Thursday, October 31, 2019
Small business use of electronic commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Small business use of electronic commerce - Essay Example In an environment in which time is precious the advantage to the consumer is undeniable. Not only that, but the concept can reduce costs too. For instance, Pea Pod that stores the goods which a customer wants can sort and pack these goods considerably more efficiently than the store and can be located out of town in an industrial park or other area where cheap rents are available. Moreover, staffing requirements are lower, the incidence of in-store theft is reduced, and the hours of operation can be extended. For small business companies like KOA MART, the opportunities of Internet-based commerce seem considerable, but few companies have yet succeeded in exploiting them profitably. Such success is dependent on acquiring an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the Internet and matching these with the characteristics of existing products or services. In contrast to Pea Pod, KOA MART proposes better catalogues and more vivid visual representation of its products. It is easy to find a product and its price. Pea Pod has poor design and simpler structure; it is difficult to navigate and use this site. The majority of sites linked to "small business +electronic commerce" are devoted to potential online resources and analysis of the market opportunities. Some of the sites propose technical assistance for small business while others highlight the main trends and e-news about developments within the industry. This information can also be used by small business organizations that want to sell as well as buy (Demery, 2007). Small business companies may see that competitor's price reduction appeals only to a certain type of customer (those, for example, who have easy access to the competitor's products; in other words, the discount is not sufficient to attract customers who do not have this access). In this case, proposal would be to restrict their own price reduction so that it applies only to those customers who have easy access to the competitor products. By doing this, they can minimize the impact of competitor's actions on overall margins (Demery, 2007). Thus companies may identify that if one of competitors reduces the price of a product, volume of sales will go down; if companies reduce price at the same time, volume of sales will remain static (assuming that companies also match competitor's price promotion or other marketing tactics). One of the key characteristics of the goods and services that are capable of being traded successfully on the Internet, therefore, is that they are recognized and understood by the consumer (Howlett, 2007). This means either that they must have a strong brand (so that the consumer knows what to expect) or that the goods must be of such a nature that the consumer knows what they will receive. There are many thousands of sites on the Internet, which makes it considerably more competitive than local shopping mall or high street. Getting people to enter a site is as difficult as, if not more difficult than, getting people to purchase goods from a retailer (Howlett, 2007). The Internet did not level the playing field between large and small businesses because large companies receive great opportunities to reduce prices and tattract global target audiences. While one of the major advantages offered by the Internet is that - as a manufacturer, for example - a small company no longer has to do battle with retailers and competitors to obtain the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human Relations - Conflict Resolution - MAYER Essay
Human Relations - Conflict Resolution - MAYER - Essay Example It is to be pointed out that the value of this book is more than that of a guide for conflict practitioners, but it helps an individual to withstand conflicts in future. The central issue in this book concentrates on unique perspective of conflict resolution and prevention. The book can be divided into two distinct parts, first deals with conflict, i.e. the problem, and the second part deals with resolution or solution for the problem. Three dimensions of conflict are pointed out, i.e. perception, emotion and action, and it consists of practical vision of understanding conflict. The description of the causes of conflict points out conflict resolution as a social service. Mayer points out that, people’s approach towards conflict is unpredictable because of individual difference. So, the goals and objectives of a practitioner or a mediator must focus beyond mere resolution. The foretold goals and objectives should go ahead of resolution, and it must change the ethical and moral value system of our society. Different types of conflicts are discussed like cognitive, emotional and behavioral. So the role of individuals in conflict is varied and th ey are mentioned by Mayer as-advocate, mediator, expert, arbitrator, or witness. But communication and understanding plays the prominent role in conflict resolution. The next set of ideas mentioned is that of conflict resolution. First of all, Mayer points out three dimensions of conflict resolution. He is with a different idea on mediation as method to resolve conflict. Effective and practical approaches like distributive and integrative negotiation are mentioned but the radical idea is that of confronting an impasse while negotiation. The importance of the role of mediators and their limitations are also mentioned. He further goes beyond the traditional methods of conflict resolution and it leads him to the search for alternative conflict resolution procedures. The
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Cognitive Network Security
Cognitive Network Security Introduction: The rapid development of various communication and wireless technologies had led to ultimate spectrum insufficiency. This may cause a great spectrum extinction thereby not allowing new wireless services to be installed. To overcome this great spectrum disaster and to optimally use the underutilized bands, a new technology so called cognitiveradio evolved. This technology scampers the software programs thereby helps cognitive user to look for spectrum holes, pick the best among them, work jointly in coordination with other users and do not disturb the owner of spectrum on arrival[1].The members do stay connected in an ad-hoc manner and there is no guaranteed network architecture. This makes the privacy issues more intricate than in conventional wireless devices. [2]. The medium of transport is free air, any adulteration of data can be done without much being noticed by the sufferer and at the worst case, the data signals are even jammed. Establishing security in these networks is a ri sky task because of its inimitable quality. [4] The innate temperament of it has made it an open play ground for attackers. There are four layers in a cognitive network out of which Physical layer is the lowermost layer and various attacks are feasible here .The main focus is on attacks in these layers since it is the common layer and has same compatibility with all other devices. The rapid development of technology has led to a new attack so called Primary User Emulation Attack wherein the imitation of spiteful user as a primary transmitter occurs to deceive the secondary users and gain access over the white space. Better functioning of the Cognitive network is affected to a great extent if this Primary User Emulation Attack is severe.[3]Earlier methods and the most primitive are cyclostationary and the energy detection ones [11]. The first technique is based on the fact that the signals from primary users are periodic and do have regular cyclostationarity property. The second method involves comparison of energy level of the signal with a preset threshold. [10].These methods are already bypassed owing to the rapid growth of technology. It can be done either by impersonating the primary transmitted signal or high power signal to confuse the energy detector [9]. Thus to avoid the problem of PUEA, we need a trustable method to verify the arrival of primary user .One such method is verification of licensed user by means of biased reaction signalling[6]. The other technique involves LocDef , where we use localization technique by non interactive technique [7]. We can also use Public encryption systems thereby ensuring the trustworthy communication[5]. Primary user has a closely placed helper node which plays the role of a bridge thereby enabling of the verification of the primary user’s signals using cryptographic signatures and authentic link signatures.[8].There are hand off techniques meant for secret communication of sharing session keys between the client and the router [12]. We do add the tag for authentication in a transparent way so as no to interfere with the primary receiver but still maintain authenticity with the cognitive user. We can add this tag in parity bits of the codeword or in the modulation scheme .[13].But to make this signature embedding accurate, error control codes like convolutional codes, turbo codes or alamauti codes can be used. .A convolutional encoder is a linear predetermined-state device with n algebraic function generators and K stage shift register. The binary input data, is shifted as b bits at a time along the registers. Decoding can be done by either sequential decoding, maximum likelihood or feedback decoding[15]. In case of turbo codes, two RSC elementary codes are in a parallel organization. Maximum A Posteriori algorithm is used for decoding it in iterative process[16].In a highly noisy environments single error control codes do not have high coding gain. In order to improve this concatenated codes are preferred.[14] H ence to cope up with the FCC regulations, we proposed a method in which the authentication tag is embedded onto the data signal by the helper node after encoding and the comparative study of which concatenated codes serve the best to reduce the bit error rate has been discussed. II. PROPOSED METHOD: 2.1)HASH ALGORITHM: Procedure: Message is Padded in such a way that the length of message matches to 896 modulo 1024 . In certain cases ,the length may match yet the padding becomes additional. We do add a binary bit 1 followed by binary 0s to make the desired length. Depending upon the actual message size, we may have n number of bits padded where n=1 to 1024.We do assume that the message after padding is an unsigned integer of 128 bits and output of earlier two steps is a 1024 bit integer in order to calculate the length of message. Eight registers each of capacity to hold 64 bits (p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) are needed to grasp the 512 bit results momentarily .This 512 bit output is carried over as an input to the consecutive stages. For the first stage, the previously stored transitional hash output is taken. On processing the padded message of 1024 bits, we get 64 bit as input per round. So to maintain the security and avoid repetitions, we do use a constant to point to the round number out of 80.After completion of 80 rounds, the final stage result is fed back to the first block until the message gets over. Thus we need (Oi-1) to produce Oi where I is the stage number. 2.2)METHOD OF EMBEDDING: We assume that the primary transmitter and the helper node share almost the same geological location and the helper node has a secret communication with the secondary users there. The primary transmitter on arrival generally transmits a data signal to its intended primary receiver. Since the primary transmitter has the highest priority and in no way it should be interfered we use the helper node to embed this security tag. The primary transmitter encodes the data sequence, modulates and transmits the signal. The data sequence after encoding is modulated and being transmitted by the primary transmitter. The helper node here repeats the signal and the hashed output is being embedded by it .Here the embedding is done in such a way that the tag to data ratio is comparatively low. Encode the data sequence to form N code words and each codeword contains p bits. We get an authentication tag by splitting the hash function output obtained earlier into p bit blocks. The tag thus obtained is su bstituted in the place of first p bits of the total N code words obtained. We do obey the regulations as per FCC since this tag embedding task is solely performed by the helper node. At the receiver end the authentication tag is retrieved and checked for authenticity. This tag verification is being done by the Cognitive Radio user upon reception since we did assume that the key for hash had been exchanged privately earlier. If verification is successful, the task is suspended and secondary user looks for any new white space. BLOCK DIAGRAM: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: BER VALUES FOR CONVOLUTIONAL CODES: BER VALUES FOR TURBO CONVOLUTIONAL CODES: BER VALUES FOR CONVOLUTIONAL-ALAMOUTI CODES: BER VALUES FOR TURBO-ALAMOUTI CODES: REFERENCES: O. Leà ³n ,Hernà ¡ndez-Serrano, J.,Soriano, M.,. Securingcognitiveradionetworks, International Journal of Communication Systems,23: 633-652. May 2010 Parvin, S.,Han, S.,Tian, B.,Hussain, F.K, Trust-based authentication for secure communication inCognitiveRadioNetworks,International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, Hong Kong; China;,pp. 589-596. December 2010. Zhang, C.,Yu, R.,Zhang, Y., Performance analysis of Primary User Emulation Attack inCognitiveRadionetworks,International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference,pp.371-376. August 2012. Parvin, S.,Hussain, F.K.,Hussain, O.K.,Han, S.,Tian, B.,Chang, E., Cognitiveradionetworksecurity: A survey ,Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35: 1691-1708. November 2012. Parvin, S.,Hussain, F.K.,Hussain, O.K, Digital signature-basedauthenticationframework incognitiveradionetworks, International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia,pp.136-142. December 2012. Kumar, V.,Park, J.M.,Kim, J.,Aziz, A., Physical layerauthenticationusing controlled inter symbol interference, International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks,pp. 286. October 2012. Ruiliang Chen, Jung-Min Park, and Jeffrey H. Reed,Defense against Primary User Emulation Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks,IEEE transactions on Selected areas in communication,26:25-37. January 2008. Tingting Jiang., Huacheng Zeng., Qiben Yan., Wenjing Lou.,Thomas Hou,Y, On the Limitation of Embedding Cryptographic Signature for Primary Transmitter Authentication, IEEE transactions on Wireless communication letters,1:324-327. August 2012. Chen,R.,Park,J.,Reed,J.H, Defense against primary user emulation attacks in cognitive radio networks, IEEE transactions on Selected Areas in Communications, 26:25–37. 