assisted the investigator to carry out the investigation in a directional manner. It is mainly in context to depict a prime reason behind selecting this particular topic for the investigation that has hereby represented a leading reason of personal interest of the researcher. Due to which, this particular topic of leadership has been chosen as a mean of exploring its vital role in enhancing the motivation level of the employees (Neuman and Robson, 2012). A prevalent state of competition among the organisations is together referred to be yet another significant reason behind electing this subject matter where it is a present-day concern in most of the retail organisations in UK. As a result to which, a demotivated set of workforce in turn impacts upon the overall productivity of the enterprise that resultantly impacts upon the profitability index of the enterprises. This research work will thus aid them to strengthen the prospective element of leadership in the organisation in order to raise the sense of encouragement in their employees. Producing a research project specification This is another foremost section of the investigation where the researcher will hereby define the adopted technique to carry out the study in an effective manner. Research design- It is a foremost tact needed to be referred by the investigator in order to carry out the study in a directional manner (Research design, 2009). This will in turn depict the nature and type of study that will be referred by the surveyor for conducting the research work. Wherein, the present investigation has showcased a descriptive study to make an in depth analysis of its elected subject matter. Research approach- It is yet another prime consideration of the researcher to carry out the investigation where here the surveyor has opted to carry an inductive format of the study. This will in turn widen the scope of investigation where its concentrated set of data is evident to transact from specific to general context (Deductive Reasoning Versus Inductive Reasoning, 2014). Data collection- The data collection measures together exists with its two imperative methods by referring to both primary and secondary aggregation of information. Into which, the primary accumulation of data will necessitate the surveyor to directly approach the respondents and interrogate them on the basis of a framed questionnaire (Gast and Ledford, 2014). Wherein, another alternative of secondary data assemblage will require to study pre established statistics in verified publications like books, journals and online articles, etc., from attested internet sites. Sampling- It is yet another practice of distributing the targeted respondents of the study in a proportionate way to give an equalised chance to each of them. However, there exists two leading tactics of sampling known as random and purposive distribution methods (Gast and Ledford, 2014). The present study has thus opted for a purposive or non probability tact for sampling the data where the surveyor will hereby refer to interrogate 4 top administrative bodies of ASDA. Data analysis- This is basically to analyse the above acquired set of data by electing one of the two alternative measures to make either qualitative or quantitative investigation. The present research work has therefore depicted a qualitative analysis of data to conduct a thematic study of the subject matter (Quantitative Methods in Education Research, 2014). Scope: the researcher has the skills required to carry out an inductive format of the study. Research limitations- This is especially to define certain limited elements that often leads to obstruct into the conducted study of the researcher. An inadequate source of time with deficit amount funds are those two constricted factors that largely impedes the survey. However, these two elements are referred to be the two most appropriate elements of the study for succeeding towards its undertaken aims and objectives. It is therefore important for the surveyor to conduct a planned study with present time and funds for achieving the targeted goals on a stipulated duration that is 11 weeks for this particular investigation. However, a limited number of secondary resources is referred to be yet another limited aspect for carrying out a defined study. Wherein, there together exists certain ethical dilemma as a way of obstructing the study where the researcher is required to use an authentic set of data while referring to the secondary resources. However, the primary sources were duly accessible where the researcher in the present study has referred to directly approach the responders as a way of interrogating them. Ethical issues- There together exists certain ethical responsibilities that are required to be considered by the researcher to carry out the study (Neuman and Robson, 2012). With respect to which, the investigator in the present study is required to carry a confidential interrogation in which, its obtained data should not get accessed by any unaccredited set of users. This is for instance to conduct a confidential study where the researcher is not liable to reveal the given answers of the respondents to an unauthorised user. Along with which, the investigator is together required to take a prior consent of the respondents to participate in the study with no forcible context on them. M1: This is basically to justify the specification of the