2008. Liu,Y.,Ning,P., Dai,H, Authenticating primary users’ signals in cognitive radio networks via integrated cryptographic radio networks via integrated cryptographic and wireless link signatures,IEEE Symp. on Security and Privacy, pp. 286–301. 2010. Kim,H.,Shin,K.G, In-band spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks: energy detection or feature detection? ,ACM international conference on Mobile computing and networking, pp.14-25. 2008. He, Y.,Xu, L.,Wu, W., A local joint fast handoff scheme incognitivewireless mesh networks , IEEE transactions on Security and Communication Networks, 7:455-465. February 2014. Xi Tan., Kapil Borle., Wenliang Du., Biao Chen, Cryptographic Link Signatures for Spectrum Usage Authentication in Cognitive Radio, ACM conference on Wireless network security,pp.79-90.2011. Avila, J.,Thenmozhi, K, DWT highlighted concatenated multi band orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB-OFDM)-upgraded enactment, International Journal of Engineering and Technology,5:2155-2162. June 2013. Andrew J. Viterbi, Convolutional Codes and ’Their Performance in Communication Systems , IEEE transactions on Communication Technology,19:751-772. October 1971. Claude Berrou., Alain Glavieux ,Near optimum error correcting coding and decoding-turbo codes,IEEE Transactions on communications,44:1261-1271. October 1996 Wang,X.,Wu,Y.,Caron,B, Transmitter identification using embedded pseudo random sequences, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting,3:244-252. September 2004. Danev,B.,Luecken,H.,Capkun,Z.,Defrawy,K.E,Attacks on physical-layer identification,ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security,pp.89-97. 2010. Proakis,J.G., Salehi,M, Digital Communications.New York, McGraw-Hill, pp. 192, 434, 472-474. 2007. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
The Lord of the Flies :: Free Essay Writer
The Lord of the Flies William Golding uses much symbolism in his novel, The Lord of the Flies, to help readers gain a greater understanding of his message. He uses symbolism in three important areas: objects that have symbolic value as references to ideas, characters that symbolize important historical and religious people, and the setting which frames the conflicts on the island in comparison to the whole world. Objects are the first part of the story that are symbolic. Many objects in The Lord of the Flies have important symbolic value. The conch shell represents power and authority, and Ralph uses it to call for the boys to come to meetings. Whoever has the shell has the power to talk. The conch shows how people use objects to give power, like a crown, sceptre, or other thins that show who has power. We also learn that objects don’t really give power when people choose not to obey it, like Ralph’s conch. The pig’s head, or Lord of the Flies, is an important object. To Jack it is a sacrifice for the beast. This object shows that people will make religions and rituals to control their world, even when what they think is not true. The Lord of the Flies is also a symbol of Satan, or the Devil. When Simon talked with the Lord of the Flies, he learned what the real evil was, which is the evil in people’s hearts. The Lord of the Flies is a symbol of the things we make up to be the cause for evil, when those things aren’t the real reason. The fire is a symbol of hope and rescue. When the fire was burning bright, it was because the boys were working hard to get rescued. When the fire burnt out, it was because many boys, like Jack, didn’t care anymore about being rescued. In the end, the fire that got them rescued was not meant for rescue. It was there because Jack was burning down the island to kill Ralph. This shows us that we get things from luck instead of hard work. The objects in the story are used by characters that also have symbolism. The many different characters on the island are symbols of important people. They show how the real world is made up of people. Ralph is a good leader who cannot control bad people like Jack. Ralph is like Franklin Roosevelt before World War II who could not stop the war from breaking out.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Action Genre
The action genre is a genre wherein physical action takes precedence in the storytelling. Also, action movies often have continuous motions and actions including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. The story usually revolves around a hero that has a goal but is facing incredible odds to obtain it. While the action genre has a long recurring component in films, the action film genre began to develop in the 1970s along with the increase of stunts and special effects.Audiovisual Translation (AVT)According to Zobalbeascoa (2008), an audiovisual text is a mode of communication that is distinct from the written and the oral mode, although it may not be easy to draw a clear borderline between the audiovisual and other modes (p.29). And, other scholars like Bartrina (2004) believes that â€Å"in using the term audiovisual texts we receive via two channels, the visual and acoustic such texts contain images that move rapidly one after another†(p.157). Unlike communication through books, radio, telephone or sign language, audiovisual communication implies that the acoustic channel through air vibrations and the visual channel through light waves are simultaneously utilized. In other words, the film establishes a multi-channel and multi-code communication that take place through two channels (visual channel and acoustic channel) except for silent movies, but other communications, like radio and books, oppositely take place through one channel (only acoustic channel) (Delabastita, 2008). Finally, Gambier (1994) states that â€Å"audiovisual translation is a new genre in the realm of translation studies and several forms of translation take place in the international world of audiovisual communication†(p.277).IdeologyThe concept of ideology in translation studies is as old as the history of translation itself. And, according to Fawcett (1998), â€Å"throughout the centuries, individuals and institutions applied their particular beliefs to the production of certain effect in translation and an ideological approach to translation studies could be found in some of the earliest examples of translation known to us†(p. 106). However, Venuti (1998) states that â€Å"the linguistics-oriented approaches to translation studies have failed to address the concept of ideology through years of their prevalence, because such approaches are limited to their scientific models for research and the empirical data they collect, so that they remain reluctant to take into account the social values that enter into translating as well as the study of it†(p.1). Finally, ideology viewed in a more positive sense as a vehicle to promote or legitimate interests of a particular social group rather than a means to destroy the contenders (Calzada-Perez, 2003, p. 5).NormsAccording to Maylaerts (2008), quoted from Schaffner, (1998) norms are the translation of general values or ideas shared by a community into performance instructions applicable to particular situations. Norms specify what is prescribed and forbidden as well as what is tolerated and permitted in translation. Therefore, they imply sanctions, positive or negative. This means that norms imply a degree of social and psychological pressure since the concept of the norm has been used differently in translation studies, and its value has been both asserted strongly and called into question. Also, Toury (1995) maintains that â€Å"norms are the translation of what is wrong or right†(p.55). And, Munday (2012) believes that â€Å"norms are components peculiar to cultures, societies, and time being socio-cultural limitations which are acquired by persons during the educational and socializing processes†(p.112). Norms do not apply only in language, but also at all levels of our social lives, and it varies from one community or culture to another culture (Snell-Hornby, 1988). While, Pym (1999) discerns that â€Å"norms exist and they will change by means of beliefs, reasons, technology or creativity†(p.106). Norms of a society determine how taboo words and expressions dealt with in that given society. Finally, there are four types of norms:1) obligated 2) Permitted 3) Tolerated 4) Prohibited. In Islamic societies such as Iran, there exists a fifth norm which is recommended. Based on this, taboos are either tolerated or to a much greater degree prohibited.SubtitleSubtitles usually located at the bottom of the screen, either left-aligned or centered. They must be in 1 to 2 lines, not more than 35 characters and yellow or white font colors on the dark ground are preferred (Schwarz, 2002). And, according to Gottlibe (1997), subtitling as a translation practice has special features that they are as follow: a) written, b) additive, c) immediate, d) synchronous, e) polymedia (p.2). Cintas (2008) states that â€Å"subtitles considered as captions and transcriptions of a movie or TV dialogue in a same or different language and presented simultaneously on the screen at the bottom. They should be placed at the bottom of the screen in order to not interrupt the image action†(p.7).Taboo ConceptsFromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2013) believe that â€Å"taboo has a strong cultural component that representing particular customs and the way people view their society†(p.112). Also, taboo terms actually are a broad term that has been approached by various disciplines from different standpoints. Throughout the years, there have been controversies about the scope of the term as well as various notions with regard to their function and role within the societies. Since the concept itself is multidimensional and highly culture-specific, what taboos cover often differs from one culture to another. Therefore, it seems to be no common ground reached regarding the issues dealt with under the title of taboo. In fact, the concept plays a central role in forming the cultures which considered as the main reason why so many disciplines are interested in theorizing it (Horlacher, 2010, p. 5). Finally, according to Wardhaugh (1990), the taboo is one way in which a society expresses its disapproval of certain kinds of behaviors that are harmful to its members either for supernatural reasons or such behaviors are held to violate a moral code (p.230).The Related Works in Iran and Other CountriesAmong the Works Applied in the Field of Translation of Taboo Terms and Concepts in Iran: Azardashti (2013) in an article titled as â€Å"Normative Attitude Toward Translation of Verbal Taboo†in The Catcher in the Rye has noted that different societies and cultures, particularly more traditional societies such as Iran dislike raising unusual subjects such as slangs and examining slangs in scientific areas have been always concealed. In spite of some researches in this regard over recent years' ambiguities and intact angles regarding translating slangs into Persian still attracted attention. In view of the importance of verbal taboos as an inevitable part of the language and its difficulty for translators in encountering with them the importance of this study would be revealed. Finally, Ghazizadeh and Mardani (2012) in their study titled as â€Å"Strategic Examination of Translator in Translating Western Taboo in Dubbing English Movies into Farsi†have pointed out language in the same extent can be used for expressing thoughts and communicating that can be used as a tool for obstructing propagation of certain opinions too. For example, taboo terms derive from the ideology and a set of beliefs of different nations about certain contents which they transfer in the process of translation give rise to lingual and cultural problems. Since cinema products are among main tracts of transferring culture components such as taboo, the matter of translating such products in the form of subtitle or dubbing is of high importance. Yet fewer studies have been conducted in this regard. In the current study it has been attempted that through a descriptive study of dubbing English movies into Farsi, translator's strategies are examined in translating the language and cultural Western taboo terms and concepts. The results of their research revealed that the most common strategies regarding language taboo expressions are finding equivalent for them, compensating and for cultural taboo, those are manipulating, modification and using non-taboo equivalents. Among the Works Applied in the Field of Translation of Taboo Terms and Concepts in Abroad: Midjord (2013) in her M.A. thesis titled as â€Å"On the Subtitling of Swear Words: The Case Study of Flickering Lights†with a special focus on the translation of the word fuck as an interest in exploring how the swear words are translated in the process of subtitling from Danish into English. The results of her study revealed that in English speaking countries the most frequently used swear words derive from the religion, sex and bodily effluvia, while in the Danish language the most frequently used swear words derive from the religion, diseases, sex and bodily effluvia. Moreover, the analysis showed that many swear words have either been translated directly or deleted completely in the subtitles. With more than half of the swear words deleted in the target text, it can be discussed, whether there is a loss of the understanding of the environment and the characters' personalities in the film. However, on the basis of reviews from English speaking persons, this does not seem to have been a problem, which could indicate that the subtitler has made the right choices in the subtitling of the swear words in Flickering Lights movie.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Overcoming Negative Thoughts