present research work with some affluent measures of data collection and analysis. In whose context, both primary and secondary tactics of data collection have represented to be a justified selection of techni9ques by the researcher where both these methods have greatly collaborated with the findings of one other. Along with which, the qualitative method of analysis has also sustained the study by carrying out a thematic assessment to define the subjective nature of the facts by accurately corresponding to the nature of this particular research topic. TASK 1 part 2: Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification (AC1.5);Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis (AC2.1) This is basically to correspond the present carried investigation with that to the applied resources where the researcher has hereby opted for varied pertinent resources like time, cost and manpower resources to carry out the survey in a efficient manner (Paarlberg and Lavigna, 2010). These resources have together depicted a projected way of carrying out the study where the time to carry out the entire survey was duly scheduled by the researcher with the help of Gantt chart. With reference to which, the researcher has hereby referred to undertake 11 weeks of study to acquire its stipulated goals and objectives. Research objective By when Resources to be used (2.1) Milestones (when do you know this objective is achieved) How will you monitor this objective is being achieved? method of monitoring Statistic analysis 10/03/2017 Internet and blogs On that day Recorder Numbers (using chart) In March Internet On that month Recorder This research has been scheduled with a projected timeline to promptly carry out the investigation. It is with a prime consideration of achieving its configured goals and objectives by avoiding the possibility of any sort of hindrance in the research work. It is mainly in regard to specify the available period of time to carry out the study where such planned work will largely support the surveyor to timely attain the targeted intent of the research. Non-availability of time will not reflected to be a matter of concern for the researchers any more in case they refer to follow this pivotal tool of Gantt chart. Key Activities Week 1 Week 2 3 Week4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 9 Week 10 Week 11 Preparation of Introduction Literature Review Collection of Secondary Information Examination of the Collected Data Research Design Research Methodology Acquiring Primary Data Analysing Primary and Secondary Data Conclusion and Recommendations Completion of Leftover Work Revision and Draft Final Submission TASK 2:BE ABLE TO IMPLEMENT THE RESEARCH PROJECT WITHIN AGREED PROCEDURES AND TO SPECIFICATION 2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures. This section has referred to depict the framed set of questionnaire along with the conferred answers of the respondents. Undertaking the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures by recording This is to discuss upon the undertaken design of the questionnaire where the researcher in the present study has referred to plan an open-ended questionnaire with relevant set of questions. It was with a single close-ended query in which the respondents were hereby asked to provide their own suggestions as a way of advising some effective measures of leadership to enhance the sense of motivation in employees. This in turn depicted a primary method of data collection with a structured interview along with a secondary method in which the governmental records published for the retail based organisations of UK were referred over here. Along with which, the official website of ASDA was also referred to gather some pertinent facts from their pre-established findings. However, there existed certain advantages and disadvantages of both these data collection methods that are as mentioned below- Advantages of primary data collection method: A close interrogation by directly approaching the respondents. This in turn relates to the study and research of the person. Great control over a specific subject. Disadvantages of primary data collection method: A costly method. Time consuming process. A lower rate of response. Advantages of secondary data collection method: A cost effective method. Requires less time and efforts. Provides a base to the primary research method. Disadvantages of secondary data collection method: Unspecific in nature. May produce inaccurate data. Issues of time log. Apart from which, a qualitative method of analysis has been used to evaluate the collected set of data where it is usually done to conduct a thematic assessment based upon distinct formation of themes. Where it is also associated with a leading issue of partiality where the evaluation often tends to bias from one other. Collating relevant data where appropriate This section has referred to depict the framed set of questionnaire along with the conferred answers of the respondents. Since how long your are employer with ASDA? Frequency Percentage 1 year 0 0 3 years 2 50 5 years 1 25 More than 5 years 1 25 Are you agreed by the fact which states that employees need a close supervision at the workplace. Frequency Percentage Strongly agreed 1 25 Agreed 1 25 Neutral 2 50 Disagreed 0 0 Strongly disagreed 0 0 Most of the employees are self motivated in your organisation. Frequency Percentage Yes 1 25 No 3 75 What leadership style is being adopted by you to acquire timely submission of assignations by your respective subordinates? Frequency Percentage Democratic 2 50 Laissez free 0 0 Autocratic 1 25 Bureaucratic 1 25 What principle traits of leadership must be adopted to enhance the productivity status of your establishment? Frequency Percentage Generating a sense of encouragement in employees. 