It was during the summer vacation and I was very excited having been offered a job as a sales person. The detergent was new and I had obtained good results after using it and so I was sure that I would make many sales. In addition, the price was affordable. After a half day’s training we began the job. However, when I started the job I was disappointed to realize that I was not making as many sales as I had anticipated. This dampened my spirits a little.When the time to hand in our weekly reports came, I was discouraged to learn that others had met and even exceeded the targets while I had barely met the target. This happened for two times and after this I started feeling like I did not measure up and that I could never meet the targets. Even as I approached prospective customers, I could visualize them rejecting me and this translated to even less sales. One day I sat down and wondered why I could not meet the targets yet others could. I started telling myself that I could do it if others could.I searched the internet for tips on direct selling and started to put them into practice. All of a sudden my whole attitude changed and as I approached customers, I felt that I would make sales as I knew the tips. The most surprising thing is that people started being more enthusiastic about the detergent I was selling to them and the sales increased to a point where I became among the people who always exceeded sales targets. It is true that positive thinking is contagious (Sasson, 2010). Reference Sasson, R. (2010). The power of positive thinking. Retrieved 30 April, 2010 from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom Business Plan Proposal essay
buy custom Business Plan Proposal essay Venture description: Delicious Donut and Coffee Shop is a sole proprietorship business venture. The donut shop was founded in 2012. The owner of the business venture is focused on having many branches in the United States of America. The founder of this business organization is Mr. Sybil Ammons. Product/service: Delicious Donut and Coffee Shop will work in the retail sales of coffee, pastries, and donuts of various brands. The business enterprise will market its products via the internet site to ensure that clients are provided with fresh products on a daily routne. Market: Delicious Donut and Coffee shop intends to have pride by providing the most delicious and freshest products to the public. The main branch will be established in California, but the entrepreneur has plans to have branches in various locations in the USA. Structure: In this enterprise, Mr. Sybil owns 100% of the Delicious Donut and Coffee Shop and is the sole director of the organization; therefore, he is responsible for financing of the business. Start-up costs: The proprietor will make use of Business Loan Proceeeds that will focus on how the proceeds of the enterprise shall be utilized. The start-up costs include the Donut, Coffee, and Pastry costs estimated at $ 50,000, the kitchen equipment and other funds required for opening stock estimated at $ 10,000, and the working capital estimated at $ 60,000. Price profitability: Mr. Ammons plans to market the organization to a third party to gain considerable profits. The retailers of donuts, pastries and drinks will market their ventures with an approximate 1 to 3 instance income if the financial strength of the franchise remains intact. Buy custom Business Plan Proposal essay
Monday, October 21, 2019
How To Cure Writers Block (With 200+ Creative Prompts)
How To Cure Writers Block (With 200+ Creative Prompts) Have you ever found yourself wondering how to get rid of writers block? Many writers have asked me how I deal with it. The thing is though, I dont really believe it exists. When a writer says, I have writers block, theyre actually just stuck. And being stuck stinks, doesnt it? In this post, I want to organically help you find your way out of being stuck. By the end of this post, youll know how to find inspiration so that youll be able to refresh your writing. Youll have absolutely no reason to feel stuck or afraid of the blinking cursor. Youve got this. Lets dig in. Table Of Contents Is Writers Block A Legend Or Is It Real? First Off Why Are You Stuck? Types Of Brainstorming And How To Find Your TopicWhat Happens When You Say Bye To #WritersBlock? (100+ Creative Writing Prompts) via @devinberglund Is Writer's Block A Legend Or Is It Real? When all is said and done, writer's block is really just a mixture of feeling stuck, having a lack of good planning, and maybe a hint of procrastination, which throws us into the downward spiral of being stuck. Which is usually when writers say, "I have writer's block!" I love what writer, Neil Gaiman, says about writer's block: â€Å"If you turn around and go, ‘I am blocked,’ this is just something writers say because we’re really clever. It sounds like it has nothing to do with you: ‘I would love to write today, but I am blocked. The gods have done it to me,’†he said. â€Å"And it’s not true. Cellists don’t have cellist block. Gardeners don’t have gardener’s block. TV hosts do not have TV host block. But writers have claimed all the blocks, and we think it’s a real thing.†It makes sense doesn't it? Cellists do not have cellist block. Gardeners do not have gardeners block. #writing #writersblockEver since I heard him say that, I knew he was right. I know that I've given myself the excuse that I can't write because I'm blocked. When in actuality, it's because I haven't planned out what I am writing well enough. That's what caused me to be stuck in the first place. That's probably also what is causing you to be stuck, too. An unhealthy dose of "being stuck" + lack of good planning + procrastination = Writer's Block Imagine if you got your foot stuck while hiking. Would you just lay down there and say, "I can't move because my foot is stuck?" If you got your foot stuck while hiking, would you quit? #writingNo... you wouldn't. I know you wouldn't. You'd get your foot unstuck. And that is what you have to do when you get stuck with your writing. Instead of saying, "I have writer's block," it's important to see the culprit behind the phrase writer's block for what it truly is. You are stuck. But, you might be asking me, "But Devin, how do I get unstuck? I'm really struggling here." I totally know how you feel, so here are some helpful ways to get unstuck. Being stuck is hard, but you can always get unstuck. Being stuck is hard but you can always get unstuck. #amwriting #writersblockBack To Table Of Contents First Off... Why Are You Stuck? Take a good look at your situation. What is it that is causing you to be stuck? 1. Are You Scared? Whether you are scared of what people will think or scared of being great, I can only think of what Marianne Williamson said about fear: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. When you shine your light you give other's a chance to do the same. #writing #amwritingSo what are you scared of? Start writing. Pro Tip: Get out some paper. Ask yourself: "What am I scared of?" and write it out. No one ever has to see your thoughts. This is for you. 2. Are The Words Just Not Coming? Sit down and brainstorm. Keep reading for some awesome brainstorming tips that help me when I am stuck. Are you completely into what you are writing? If not, are you procrastinating from finishing the project you are working on? If you are working on (or procrastinating on working on) a project that needs to be finished, follow Nike's slogan "Just do it"! Stop painfully waiting for it to write itself. Pro Tip: Set a timer for 20–30 minutes and dedicate that time to just typing it out. Get that blog post or article done. Recommended Reading: How To Write More Content To Increase Your Blogging Schedule Whether it's for work or your own writing, it's important that you continue doing the work. I went to a writing conference a few years ago and saw this video. It clearly pictures what happens when we've gotten past the "inspiration" part of writing something or working on a project. A time comes when you have to just get into it and finish it. It's hard, but you can do it. (Promise me you'll watch this video. It's seriously amazing!) A Note On Inspiration: Writers usually work really well when they're inspired, but once the inspiration goes away and you are left with bringing the project to completion, that's usually when people claim that they have writer's block. Or that they are stuck. That's just a sign that you need to pull on the work boots and muck into the deep of it all so you can finish your work. Write and finish it. 3. Are You Trying To Make It Too Perfect? There comes a point in every writer's life where we have to ship what we've written. Are you grasping onto your writing and worried that it isn't perfect? If you said yes to any of these points, follow me to the next section. You'll soon be unstuck with plenty of brilliant ideas. Pro Tip: Share your writing with a co-worker, friend, or someone else in your niche. Ask for their honest opinions. Take those to mind. Make a few last-minute changes. Send it out. Ship it. It's Time To Get Unstuck Here are some things that'll help you get unstuck so you'll be able to continue creating awesome content. Do You Know Your Project Well Enough? Ask yourself these questions: How well have I planned out my project? How well do I know about the things I'm trying to write about? If your answer is that you don't know, then it's time to open the books and website pages to research your topics a little bit better. How well do I know about the things that I am trying to write about? #amwritingGet Offline To Get Unstuck Unstick your brain by getting off the computer. Go for a walk and get some fresh air. Stanford researchers found that walking really improves creativity. You'll be amazed when ideas come to you while your away from the desk. So make sure you bring your phone with you so you can take notes if ideas come to you. In The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz said that: ...between 90 and 120 minutes, the body begins to crave a period of rest or recovery. Signals include a desire to yawn and stretch, hunger pangs, increased tension, difficulty concentrating, an inclination to procrastinate or fantasize, and a higher incidence of mistakes. Pro Tip: Set an alarm on your phone or smart watch so that it will buzz every 90 minutes to alert you to get up and move. Here are some other ideas on what you can do to get some energy away from the computer: Write by hand with pen and paper. Take a water break. Implement essential oils into your day. Lemon is great for re-energizing yourself and lavender is awesome for relaxation. Eat something healthy. Something like fruit. Take a short nap if you can. Even a 20-minute nap would help. Go out to eat lunch at a new place. Change up your surroundings. Pro Tip: Start a walking group at work to build energy and encourage movement. Write Something Else To Unstick Yourself If you're finding it really difficult to work on what you're writing, switch it up and spend a little time writing something else. You can do this by: Writing For Social Media How To Make Writing For Social Media Work For Your Business 8 Social Media Best Practices That Will Save You 25.5 Hours In A 2-Week Sprint What Is The Best Placement For Successful Social Media Buttons? Free Social Media Plan Template To Become A Social Media Rockstar Writing For Email 21+ Easy Ways To Build An Email List That Will Skyrocket By 552% In 1 Year The Complete, 4-Step Email List Building Strategy That Will Make You Successful The Ultimate Guide To Creating An Email Autoresponder Course 5 Easy Lead Conversion Tips For Your Email Marketing Program Writing For Content Upgrades How To Plan A Content Creation Process Your Small Business Can Actually Achieve How to Use Content Syndication To Boost Your Subscribers In No Time How to Get Your Content In Front Of The Right Audience At The Right Time 10 Ways To Increase Your Subscriber Count (Without Tricking People) If you want more examples of what kinds of content upgrades do well, make sure you check out our Resource Library! Back To Table Of Contents Types Of Brainstorming For Getting Unstuck One way you can get to know your project better is by brainstorming. It's a creative way get more ideas. It also really helps with this so-called "writer's block". When I’ve been writing a lot and staring at a computer screen, I need to turn off the computer. I grab my favorite pen and notebook, and then I find a nice sunny spot where I can brainstorm and write. There is just something special about writing by hand and seeing the ink soak into the paper. I think it really helps you sort things out in a deeper way. Paul Bloom, Yale psychologist, said, â€Å"With handwriting, the very act of putting it down forces you to focus on what’s important... Maybe it helps you think better.†That's so true. Sometimes you might be hashing out all your ideas on the computer, and when nothing comes together, you give up on the post. It’s so easy to throw the towel in and walk away from an unfinished project that has potential, but that lost its shiny excitement. If you ever feel stuck, get out your notebook and pen. Brainstorming takes many different shapes and forms. First though, you need to figure out what you are writing about and why. Finding Your Topic What problem are you trying to solve for your audience? If I wanted to write this post "8 Social Media Best Practices That Will Save You 25.5 Hours In A 2-Week Sprint", what would the problem be? The problem I'd want to solve is= "My readers are spending too much time on social media when they'd really like to be working on the things that are truly important to them." My next step would be to think about the steps they'd need to "save time on social media". You can also do this, too. Start by following these steps: Pick out a problem that you want to solve. Then write out the steps it would take to solve that problem. The steps will look something like this: Step one that'll help them. (These steps will turn into your subheads.) Step two that'll help them. Step three that'll help them. After you've figured out the skeletal system for your post, you'll be able to flesh it all out. Go in depth and make it actionable. Say Bye To "Writer's Block" By Making A List You can do this two different ways. Either you could brainstorm a list of things that are related somehow and put those into a blog post, or you could use this brainstorming activity to help you create a list of different writing ideas. Pro Tip: If you're trying to come up with the content for one article, make sure that it all fits into a certain topic. So focus your ideas, themes, tips, or steps so that they fit into that idea. Steps to brainstorming with a list: Sit down with your pen and paper. (Or whatever kind of note-taking utensils you like brainstorming with.) Set the timer for 5 minutes. (When you set a timer, this will help you whip out your ideas quicker. You'll spend less time hmmming and humming about what you actually want to write, and you'll spend more time actually writing.) List out all the things you'd like to write about. Remember, it can be anything. (Or list out everything you want to put into a single post.) Once you're done with the brainstorm, pick an idea and flesh it out. Recommended Reading: This Is The Ultimate Blog Writing Process To Create Killer Posts Do you remember drawing out mind maps in elementary school? #writing #amwritingMindstorming With Mind Mapping We've all done this kind of brainstorming at one time or another. Remember those bubbles that you used to draw in elementary school that would connect to other bubbles filled with similar ideas? It's still pretty much that simple. It's a great way to get your ideas all out in front of you. Are you ready? Set a timer for 5 minutes. Write down the problem point in the center of the page. Draw a bubble around it. Now, think about what things will solve that problem. Write those down and connect the ideas with lines. For each of the points that help you solve the problem, try to come up with 3-5 bubbled points that will actionably walk your readers through solving the problem that you want to help them with. Recommended Reading: 4 Simple Brainstorming Techniques That Will Help You Write Killer Content Use Content Mapping To Keep Your Blog Moving Forward 1-Sheet Brain Dump Take all your thoughts on a certain topic and write them down on 1 sheet of paper. You can also do this to come up with tons of great writing prompts. For this kind of brainstorming, you don't need an outline. No bubbles or lines leading to other points. Unless of course, you want to do that. This is a safe place to just percolate on your ideas. Write it all down. Steps To The 1-Sheet Brain Dump: Set a timer for 5 minutes. Write down all your ideas on one sheet. There is no format to this type of brainstorming. What is important is that you get all your ideas out on paper. It is a massive brain dump. Ever record your brainstorm sessions? Speak out your thoughts and write them later. #amwritingSpeak Out All Your Ideas This is a form of brainstorming that I use to come up with fresh and exciting writing prompts. It will also help you flesh out your ideas quicker. Ever thought of brainstorming out loud? If not, follow these steps: Get your tape recorder or your smart phone recorder. Record yourself talking about your post ideas and what you'd like to do to help your audience figure out the answers to their problems. When you're done recording yourself, listen to the recording. Type everything out. You'll probably find out that you'll want to press pause a lot since other ideas will come back to you. You'll be amazed by how much more you'll write. Pro Tip: You can also do this again once you've written your outline. Read it out loud while recording it. You'll get more ideas on where to fill in the blanks. And your writing will run much smoother. Brainstorming on your computer? Now I know that sometimes brainstorming works perfectly on the computer, and for those moments, you don't want to brainstorm on paper- just go onto the computer. There are many great places to brainstorm on your computer and online. Here are some great programs that I love using: Scrivener: It is a great program with many different settings for writers. If you haven't heard of it, make sure you check it out! Index Cards: A wonderful app that allows you to organize digital index cards in a way that will help you sort your thoughts. You can also sync your index cards to Scrivener. SimpleMind+: It's an app that you can use on your iPad to make mind mapping easier. : I really love working with when I am brainstorming a new project. Use To Brainstorm Your Posts There are so many great ways to use for brainstorming your blog post ideas. It gives writers a way to organize their ideas and follow through with publishing them. Steps To Brainstorm In : Open a stand-alone content in the app. If you have any links, photographs, graphics, infographics, gifs, or memes that you'd like to put into your post but don't want to lose them in between the time that you write the post and publish the post, you can just upload them into the comments section. It makes it so much easier so that you don't have to search around online or through your files to find the images or graphics at the last minute. If you brainstorm or write your blog posts in Evernote or in Google Docs, there is a way you can convert those into WordPress. Isn't that awesome? I love this function. Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Guide To Using You can also write your brainstorming/outline in the content editable area of 's stand alone content. Another awesome thing about brainstorming in is that you can automatically get your brainstorming and ideation publish-ready. Do all of this by pressing the button that little arrow points at (as seen in the picture above) and then press "convert to WordPress. This makes it super easy to bring everything over to WordPress. Now all you have to do is flesh out your brainstorm session/outline. 4. Now Create Your Own Writing Prompt Library After you've used all of those brainstorming ideas, keep track of your ideas in a writing prompt library. You can do this by storing them in an Evernote note or even on Google Docs or Sheets. (You also get this in the bundle that complements this post.) It will look something like this: How To Use Your Writing Prompt Library Fill in the columns in the spreadsheet. You'll be asked these questions: List your prompts in the spreadsheet. In what blog category will this post fit? Do you have a keyword for it? When is the publish date? If there is something else you want to track in this writing prompt library, add to the columns at the top and track away. Back To Table Of Contents Ready To Get Writing? You know that the real culprit behind the phrase "Writer's Block" is really just an unhealthy mixture of "being stuck" + lack of good planning + procrastination. Even though it can be a real bother to be stuck, you now know how to get unstuck. You might have a set of brainstorming techniques that you are excited to start using. I hope this post helps you get unstuck and writing!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Charles Dickens Hard Times English Literature Essay
Charles Dickens Hard Times English Literature Essay The research paper explores the basic ideas related to Psychoanalysis in the context of Charles Dickens Hard Times. Sigmund Freud laid the foundation of ‘Psychoanalysis’. The research paper is based on Freudian Psychoanalysis as it attempts to study the characters in this novel in its light. The psychoanalytic theory refers to the concept of the development of personality and its changing dynamics. It studies the influence of childhood impressions on the personality development of the adults and on their mental functioning. It focusses on the ideas based on personality which include the division of psyche into the id, the ego and the superego, repression, transference and fantasy. The research paper studies and analyses these ideas in relation to the characters in this novel. It also explores the ideas in the mind of the author in the light of this novel. Keywords: Psychoanalysis, personality development, id, ego, superego, repression, transference, parentification, fan tasy Psychoanalysis is a psychological and psychotherapeutic theory because it deals with the scientific study of mental functions and behaviours and it is also used for therapeutic interaction or treatment of a patient by a psychologist or a psychiatrist. It is devised by an Austrian neurologist called Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) in the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century. This field has evolved over a period of time but has also been the target of scathing criticism. Charles Dickens’ (1812-1870) Hard Times (1854) is a study in psychoanalysis because the characters in this novel depict the mental functions and behaviours of individuals in real life. In this novel, Louisa Gradgrind, the daughter of Thomas Gradgrind and wife of Josiah Bounderby, experiences a nervous breakdown as she realizes that she despises her husband Josiah Bounderby but may be romantically inclined towards James Harthouse. She is not sure of her feelings towards James Harthouse as she is unable to experience any emotion whatsoever. She feels miserable and is unable to rectify the situation. She finally makes a candid confession in front of her father. She tells her father: â€Å"And I so young. In this condition, father – for I show you now, without fear or favour, the ordinary deadened state of my mind as I know it – you proposed my husband to me. I took him. I never made a pretence to him or you that I loved him. I knew, and, father, you knew, and he knew, that I never didà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hard Times 212) â€Å"I am coming to it. Father, chance then threw into my way a new acquaintance, a man such as I had no experience of; used to the world; light, polished, easy; making no pretences; avowing the low estimate of everything, that I was half afraid to form in secret; conveying to what degrees, that he understood me, and read my thought. I could not find that he was worse than I. There seemed to be a near affinity between us. I only wondered it shoul d be worth his while, who cared for nothing else, to care so much for me.†(Hard Times 213)
Friday, October 18, 2019
Networking 208 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Networking 208 - Case Study Example This would require a server room which shall control all the network connections. Once the server rooms are setup, LAN within the floors must be setup. Network troubleshooting is one another important aspect of network setup. In case of any issues such as heavy network traffic, the first thing to be done would be to increase the bandwidth or shutdown the network. As a part of the network Performance monitoring, the first task would be make sure that all the network resources are utilized only until its maximum threshold. It is of most importance that all the counters are not over utilized. Counters such as CPU utilization, memory availability, Disk utilization and network availability are the most important counters to be monitored. These form the basic core components for any network. Monitoring these components are the most important. Along with these, the network traffic, the performance of the routers, switches, adapters and the cables are to be monitored to keep the network perf ormance in