2 50 Provisioning an effective reward system at the workplace. 1 25 Carrying out a strict approach toward the employees by penalising them for not meeting the stipulated standards of work. 1 25 In your view, does leaders play a substantial role in supporting their subordinates to accept their key responsibilities of work. Frequency Percentage Most of the time 2 50 Sometime 2 50 Rarely 0 0 Never 0 0 However, on discoursing upon the facts and findings acquired from the secondary sources of data collection, it has been found that leadership does plays an intact role in motivating the employees at the workplace. It is however with some great efforts of the leaders where they are hereby provisioned with distinct tools of motivation to utilize on them. Although, their together exists certain advantages and disadvantages of data analysis method where the data in the present investigation has been analysed using a qualitative method. In whose context, below are the identified advantages and disadvantages of this measure: Advantages: No rigorous plan or design is required. An affluent and detailed set of information. Disadvantages: A subjective view of the study that needs a massive involvement of the surveyor in the study. A very time consuming procedure with biased context of research as per the own set of views of the investigator. D3: This is basically to justify the selection of data collection method where both primary and secondary measures of data collection has been implicated by the investigator over here. Both these measures have greatly contributed in conducting a directional study where the findings incurred from primary method have supported the facts of secondary resources. 3.1 Appropriate techniques of research evaluation It is basically to discourse upon the way in which the researcher has hereby referred to acquire the aims and objectives of this investigation where it was carried to assess the roles of leadership as a way of generating a motivational sense in the employees. It was with a prime objective to evaluate the realistic concept of leadership in the retail based organisations of UK. The researcher duly achieved this where leadership is identified to be a trait in which the leaders are responsible to handle their respective subordinates and their work with some expertise skills with some specialised abilities. Another objective of this study was to discover the adopted tools of motivation in ASDA where it has been found that they are more likely to use the internal measures to encourage the workers by promoting them to a higher level position, etc. The last objective of this investigation was to identify the relationship between the tact of leadership and motivation in ASDA where both these elements are depicted to have a close interrelation with one other. It is where the leaders are apparent to play a principle role in inspiring their employees by implicating various tactics of motivation. All these objectives have been attained by using some effective techniques of research with valid and reliable set of findings that are proven to be successful for this survey. Wherein, the benefits of the incurred outcomes of this research is evident to support the organisation named ASDA in determining such vital roles of their leaders that are effective in creating a sense of motivation in their workers. However, there existed certain difficulties in carrying out this investigation where the respondents were not willing to interact with each another in a smooth manner. Apart from which, this has also reflected to be a slight time consuming study with less number of secondary resources. Along with which, the surveyor was also not well versed to work on excel with less experience in conducting such studies. 3.2 Using appropriate research evaluation techniques and interpreting and analysing the results in terms of the original research specification Theme 1- A major number of responders are evident to work from a longer time period in ASDA. Interpretation: This is on interpreting the outcome of above carried analysis in order to determine the existent time period of the employers working in ASDA who has hereby represented as the respondents of the study. In context to which, it has been found that almost all responders are working from a considerable time period and are well experienced in their field. Wherein, 2 of them are employed with ASDA from last 3 years and 1 of them is occupied since 5 years and another 1 is working here for more than 5 years. Theme 2- Almost all respondents are agreed with the concept of close supervision for their subordinates. Interpretation: It is on referring to the above obtained data that has clearly depicted a united outlook of almost all the respondents that has been presented in context to a bestowed statement of close supervision of employers on their employees. With respect to which, 1 has represented a strong agreement towards it with another who is merely agreed to it. Whereas, there existed 2 such respondents who are at a neutral stage of acceptance for this statement. Theme 3- Majority of responders have not approved by the self motivation sense of their employees. Interpretation: On the basis of above conducted primary research, it has been found that only 1 out of 4 respondents are in favour of their self motivated employees. However, the other 3 have specified a clear no towards it