Automatic identification systems (AIS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Automatic identification systems (AIS) - Essay Example In open water, ships sail under different courses and speeds, each following its schedule to arrive to its destination. A ship detected by visual lookouts or by radar at a range of 6 miles or less could have any course and is considered a threat to collision. Ships must make decisive quick changes in course and/or speed to avoid collision if such threat exists. Ships take time to change its course and speed since its advance in the water is a complex outcome of her heading, speed, weight, wind and current direction and speed. Decision how to pass or overcome a detected ship must be taken early in time before the detected ship is less than one mile away. Once a contact ship is detected by visual lookouts or radar, the officer of the watch must analyze the threat of collision with this contact. He must determine the detected ship's course, speed and relative motion. He must decide whether this ship is on a collision course with his ship or not based on how close this ship would pass his ship and expected changes in course and speed. If action must be taken to avoid collision, he should determine who will maneuver according to the rules of the road to avoid collision. Just imagine what should be done if more than one ship is detected. Automatic Identification system (AIS) was introduced to provide solutions to such complex scenarios. AIS provides a shipboard radar display, with overlaid electronic chart data, that includes a mark for every ship within radio range. Information pertaining to all detected ship is displayed as required. The size of the mark reflects the size of the ship. By clicking on any ship's mark, you could learn about ship's name, call sign, and classification. You could determine best maneuver to avoid collision with the detected ship instantaneously, using the displayed information such as course, speed, closest point of approach (CPA), time to CPA (TCPA) and position as latitude and longitude. You could call upon any ship within the very high frequency (VHF) range using its call sign or name using VHF communication or Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). "Display information previously available only to modern vessel traffic service operations centers could now be available to every AIS-equipped ship" (USCG 2005). Prior to the introduction of AIS, other navigation aid systems were used. The following aids to navigation would be discussed and compared to AIS: buoys, racons, radars, and Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA). The AIS system will next be described and explained. Buoyage System A buoy is a floating device which is kept in some specific place in the water to convey certain information to ships passing by. It usually marks a danger to navigation or an administrative area to allow boats ship to navigate safely. Size, shape, color and numbering are distinctive of each buoy's function and identity. Buoys that carry lights are also used at night time. Buoys carrying sound signals are used in conditions of reduced visibility such as fog (Maloney 1981). Valuable information is obtained from buoys when they are identified. A buoyage system contains a number of different types of buoys. Each type is designed to meet the requirements of different conditions. A can buoy has the shape of tin can when seen from a distance. A nun buoy has the shape of a cone with a rounded tip. A lighted buoy is a short skeleton tower with a light at the top connected to
Euthanasia or assisted dying issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Euthanasia or assisted dying issues - Essay Example She suffered from a condition that was so much in the heart (Daniel 2012). The deficiency of oxygen led to her big brain devastation or rather brain damage and thereafter the doctors vindicated that she suffered from vegetative state. The deficiency resulted from the heart malfunction that she developed so there was no proper intake of oxygen by the required blood vessel that is originating from the heart. The doctors’ report was after they had conducted several tests on her. The doctors were quite optimistic and hoped for the best for her. They tried several types of therapy ranging from speech and physical therapy as well as other experimental therapies. They thought that they would bring her back into a normal mental state. When the years passed by until 1998, Michael the husband to Terry filed a case in court for the removal of the feeding tube that was being used in the administration of food to his wife (David 2008). This was a petition that was highly rejected so much b y the parents, who reasoned and maintained a firm stand that their daughter was not mentally ill. The court again came in with their own ascertainment that Terry does not prefer to continue with the exercises that are making her life longer. The feeding tube was then taken away from her and later put back. When the judge from Pinellas County made a ruling that the feeding tube removed from the patient, many voices came up from many parts such as the federal government that obliged the then president George Bush to ascent to another law just to prolong her life. This was a sign in which they valued the loss of a life. Many should emulate this kind of valuation. Life is a special gift from God and it should therefore be valued and kept ablaze like the Lord provided it (Donna 2010). It is important to note that the utilitarian has to do with getting the best out of a situation. It is also important to highlight that utilitarianism is all about getting the best from joy and happiness wh ile you are suppressing the plights. The utilitarian position in this case of Terry Schiavo is that there was a rescue mission to save her from dying. In the case, there was a lot of thinking on how to maximize the utility. When she was put in the life support and the feeding tube used, there was the maximization of life as her life was prolonged. There was the removal of the feeding tube from the patient kind of led o the shortening of the life of Terry (George 2010). Again it is as well important to note that the action that was conducted to Terry was objective and the outcome was s ell meant to be on the positive end to Terry and her husband. I am therefore on the defending of the utilitarian act that was conducted to the patient. The principle of double effect in its stating says that a good exercise or action is dimensional. In the case of the patient, Terry, the principle was quite ideal as it authorized and allowed for the performance of the euthanasia for the good of Terry S chiavo. The action was morally accepted because its outcome was to do with saving life and not losing. The doctors had full knowledge on the action as they are the experts in the medical field (Janie 2012). It is important to highlight that the metaphysical presuppositions that underlie my approach in the case of Terry here are so broad. Considering the normal human assumptions, it
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Marketing New Product Development Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketing New Product Development - Case Study Example The market target may be too small to reflect adequate profits. For the significant success of a product, the market should be large enough to make huge sales. Another major reason for product failure is quality. A product that does not meet customer satisfaction is prone to failure. Every good released into the market must be effective enough to meet the customers’ needs. In addition, the product may not offer any significant improvement in the product already available in the market. Most customers would go for a new product if it offers better features or solves the problems witnessed in the current ones in the market. Some products may meet customer needs but have little access to the market. A good example is the case of small companies that may have a difficult time penetrating a market that is dominated by big competitive companies. This can be seen with the failure of Microsoft Zune. Such issues arise from lack of proper competitive analysis. Small companies face difficulty in budgeting and meeting the demands of the marketing plan. It is especially because of over optimization about the marketing plan at hand. Poor budgeting may lead the company to have a problem of pricing too. Since the budgeting consumed a lot of funds, the firm may try to recover it by offering unreasonable pricing for the commodity. In addition, the firms may run out of money before testing the product completely. The firms decide to test the products on the customers directly and end up flopping. Marketers have learned that there is no available remedy that can act as a quick fix for all market flops. However, there are steps that firms can take to increase their odds of new product success. Companies should have a clear understanding of the market, competitors, and consumers of the products.Â
Interrelatedness of Everything in Indigenous Religions Essay
Interrelatedness of Everything in Indigenous Religions - Essay Example More accurately, interrelatedness was explained through the concept of the circle of right relationships (Fisher, 2005) where the author averred that â€Å"a symbol of unity among the parts of this sacred reality is a circle†¦ many other indigenous people hold the circle sacred because it is infiniteâ€â€it has no beginning, no end†(p. 38). The relevance of this relationship was developed due to the recognition that previous experiences have proven positive or negative repercussions of one’s actions depend on the kind of parallel action that was inflicted upon others. It was disclosed that â€Å"to maintain the natural balance of the circles of existence, most indigenous peoples have traditionally been taught that they must develop right relationships with everything that is†(Fisher, 2005, p. 39). Finally, the spiritual purposes that these experiences and interrelatedness serve for these indigenous people include preservation of peace, order and balance; not only of the inner self, but also sustaining harmonious relationship with everything else. Indigenous people have acknowledged spirituality as synonymous with unseen power, manifested and exemplified through various ways. As such, through viewing unseen power as something to be feared of, indigenous people go through traditional practices that include purification and sacrifices, among others, to appease the spirits and to be recipients of favors asked.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS - Essay Example The company was started in 1902 as a joint venture between Imperial Tobacco Company of United Kingdom and the American Tobacco Company of the USA. The parent companies agreed to carry out export businesses and form overseas subsidiaries to the joint venture. The company began operations in diversified counties outside UK and USA such as Canada, Germany, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia (Our history). In 1911, one of the parent companies, the American Tobacco Company, sold its shares of the company. Imperial Tobacco too slowly reduced its shareholding by 1980. In 1976, the companies held by the group were consolidated under a new holding company, called B.A.T Industries. In 1994, BAT took over its former parent, American Tobacco Company. However, in 1999 British American Tobacco formed a merger with Rothmans International, which made it the target of criticism from human rights groups. Similarly, in 2003, British American Tobacco bought Ente Tabacchi Italiani (ETI), Italys state tobacco company. British American Tobacco holds one of the most famous brands across the world. The international brands include Dunhill, Pall Mall, Benson & Hedges etc. The company has a gross turnover of over  £26 million and revenue of over  £10 million. The company employs over 53000 people (Our Brands). British American Tobacco strongly believes in conducting business with honesty, integrity and transparency. Not only it the right thing to do, but is also essential to the continuous development of a business. A business that is responsible, successful and sustainable in the long term. The company is committed to good corporate governance and believes in achieving business objectives in a responsible and consistent manner, at the same time following honesty, transparency and accountability. Corporate governance is not simply an exercise in compliance, but as a vital element defining the sustainable, long-term growth of business. According to the Sustainability Report
Interrelatedness of Everything in Indigenous Religions Essay
Interrelatedness of Everything in Indigenous Religions - Essay Example More accurately, interrelatedness was explained through the concept of the circle of right relationships (Fisher, 2005) where the author averred that â€Å"a symbol of unity among the parts of this sacred reality is a circle†¦ many other indigenous people hold the circle sacred because it is infiniteâ€â€it has no beginning, no end†(p. 38). The relevance of this relationship was developed due to the recognition that previous experiences have proven positive or negative repercussions of one’s actions depend on the kind of parallel action that was inflicted upon others. It was disclosed that â€Å"to maintain the natural balance of the circles of existence, most indigenous peoples have traditionally been taught that they must develop right relationships with everything that is†(Fisher, 2005, p. 39). Finally, the spiritual purposes that these experiences and interrelatedness serve for these indigenous people include preservation of peace, order and balance; not only of the inner self, but also sustaining harmonious relationship with everything else. Indigenous people have acknowledged spirituality as synonymous with unseen power, manifested and exemplified through various ways. As such, through viewing unseen power as something to be feared of, indigenous people go through traditional practices that include purification and sacrifices, among others, to appease the spirits and to be recipients of favors asked.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Kindergarten History Essay Example for Free