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Analysis of The Ballad of the Sad Cafe by Carson McCullers :: Carson McCullers Literature Love Essays
Analysis of The Ballad of the Sad Cafe by Carson McCullers The Ballad of the Sad Cafe by Carson McCullers is a story of love illustrated through the romantic longings and attractions of the three eccentric characters; Miss Amelia, Cousin Lymon, and Marvin Macy. McCullers depicts love as a force, often strong enough to change people's attitudes and behaviors. Yet, the author seems to say, if the love is unrequited, individuals, having lost their motivation to change, will revert back to their true selves. The allure of the different characters, which is never revealed by the author, seems to indicate that feelings of love and attraction are not necessarily reasonable or understandable to others.Miss Amelia is self-reliant, outspoken and very much a loner. She stands six foot one inch tall and has a strong, masculine build. Her grey eyes are crossed, and the rest of her features are equally unattractive. Yet, the people of the small, southern town of Cheehaw accept her quirkiness because of the equisite wine that she sells in her store and for her free doctoring and homemade remedies. Still, everyone is shocked when the handsome outlaw, Marvin Macy, falls in love with her.Marvin is a "bold, fearless, and cruel" man who changes his unlawful ways to win Miss Amelia's love. Rather than robbing houses he begins attending church services on Sunday mornings. In an effort to court Miss Amelia, he learns proper etiquette, such as "rising and giving his chair to a lady, and abstaining from swearing and fighting". Two years after Marvin's reformation, he asks Miss Amelia to marry him. Miss Amelia does not love him but agrees to the marriage in order to satisfy her great-aunt. Once married, Miss Amelia is very aloof towards her husband and refuses to engage in marital relations with him. After ten days, Miss Amelia ends the marriage because she finds that she is unable to generate any positive feelings for Marvin. Several months after the divorce, Marvin reverts back to his initial corrupt ways and is "sent to a state penitentiary for robbing filling stations and holding up A & P stores".Just as love had changed Marvin, so too did it change Miss Amelia. In the mid 1930's, several years after Miss Amelia's divorce, Lymon, a hunchback, comes to Miss Amelia claiming to be a distant cousin. She readily provides Cousin Lymon with food and board, and eventually any material object that he desires.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Ethics Paper -- essays research papers
Everyday we each face questions of what we ought to do. We sometimes ask ourselves, â€Å"What if everyone did that?†Every time you decide to pick up a piece of trash because you want the city to look nice, you are not doing it because of the aesthetic effect of one piece of trash, but rather what the city would look like if no one picked up their trash. Kant uses this everyday question in his system of morality as part of the categorical imperative. For Kant, the morality of an action can be determined by the categorical imperative. Kant would like to determine the morality of stealing, therefore Kant wants to examine the morality of â€Å"I will steal anything I want to satisfy my desire for it†. Then Kant rephrases the statement to ask the question of what if everybody did it, â€Å"Everyone will steal anything they want to satisfy their desire for it.†Then Kant makes that statement a maxim, a law which must be followed by everyone in Kant’s test world. Kant examines the world and asks if you can consistently will your maxim in a world in which that is a law? But if everyone steals anything they desire, how will there be property rights since it is okay for anyone to take anything at any time? There can’t. Since there are no property rights, the maxim breaks down since stealing only occurs when someone takes property from its rightful owner. Since there is a contradiction in the 1 conception of the maxim, you are prohibited from acting on that maxim. Imagine Ice Man, a cold, rational person that does not find inner satisfaction in spreading joy and cannot take delight in the satisfaction of others. Does Ice Man have a duty to help others when they are in need? Ice Man is wealthy and not in need of help from others? Ice Man wants to determine the morality of â€Å"I will not help others when they are in need of help.†Therefore, what if everyone did not help others when they are in need of help. Despite this being an unhappy world, there is no contradiction in conception in this maxim unlike above. But does it pass Kant’s contradiction in willing test? Ice Man is defined as a rational being. As a rational being, Ice Man knows that one day he too will be in need. Since he is a rational being, he will prefer that someone would help him and as a rational being, cannot will that no one would help other when they are in need. Since it fails the contradiction in willing test, ev... universalizing the situation and removing your own self interest, then we judge the consequences to our actions without prejudice or preference. By ignoring the question of â€Å"What if everyone did that?†, we can 3 justify murder, lies, and other unmoral acts that can hurt much more than we realize in the heat of the moment. If I leave a piece of trash on the ground when I am in rush or otherwise pressured and believe that is okay, that piece of trash on the ground means that someone else will have to pick it up and that other people will feel more free to drop their trash there.1 Many actions may seem to hurt no one, but in the aggregate do cause pain to others. By ignoring the question of â€Å"What if everyone did that?†, we ignore the infinitesimal effects our actions have on everyone we come into contact with it or simply feel the secondary effects. Therefore, the universal question of â€Å"What if everyone did that?†should be a part of our ethical thinking. 1I did an informal study on this in my social room last year with both dirty dishes in the sink and paper towels on the floor. The difference in dirtiness after an hour was impressive. Real studies have been done on this as well.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
History of Broadway Essay
There have been many debates on whether or not Broadway musicals are considered â€Å"serious†art forms. People feel that a musical can never be taken seriously if the character is always singing sporadically, which is very unusual in real life. However, musicals have been around for quite some time now, many musicals are being adapted into major motion pictures, many children are raised on the famous Disney musical cartoons and everybody( whether they’ll admit it or not) has seen at least one musical in their lifetime and are able to sing some of the songs from it. It seems that musicals have made an impact on society but yet are still not taken seriously. The history of musicals dates back to the Greeks. It is a common known fact that the Greeks incorporated song and dance into their stage comedies and tragedies as early as the 5th Century B. C. Some used existing songs but it is known that Sophocles wrote his own. The Romans are also known for taking the Greek musicals and expanding on them. The Romans liked the idea of musicals so much that they attached metal chips to their shoes, creating the first tap shoes, so that there would be more focus on the dancing throughout the play. Of course musicals and the idea of telling stories through song and dance really became popular through the Renaissance era. During the 1700’s the two main types of plays were ballad operas and comic operas. Many people think that musicals evolved from operas however if you follow the history of musicals and operas you will learn that it is the other way around yet operas are much more respected than musicals. Musicals came to America during the mid-1800’s as saloon shows. They were also known as variety shows and consisted of everything from clowns, singers, dancers and chorus girls. In Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York (Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, New York, 1991, p. 92), historian Luc Sante, claims that variety shows were born in Manhattan’s Bowery saloons during the 1840s. One of the first and most famous variety houses was Koster and Bial’s on West 23rd Street in New York City. The variety shows were very distasteful and were later cleaned up and renamed vaudeville then in the 1900’s the shows were cleaned up even more and were then known as minstrelsy. While the minstrelsy shows were much cleaner than the original variety show they would still be considered extremely raunchy by today’s standards. Musicals later came to take the form of the misunderstood form of Burlesque performances. Burlesque shows became popular and kept America entertained from 1840 through the 1960’s. Many people identify burlesque with strippers or scantily dressed women. The burlesque shows however covered many topics of interest from Shakespeare to spoofs of the famous operas of the moment. In 1860 Burlesque made its appearance on Broadway with Lydia Thompson’s British burlesque troupe and their first hit entitled Ixion. It became clear that respectable people would pay lots of money for a sexy performance. The theatre group would use popular songs of that time and parts of operas to perform too which made some of the audience try to say made the Burlesque show more classy and easier to relate too. Soon the offended audience members began to raise their voices in protest of the performances saying that they were extremely inappropriate and tasteless. This of course only made people more curious about the performances and the crowds began to grow for the show. With the success of the shows people began to copy them and bring them back to their own communities. The majority of the managers and choreographers were women and finally women were beginning to gain respect in the theatre business. Men quickly began to see the success and start their own shows. The point of the shows were to hint at the idea of the women being naked and to show as much skin as was considered acceptable. The Burlesque shows, while being popular, were considered to be the lowest form of theatre, many of the actors would move on to vaudeville shows which were considered to be the top of