Kindergarten History Essay The development of early childhood education in the United States has been spearheaded by the need for an emerging society to cope with social and economic challenges. There are at important reasons why early childhood education gained more acceptance through the years. As society opened up to accepting women as part of the workforce, working mothers demanded more institutions that can accept early education for their children. The desire of the government to make their citizens more globally competitive increased thereby supporting education from the very young levels of citizenry. Educators and leaders believed that poor communities have better chances of development if illiteracy is arrested the earliest possible time. And best reason why early childhood education has developed is the great response in children that all programs have been challenged to sustain. Caldwell shares her thoughts on how parents and teachers could sustain this excitement for learning innate in children. â€Å"Yes, its thrilling to be part of that excitement for learning. I think the first thing that adults have to do is respect it. Curiosity is an absolutely wonderful thing, yet sometimes parents and teachers find it annoying-the 50th why question of the day, for example. Parents want to pull out their hair and say, Oh come on, weve talked about that enough. So the most important thing for that excitement and curiosity is to reward it, to let children know that we are impressed that they are curious about something. †(Mabie, 2001) Kindergarten is an educational program for students aged three to seven. Programs usually last from half to full days. Educators believe that the kindergarten is a venue for developing early knowledge, skills and attitude of children that will help them get a jump start at formal education. The origins of early childhood education in the US can be found in Europe. Jean Fredrick Oberlin founded a school in 1767 in France. His wife, Madame Madeleine Oberlin taught children from two to three years old. The school focused on exercise and play and handicrafts. It was more popularly known as the â€Å"knitting†school. In 1837, Freidrich Froebel put up the first school to be called a â€Å"kindergarten†in Blankenburg, Germany. His school became the first school in the world to envision education primarily for children in the pre-schooling age. Froebel is known as the creator of Kindergarten. His concept involved theories of childhood teaching and teaching material development. He also wrote the first Syllabus of Education of Man that listed basic theories of childhood education that guided schools worldwide. Early Childhood School in the US started as early child health centers. They were patterned after the French ‘cribs’ in Paris in 1844 where governments put up these centers to care for children of mothers who had to work. Whether these centers were first found in Philadelphia or New York, where women had to work during the Civil Wars, it is important to note that these centers were focused on caring for these children rather than educating them. But due to the migration of Germans to America, the concepts of kindergarten soon landed on American soil through Margarethe Schurz. In 1856, she put up the first American kindergarten in Watertown, Wisconsin. The school used German as the medium of instruction. â€Å"The first English-speaking kindergarten was found in Boston in 1860 by Elizabeth Peabody. For many years, she traveled throughout the United States, speaking about the purpose of kindergartens and their benefits to children. She helped establish kindergartens wherever she went. The first public school kindergarten was established in 1873 in St. Louis. Susan Blow, the teacher, lectured and taught kindergarten education, continuing to be a champion of Froebelian kindergarten education throughout her life. †(Spodek, 1991) By the late 1920’s, the centers realized that besides keeping the children clean and fed, there was the opportunity to transform the venue to serve for educational needs. â€Å"The average poor child in 1860s St. Louis completed three years of school before being forced to begin work at age 10. Susan Elizabeth Blow addressed that problem by offering education to children earlier. Applying Friedrich Froebels theories, she opened the United States first successful public kindergarten at St. Louis Des Peres School in 1873. Blow taught children in the morning and teachers in the afternoon. By 1883 every St. Louis public school had a kindergarten, making the city a model for the nation. Devoting her life to early education, Susan Blow was instrumental in establishing kindergartens throughout America. †(Watson, 1997) Maria Montessori has been a household name in early childhood education because of the amount of work and research that Maria Montessori has brought into early childhood education. As a physician working in a psychiatric clinic in Rome, she discovered that it was possible to train mentally defective children in order for them to be safer and become part of a productive sector of society. Her success of handicapped children led into her to be hired to help non-handicapped children as well. Her practice and further research helped Montessori develop a curriculum for children that helped them maximize their full potentials in reading and learning. Montessori schools began to get established in the United States before the World War. Although crash in the economy led these Montessori schools to fade in the 1930s, there came a resurgence of Montessori institutions by the 1950s. Though the Montessori Method was very popular, it would be best to note that some Montessori associations are purist of the methods while others were not. Today, early childhood educators are serious and committed in developing the kindergarten in helping future citizens of the country in becoming productive and responsible citizens. References: Watson, Bruce. 1997. Kindergarten. http://www. geocities. com/Athens/Forum/7905/fblkind. html Mabie, Grant E. 2001. A life with young learners: an interview with Bettye M. Caldwell. The Educational Forum. http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa4013/is_200110/ai_n8999175 Spodex, Bernard. 1991. Foundations of Early Childhood Education. Allyn and Bacon. Boston.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Quality of service of a network
Quality of service of a network CONGESTION MANAGMENT: Networks which are designed to support most different traffic types which share a single data path between routers. Congestion management techniques should be considered in such cases to ensure the quality and treatment for the various traffic types. Traffic prioritization especially important for delay-sensitive, interactive transaction based application for instance, for example takes video conferencing that requires higher priority than the file transfer applications. However use of WFQ (weighted fair queuing) ensures that all traffic is treated fairly. Prioritization is most effective in WAN links where the combination of bursty traffic and relatively lower data rates can cause temporary congestion if there is no congestion on the WAN link, there is no reason to implement traffic prioritization. APPLICATION QUALITY: By various parameters used for network quality of service which allows the specification of quality metrics. Such quality of service metrics are monitored and analysed using network quality parameters and important aspect of quality which is always ignored in many cases and overlooked is the behaviour of each and every individual applications in the internet recognised .most applications try to possess a majority part of network resources possible, immediately it may not or influence the quality of an application. NETWORK QUALITY OF SERVICE: The Ability to provide better service to a selected traffic.Quality of service refers to the ability of a network to provide highest quality service to any selected network traffic using various technologies in the latest networks used with a combination of traffic Qos ensures the exact application to be accessed to the resources of the network first, it is a combination of various technologies which allows application to recive request most acceptable and predicted service levels in terms of data and its Bandwidth (throughput capacity) latency variation in jitter, packet loss and delays.Qos provide the best features and more predictable network service by following methods(cisco 2009) Ø Dedicated bandwidth and support Ø Loss characteristics Ø Congestion avoidance and mangment of network Ø Network traffic shaping OPERATION OF QOS: Ø Qos distinguishes the traffic and splits it with very exact timing requirements Ø It improves resources in the network so that all the traffic reaches the specified destinations reliably and faster Ø It doesnt create any bandwidth it simply manages it effectively to meet the application requirements (OPNET 2008) Here the working of qos follow a series flow of simple rules in order to execute the file or a packet and at first the packet is pass through the classification which means that the following packet must be in which group does it fit then the packet is moved on to the next level which is the pre-queuing which means that the following packet is arranged in a order according to the source and the destination numbers and then it is again moved on to the next level which is the queuing and scheduling its main work is to set the stream to the destination point so that it automatically enforces the bandwidth allocations then moves on to the last level which is the post queuing which increases throughput on the lower speed links so that it reaches the destination point within the time it has decided and thus the working of the qos is completed. ADVANTAGES OF QOS: Ø Dedicated bandwidth Ø Controlled network latency and jitter Ø Improved loss characterstics Ø Control and predictability beyond best effort concept (OPNET NETWORK 2008) NEED OF QOS IN A NETWORK: All packets in a network are given equal access to all the resources , the priorty acn only be given when we can distinguish data packet from a voice packet. For a company network to effectively use the network and its resources it must identify which network traffic is the appropriate and which is not to allocate the right recourses to effectively support the traffic streams . The priority should be given to all the data streams to failing to do so can create low quality of voice and data, because most of the audio and visual application is delay and jitter sensitive. Only a good Qos can give the audio and video packets the best priority access. Qos evolution: The networks which are used with Qos enabled are called the Best -effort network. Where each and every packet is treated in the same way which is significantly important in the network design for preferable results, when even space in the cpu is available these type of networks work prominently. There are two major architectures of qos, both the architecture have different approach and different ways of quality of service in their own preferable ways. The main architecture of Qos is integrated services and differentiated services. Traffic characteristics that Qos tools can effect 1) Bandwidth 2) latency 3) jitter 4) compression 5) queuing BANDWIDTH: Bandwidth refers to number of bits per second that can reasonably be expected to be successfully delivered across same medium. firstly bandwidth techniques are mainly used to describe or define network traffic and to do this we can set some special type of techniques which are mainly used by the network devices such as blue coat for instance and by using this we can setup a type of service (TOS) in the packet of the internet protocol header and by using the required information of the type of service we can set the device in action and allow the traffic to flow in different direction and for another instance we can choose some factors to involve this issue such as audio clarity, if the sound is audible in two different direction then it is said to be working in perfect condition and this can be measured by the MOS (which means the mean opinion score) , so by this we can rate from 1-5 which means that 1 scores the worst and 5 scores the best and the average typical analogue call whi ch rates from 4.1 to 4.7 and a avg cell phone ranges from 3.5 to 3.9 and if we considered the VOIP CALLS ranges from the 4.0 to 4.4 so which means that the VoIP also has the best average rating in audio clarity and if we comes to reliability comes to 99.999 so which is more reliability to the customers and the usage of them is also more and the techniques used in this kind of symphony which is sophisticated and the consistency is also more which is mixed out with the qos so this is in short all about bandwidth in qos LATENCY: It is mainly specified as some serious problem to qos which is also known as the delay and if we speak in technical words its the same amount of time taken by a packet from source to destination and if the latency and the bandwidth are defined they are for speeding the network so for instance we can say that a normal average person can hear a call upto 250 ms approx and 200 ms in sensitive person ear so if the call doesnt return in that range the caller is going to be disappointed. JITTER: It also refers to the same problem but for connectionless or wireless so which is also called as a delay which must be a serious and most inappropriate but business customers such as for company which is dealing with important calls so in this here if we see the database server is connected to some system and the employees are storing some information to the database systems and in between there are calls to handled and the calls doesnt seems to go through the cloud of the similar database server so we can find the disturbance which are caused by the latency and jitter so in order to watch and control the traffic we must maintain the jitter in control and the specification for this is it must be less than 100 ms for the communication less than 100 ms for normal database because if the jitter took place a bit slow in voice band it doesnt have a problem but if it takes under the packet series then it might be some kind of serious issue so in order to reduce this we must all keep the j itter in control. bandwidth refers to number of bits per second that can reasonably be expected to be successfully delivered across same medium Compression: Either the payloads or the headers compressed by reducing the total number of bits required to transmit the data. Call Admission control: reduces all the overall load of the network by denying any new incoming voice and video calls. Queuing: Qos refers to a broad collection networking technologies and techniques. The goal of Qos is to provide guarantee on the ability of a network to deliver predictable results. Qos involves prioritization of a network, Qos is a method to guarantee the bandwidth relationship between individual or application or protocols. Qos refers to the capability of a network to provide a better service to selected network traffic over various underlying technologies including frame relay,(Cisco systems Inc. 1999). There are seven Qos mechanisms and tools that are used to implement Qos in a computer network. Ø Congestion management Ø Congestion avoidance Ø Control admission control Ø Shaping and policing Ø Bandwidth reservation Ø Link efficiency Ø Classification and marking 1.1.3 Aim of Qos is to provide a dedicated bandwidth sufficient to deliver for the service of the applications by controlling latency and jitter, and by reducing data loss. Network characteristics managed by quality of service. Category of quality of service mechanisms: 1) Admission control 2) Traffic control 1.2.1 Admission control: Gives the information of number of users and the applications used to network resources it allows only specific users and resources which can be used in a network segment (subnet). 