the line where if a vaudeville actor would appear in a Burlesque show it was considered a step down and the actor was labeled as â€Å"washed up†. Burlesque soon took on comedy routines and would make fun of the current issues that the middle and lower class were dealing with. However in the 1920’s there began a raid and the police felt the need to shut down all of the Burlesque shows which was a major hit to the Manhattan society where most of the theatres were at the time. While the Burlesque scene was popular musical comedies were beginning to rise without the help of the nudity factor. The musical comedy was born on Broadway between the years 1878-1884 by the famous producers Edward (Ned) Harrigan and Tony Hart. Harrigan would write the lyrics and songs with some of the music he had taken from his father and add them to plays that would feature characters and situations that the everyday lives of New York’s lower class. They had one particularly famous bit entitled â€Å"Mulligan Guard’s March†which started in San Francisco and was quickly spread all across the country and reached New York where it ran for over a year in the most popular theatres. With the success of their short bit they expanded into a 40 minute performance which was greatly accepted and kept playing for a month which was considered a good run for that time. Their show became so popular that it started a seven year run of different shows with Harrigan directing, producing, performing and writing the scripts and lyrics. Their shows ran with much success on Manhattans downtown streets and overpopulated theatres. People quickly saw the success and began to try to create their own versions of this new style known as musical comedies. Some had success but were quickly forgotten or overlooked with Harrigan and Hart’s success. The more light-hearted and â€Å"cheesy†musicals began to pop up all over the Broadway scene in 1940. The Broadway producers felt that with America at war and people still suffering from the Depression audiences just wanted to be entertained and no longer wanted to see their troubles and everyday situations acted out on stage because they were no longer comical. There were still a few comedies left however, one of the most popular being This is the Army a comedy which spoofed the army life. This particular play had a huge success in America and also had successful run in London. This is the Army became so popular that they even made a motion picture out of the play which earned over $9 million and donated to the Army’s Emergency Relief fund. The 1940’s were filled with famous musicals all with the hopes of just being pure entertainment and losing the idea that only the most artistic performances would be well received. Two of the most famous musical writers in the history of the business made their debut during this time, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. Rodgers and Hammerstein were friends in college and both agreed that the best way to approach a musical was with the lyrics first, which was rare for the time. When the two were ready to debut their loved musical Oklahoma the Theatre Guild was bankrupt so the two took the major decisions in their own hands. They took some major risks one being to not open with a big catchy theatrical number and the other being to cast smaller unknown actors instead of the guaranteed success of the more popular actors of the time. The play was something that had never been seen before; it was a well rounded well written musical. On opening night in New York the show however was not sold out, since there were no major known stars, however the show quickly became a huge success. The success of Oklahoma changed the quality of musicals forever. It was soon realized that musicals could contain more than just â€Å"cheesy†dance numbers; musicals could contain drama, comedy and all around quality acting. Future musicals had higher standards and required better and more talented actors. The actors had to be skilled dancers, singers and actors. There was a lot of talent discovered all over the theatre community during the 40’s while everybody tried to compete with and follow the success of Oklahoma, however most of the talent was quickly forgotten. The 1950’s were soon open the musical community and show tunes were considered the main source of entertainment. Even the smaller musicals that did not have the most talented actors could be very profitable because the audience hoped to discover another winning team like Rodgers and Hammerstein. The fantastic duo were still ruling the musical world of Broadway, at one point they had 4 successful musicals running at the same time. In 1959 one of the most famous musicals of all time was created and praised, The Sound of Music. Everybody loved the music and the story and it was an immediate success, however it is also remembered as their last great success together as Hammerstein died just a few months after it opened which brought the end of their ruling. The 60’s and 70’s also had some great success in the musical worlds with the idea of bring rock music to the stage. In the 60’s show tunes could not be found in musicals and were replaced by edgier rock songs. The 60’s are of course known as the years of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll and those ideas were put into story lines and portrayed on the stage. The 70’s had two major hits with Grease and The