1.2.2 Traffic control: It controls and regulates the data flow by classifying and marking the packets based on priority and by stopping traffic, service class assigned to a traffic flow which evaluates the quality of service treatment, the traffic receives. 1.2.3 Call admission control: It provides the overall quality for all the networks, it controls the voice disturbance from the voice traffic, and video from the other video traffic 1.3.2 Classification and marking: For defining a quality of service identifying the traffic is the first case involved in the procedure which is treated either differently or preferentially which is done by classification and marking. 1.3.3 Bandwidth reservation: Bandwidth reservation provides guarantee to the bandwidth, i.e., bandwidth is provided whenever needed without reserving it for a specific application or flow in a network. 1.3.4 Shaping and policing: The significant issues related to quality of service in a network are solved by traffic shaping , the delay and loss in a network are solved by traffic shaping which is called as(egress blocking)The data which is sent or received are measured by traffic shaping and traffic policing . traffic policing in a network is used to remove all the excess packets which helps to overcome the policed rate. The excess packets are again en-queued by shaping. Both shaping and policing prevent the traffic from exceeding the bit rate defined. Link efficiency: Link efficiency is used increase the quality of service of a network,particularly if the given note continuously increase the bandwidth rate on a network which causes the sudden change in behaviour of the network. Which slows down data applications significantly.if the load exceeds the given bandwidth for a period of time the application slows down completely or even stops down ata particular point because of the continuous queues which can be avoided by using the link efficiency. 1.3.6 Congestion management: Whenever queuing occurs in a network congestion management gives the ability to rearrange the packets. 1.3.7 Congestion avoidance: Congestion avoidance tools are used to avoid congestion. It enables queue to avoid congestion. Whenever the rate of transmission load and offer load exceeds the line rate send by various senders.Queues are formed which may cause congestion. The queue are managed by congestion avoidance tool by dropping the packets randomly which are selective which reduces the congestion level. WHY DO WE NEED QOS Each and every packet will be given equal access to resources when we not consider the QoS policies. We cannot give voice priority if we cannot tell a voice packet from a data packet. In order to utilize its network resources efficiently for a company, so to support those traffic streams it must identify which network traffic is critical traffic and allocate appropriate resources to support those traffic streams. Otherwise, the result could be intermittent with voice quality complaints. Applications like voice and video are delay and jitter sensitive. Voice packet will be given first priority access to the interface queue, when we use a good QoS policy. For example, both FTP and an voice packet arrive at the same time at an outbound router interface. When we not consider the QoS policies the voice packet may need to wait in the queue until the FTP packet has been processed out the interface. This may results delay of unacceptable amount of delay into the voice path which will depends upon the interface speed. Traffic flow with out qos (global knowledge,whitepapers,[2],author:gardiner2008) The voice packet could be given priority first over the FTP packet when we use QoS configuration. The FTP packet may be fragmented to make sure that the voice packet does not show any excessive delay, if the interface speed is less than T. QoS Evolution The main reason for the wide transformation of best-effort models to more complex differentiated services models is by privately owned enterprise and service providers networks, the meaning that the network gives different applications differing levels of service. 2.6.1 Congestion Management (Queuing): QoS queuing tools provide you with a variety of queuing methods. Queuing tools define a number of queues. The queuing tools are as follows: a. Priority Queuing(PQ) b. Custom Queuing(CQ) c. Weighted Fair Queuing(WFQ) d. Class-Based Weighted Fair Queing(CBWFQ) e. Low Latency Queuing(LLQ) f. Modified Deficit Round-Robin(MDRR) a. Priority Queuing: Priority Queuings most distinctive feature is its scheduler. PQ schedules traffic such that the higher-priority queues always get serviced, with the side affect of starving the lower-priority queues. With a maximum of four queues, called High, Normal, and Low, the complete logic of the scheduler can be easily represented, as shown in figure. (Cisco systems, 1999) b. Custom Queuing: As with most queuing tools, the most interesting part of the tool is the scheduler. The CQ scheduler reserves an approximate percentage of overall link bandwidth to each queue. CQ approximates the bandwidth percentages, as opposed to meeting an exact percentage, due to the simple operation of the CQ scheduler. The CQ scheduler performs round-robin service on each queue, beginning with queue 1. CQ takes packets from the queue, until the total byte count specified for the queue has been met or exceeded. After the queue has been serviced for that many bytes, or the queue does not have any more packets, CQ moves on to the next queue, and repeats the process. (Morgan, 1991) c. Weighted Fair Queuing: Weighted Fair Queuing differs from PQ and CQ in several significant ways. The first and most obvious difference is that WFQ does not allow classification options to be configured. WFQ classifies packets based on flows. A flow consists of all packets that have the same source and destination IP address, and the same source and destination port numbers. So, no explicit matching is configured. The other large difference between WFQ versus PQ and CQ is the scheduler, which simply favors low-volume, higher-precedence flows over large-volume, lower-precedence flows. Also because WFQ is flow based, and each flow uses a different queue, the number of queues become rather large up to a maximum of 4096 queues per interface. And although WFQ uses tail drop, it really uses a slightly modified tail-drop scheme- yet another difference. (Cisco systems Inc, 1999) d. Class-Based WFQ: CBWFQ is most like CQ, in that it can be used to reserve minimum bandwidth for each queue. It does differ from CQ in that you can configure the actual percentage of traffic, rather than a byte count. CBWFQ is like WFQ in that CBWFQ can actually use WFQ inside one particular queue, but it differs from WFQ in that it does not keep up with flows for all the traffic. e. Low Latency Queuing (LLQ): LLQ combines the bandwidth reservation feature of CBWFQ with a PQ-like high priority queue, called as Low Latency Queue, which allows delay-sensitive traffic to spend little time in the queue. But first, this section begins with WFQ, which uses a completely different scheduler. Table 2: Comparison of Queuing Tools. (Odom W, et al, 2005) Tool Maximum Number of Queues Classification Capabilities Queue Service Algorithm/ End Result of Algorithm PriorityQueuing (PQ) 4 IP ACL Input interface Fragments Strict service; always serves higher-priority queue over lower queue. Custom Queuing (CQ) 16 IP ACL Input interface Fragments Serves a configured number of bytes per queue, per round-robin pass through the queues. Result: Rough percentage of the bandwidth given to each queue under load. Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) 4096 Automatic, based on flows, (Flow identified by source/destination address and port numbers, plus protocol type.) Each flow uses a different queue, Queues with lower volume and higher IP precedence get more service; high volume, low precedence flows get less service. Class-Based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ) 64 IP ACL NBAR Same as CB marking Service algorithm not published; results in set percentage bandwidth for each queue under load. Low Latency Queuing (LLQ) N/A Same as CBWFQ LLQ is a variant of CBWFQ, which makes some queues priority queues, always getting served next if a packet is waiting in that queue. It also polices traffic. Modified Deficit Round-Robin (MDRR) 8 IP precedence Similar to CQ, but each queue gets an exact percentage of bandwidth. Supports LLQ mechanism as well.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Graduation Speech: An Amazing Year! :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
To be completely honest, at the end of my junior year, I felt ready to be up here. I watched a lot of my friends go through their senior year and felt completely prepared to move on. I could hardly stand the thought of another year at County High School, in what I thought would be stagnant water. At that point in my life, I had no idea how much I had left to learn and how much one more year at County High would mean. It ended up being, collectively, one of the most amazing experiences I have even had. From the very beginning, it was not what I expected. Boys tennis, never a very strong team at County High, surprised me, and alone was an unforgettable experience. I never envisioned myself playing in the league finals, I was as surprised as anyone, and when I missed out on state, I was as disappointed as anyone. Other activities left their mark; finally being involved in art, finally playing with the jazz band, finally being completely done with pit orchestra. I also never imagined a thing called 'knowledge bowl' could be so much fun. Each activity, in itself, built a memory I will forever hold. More even than the activities, the people I became close to this year have grown to be cornerstones of who I've become. Most of my good friends graduated last year and I thought I would be lost without them. The situation ended up being the exact opposite, however, and I now cannot imagine what I would be like had I never become close to my good friends now. I have watched myself, and those around me become better, stronger people. I now can say that I would not give up a second of my time here for anything. The teachers here, the other students, the opportunities and the experiences have made me what I am today.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Solutions for Terrorism Essays -- essays research papers
Terrorism is a controversial issue which spans the globe, Terrorism is defined as using force to influence or change a political decision. This is a relevant definition which can easily be related to in this day and age. There are many ideas about how to deal with this menacing threat one being a diplomatic solution some believe that the United Nations (UN) should step in and resolve it peacefully. Others oppose this idea and believe that the only solution is violence. Many up hold the idea of violence and that joint North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and special forces operations should tackle the threat head on The history of terrorism can be traced back as far as the French revolution and Guy Fawkes. These acts of terrorism only seem distant reminders of our bloody past but are not a far cry from today’s brutal acts of terrorism. Just as the French government starved their people into submission, Saddam Hussian dropped chemical and biological weapons on thousands of his own people to show that uprisings and political crimes will not be tolerated. Terrorism can be driven in many ways whether its hate, religion or occupation. Most are hell bent on fulfilling their dreams of dying for their cause or religion. Counter-terrorism is a relatively new issue wish has just risen in the past fifty years. It has recently been brought to light the September the eleventh attacks on the pentagon and the world trade centres drew into sharp focus the need to understand and counter the threat of terrorism with extreme use of force to prevent innocent blood shed on British and American soil. Understanding the past lessons of counter-terrorism has never been more important, as the coalition of western super nations response to the th... ...s the anarchists cook book a internet site dedicated to bomb making. The internet has opened a gateway for terrorism to take a more uglier and organised form. On the internet you can even find guides for making shoe bombs, reloading anti-tank guns and even how to shoot at American soldiers. To conclude no matter how terrorism comes to a resolve whether it’s through diplomacy or violence or if it comes to a resolve at all. I believe that a global campaign against terrorism is a realistic option that should be used to tackle the issue. Just as Albert Einstein said â€Å"I do not know what weapons WWIII will be fought with but I assure you WWIV will be fought will sticks and stones†just as Einstein predicts the end of the world with some sort of apocalyptic nuclear or biological weapon will terrorism be the downfall of the 21st century?