Wiz. However, the 70’s ended on a bad not for musicals because many people were tired of the shoddy performances being produced and their change in taste of music. There were some other great musicals that were produced in the 70’s but unfortunately they went overlooked. At the end of the decade revivals were beginning to pop up with famous actors playing the major roles in the musicals to boost up ticket sales. In 1980 the success of Broadway was revived with the huge success of Cats. The success and word of Cats spread all across the world and totally revived the spirit of the musical theatre. Many American composers debuted works after the success of Cats but sadly many failed. One of the biggest failures, Carrie, made its debut in 1988 which many considered the death of the Broadway rage of musicals. The main source of entertainment was now and movies and nobody paid much attention to Broadway anymore. Broadway however had one major hit left in The Phantom of the Opera. Andrew Lloyd Webber gave Broadway one last major success which is still running today. The Phantom brought in a new crowd and sold tickets at outrageous prices that the audience did not mind paying for at all, they also spent ton of money on the souvenirs. The 90’s saw a pretty bad drought in musical success except for the mid-90’s when it seemed like musicals were back with the success of Rent, Chicago, Cabaret and Bring in Da’ Noise, Bring in Da’ Funk. The success carried into 2000 and is still working it’s was on a comeback with a hot streak. With the huge success of Chicago being adapted into a major motion picture with huge stars like Rene Zellweger, Richard Gere, Taye Diggs and Catherine Zeta-Jones a new interest and spark was ignited in musicals. The theatre has also seen success recently with The Lion King, Hairspray, Aida, The Producers and Mamma Mia!. Musicals have overseen many changes and has a great history of success and failures just like any other type of theatre. As stated in the beginning many children are raised on musicals and grow up surrounded by music yet musicals are not seen as serious pieces of art. While the most popular musicals are the entertaining ones that don’t deal with any major issues that doesn’t mean that they can’t be serious as well. There are many types of musicals but why does that make them less important? Should comedic plays be seen as less artistic than dramatic pieces? Musicals have just as an important background and history as plays so I feel they should be viewed just as valuable to our society as any other piece of theatrical art. While it may be unnatural for a person to just burst out into song throughout their everyday life I don’t think it’s that far of a stretch if it did happen. How many times are we reminded of a song we hear earlier that day and sing it in our head? The only real difference between musicals and everyday life is that when we do sing our songs throughout our lives they aren’t always originals, everybody around you doesn’t join in and automatically know every word and we don’t have perfectly choreographed dance numbers to go along with them, however if we did have all that I think it would make life a lot more exciting and interesting. I am personally jealous of musicals for those reasons and wish they were given more respect.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Environmentalism and Deforestation Activities Essay
Deforestation is a severe environmental destruction which cannot be revived easily if changed at current rate. Therefore, I totally agree that deforestation causes a lot of environmental problems. Deforestation includes the cutting down, burning and destructing of forests. The deforestation affects the ecosystem and disrupts the oxygen and carbon oxide cycle. People have an impression that if the trees were cut down, it will grow back in a few years. Everyone knows the trees are very important in our daily life because it can produces oxygen to people can breathe with fresh air. However, the trees become less because deforestation. We can plant more trees around the environment to prevent the deforestation. Furthermore, plant more trees also can prevent our health and the global warming. In short, we can plant more trees to stop the deforestation. On the other hand, we can recycle the anything that we can recycle it. The paper that we use every day was makes from trees, so, we cannot waste the paper and we must reuse the part that can be used. We also can buy the variety of recycled items likewise papers, toilet paper, note books, and shopping bags. When we start use the recycled things, we can save many the demand of raw material replaced by the recycled products. We can join the environmental group to prevent deforestation and and protect our environment. When we join the group, we can make some notice boards about the serious of deforestation. For example, we can write the ‘Please save our earth!’, ‘Stop cutting the trees!’ and the others. The notice board can placed at the college, school, or the road side to remaining people that our earth was dangerous now. In fact, people can realize the deforestation was very harmful to our earth. In conclusion, the deforestation was cause many environmental problems. Therefore, we need some way to stop all such deforestation activities immediately for our earth future become very well.
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