Friday, October 11, 2019
Laptop and Samsung
A. Executive Summary This paper is focused on Samsung Electronics Co. , and it has four major product lines. Digital Media line produces digital electronics for both personal and business uses. Telecommunication line produces variety of mobile phones and supply to carriers; LCD line produces flat screen monitors used on TVs, cellphones and computers. Last, semiconductors product line produces memory chips used on computers and cell phones. For each product lines, we will be talking about their history, records of success, risks and opportunities, and recommendations.Lastly, we will give recommendations regarding how the company should develop itself to be more attractive to investors. B. Introduction Samsung was founded in 1938 and are located in Seoul, South Korea. The founder’s name is Byun-Chull Lee. â€Å"Samsung†means â€Å"three stars†in Korean. It started as a trading export company. In 1969, they became Samsung Electronics Co. And now it has become one of the largest technology companies known worldwide (Samsung Electronics, 2011). It is most known for its flagship products; the Galaxy smartphone and its LCD screens.Samsung became a publicly traded company in 2000. It has four major lines of business, Digital Media, Telecommunications, LCD, and Semiconductors. C. Four Lines of Business 1. Digital Media Digital media is the line of business that consists of all of Samsung’s digital consumer products, both home and personal use. These products include; personal computers, MP3 players, cameras, televisions, and home appliances. Samsung puts forward innovative designs, select world-leading products, and power efficient products. Digital media consisted of 37% of all sales in 2010 (Sustainability Report, 2012).Samsung Distribution ChannelAs you can see from the graph below is was the majority of Samsung’s sales. In the 1970’s, Samsung came out with its first black and white televisions, washing machines, refrigerat ors, and by the end of the decade color televisions. In the 1980’s, Samsung was marketing air conditioners, personal computers, and the world’s smallest video tape recorder. Since the 1990’s, Samsung’s innovation boomed. They came out with the world’s first digital television, the world’s first Blu-ray disc player, the world’s first HD camcorder, and the world’s thinnest television (About Samsung, 2012).Samsung also led the home entertainment business into the 3D market. Digital media’s record of success is definitely significant. Its sales numbers have increased by about 4 billion USD. Unfortunately, the profits are very low compared to its sales. This is due to Samsung’s high investment in research and development. You can see the difference between sales and profits in the graph shown below. The biggest risk for the digital media line of business is whether the large investments in research and development will pay off against its competing products.Many electronic companies invest heavily in creating better products and imbedding innovative technology in them, so the competition is very high for this line of business. The only way for a company to be successful is getting its products in the most consumers’ hands. So that is why Samsung invests about 6. 2% of total sales into research and development (Sustainability Report, 2012). This enables Samsung to ensure that its products are of the best quality, have the most innovative technology, provide convenient and advanced features, and have a stylish design.Research and development will always be one of the biggest investments of a successful technology company. Samsung should continue its high investments to secure its place as the leader in technology and innovation in this industry. Since Samsung is a global leader in technology, it should use this advantage to lead the rest to the next level of innovation. Samsung has already l ead others in the 3D home entertainment business now it has the opportunity to go further and create more advanced products that will lead its consumers to a more advanced and convenient lifestyle. 2. TelecommunicationsSamsung Telecommunications is one important line of Samsung Electronics. It is known as Samsung mobile and wireless, which provides a variety of personal and business communications productions, such as mobile phones, tablets, and wireless infrastructure equipments (Samsung, 2011). In 1988, Samsung Electronics merged with telecommunication, which then became a product line of Samsung Electronics (Company history, 2012. ). In 1986, Samsung released its first built-in car phone, but it failed due to the poor products’ qualities. But, the company did not give up on telecommunication product line.In 1992, Samsung developed its own mobile phone systems. In 1997, they developed world’s smallest CDMA mobile phone (Company history, 2012). Samsung became the lead er in the personal communications service market. Samsung Electronics has been successful since the company expended business into global market. Samsung took first step and exported its personal phones to Sprint, an American CDMA carrier, and then Samsung extended into GSM market. The company’s phones are compatible with the networks of leading wireless service providers, including AT&T, Sprint Nextel, T-Mobile USA, and Verizon Communications.It has powered Samsung’s growth in the telecommunications industry. The bestselling Galaxy S smartphones was launched in 2011. It has been sold more than 20 million units around the world. In 2012, Samsung Electronics was ranked the 17th of global 500 companies by the Financial Times (Samsung annual report, 2012). By end of second quarter 2012, Samsung Electronics accounted for 330 million or 21. 2% of worldwide demand of mobile phones (Samsung annual report, 2011). (See Fig. 1. ) Fig. 1. Samsung Smartphone Market shares in 2011: 19. 9% (Samsung) The major risk was patent lawsuits.Samsung Electronics has involved with lawsuits in more than 10 countries between Samsung and Apple (Wingfield, 2012). Opportunity for Samsung is that partnership with more carriers, which would help Samsung Telecommunication to expand their business and market share. The recommendations for Samsung telecommunication is that focus on unique technology design. I think that will not only help Samsung avoid lawsuits, but also increase the market share and customer royalty. 3. Samsung’s LCD Display A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat screen monitor that is made of a thin liquid crystal layer in the middle.LCDs are used in many different applications such as, televisions, mobile phones, laptops and computers. LCD screen has been one of the best-selling products of Samsung, yet it still faces risks and needs some improvement to attract more customers (Mote, Stansell, & Greenland, 2010). Mote et al. (2010) state that Samsung c reated LCD technology in 1991. The LCD panel was first used for laptop computers and showed at a world trade event in Japan. The first LCD display for laptop computer was 9. 3 inches. In 2002, Samsung introduced a 54-inch digital LCD television monitor-the largest LCD television in the world at that time.Today, Samsung is the most famous LCD maker in the global market (Mote, Stansell, & Greenland, 2010). According to â€Å"About Samsung†(2012), Samsung sustained the highest profit among LCD manufactures over the world in 2007. In 2009, Samsung became the first company that sold more than ten million LCD televisions in the first half of the year and more than five million LCD panels per month. Epperson shows that, total segment revenue of LCD was about 62. 6 trillion U. S dollars in 2011. There were about 330 million shares, and the price was 1,067 dollars per share.Samsung has also maintained the largest market share in the global LCD televisions from the first quarter of 20 11 to the second quarter of 2012 (About Samsung, 2012; Epperson, 2012). (Data collected from www. statista. com) Although the record of success of LCDs seems really outstanding, Samsung is facing many risks. One of the risks that Samsung confronted was about LCD patent infringement. In 2008, Sharp filed the suit against Samsung in the U. S. District Court for violating its four patents related to a technology to improve the picture quality of LCDs. Then, Sharp expanded the suit to South Korea in December of the same year.Samsung fought back in the same month with lawsuits in Japan and the U. S. For some reasons, Samsung won over Sharp in Japan, but lose the case in the U. S. In 2009 US International Trade Commission began to block Samsung LCD products. Samsung also faces price war from other serious competitors such as LG, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic. In Standard & Poor’s Equity Research, Samsung’s LCD sales are decreasing due to the very competitive prices other comp etitors offer consumers (Patel, 2012). Base on â€Å"LexisNexis Academic†(2012), Samsung just created a new technology of LCD called Active-matrix OLED (AMOLED).This is another type of flat panel display which is very thin and flexible. Samsung announced that it will use AMOLED to invent a new model of its mobile phone named â€Å"Youm†, and the product will be introduced at the beginning of 2013. This is considered as a bright opportunity for Samsung in the future to increase its LCD revenues and profits (â€Å"Samsung’s flexible†, 2012). (Google images) To overcome risks and be more attractive to investors, Samsung should obtain LCD patent protection. For example, when any LCD design is created, Samsung should register for a license or trademark to protect the company from copyright.Samsung also need to focus on Research and Development investment to create new technology, new products and find out ways to lower the production costs, so they can compet e on price with others. 4. Semiconductors The decision of entering the semiconductor business is essential to Samsung. Byung-Chull Lee, the founder of Samsung, realized how big the high-tech electronics market would be in the future in mid-1970s, and that Samsung has to be a major player. Because of that, he decided to form Samsung Semiconductor and Telecommunications Co. in 1978.However, South Korea is lack of technological expertise, and that’s when the South Korean government steps in. The South Korean government required foreign telecommunications equipment manufacturers to hand out advanced semiconductor technology, in order for them to get access to the South Korean market. (Data collected from IBIS World) Semiconductor is one of the most successful product lines in Samsung. The sales of semiconductor have increased from 32. 6 billion dollars in 2010 to 33. 5 billion dollars in 2011. Moreover, its net income has also increased from 16 million dollars in 2010 to 48 milli on dollars in 2011.In fact, the company’s semiconductor segment consists two major parts: memory and LSI (Large-Scale Integration). Like the past 15 years, Samsung has topped the position in the dynamic random-access memory in 2011 with 42. 2% of shares. For the LSI segment, Samsung produces LCD panels for computer monitors and notebook displays. In 2011, Samsung has about $26. 5 million of revenue from LCD panel business (IBIS world, 2012). One of the biggest customers to Samsung’s semiconductor product line is Apple, which is recently considering switching to another semiconductor manufacturer.Losing this huge customer will definitely risk the market position of Samsung, as it is now at the top of the semiconductor manufacturing market. Opportunity for the product line would be its rising demand. There is a growing demand on semiconductor out in the market. Although the demand of desktop computers is slowing down, which will affect the sales of memory part of semicon ductors, demand of tablets and smartphones is raising rapidly, which will lead to a rise in demand of semiconductor (Epperson, 2012). There are still a lot of rooms for the sales of semiconductor to grow.Increasing production of semiconductor due to its raise in demand may not seem hard in the future. Manufacturers are now developing automated production in order to decrease their production cost. Samsung can start increase semiconductors supply to these robots, since those parts will boost the demand for the sophisticated electronics that control the robots. D. Conclusions and Recommendations for Samsung One of the important recommendations is technology innovation. Samsung Electronics is a high-tech company, which provided support for innovation in the areas of technology.Product lines involved with other companies regarding the patent lawsuits. Lawsuits have negatively impacts on company’s growth. In order for company to maintain sustainability and remain competitive in th e industry, we recommend that the Samsung Electronics should focus on unique technology designs. In that way, it will protect the company from getting sued and attract more customers. Samsung should also increase semiconductors productions by finding opportunities to cooperate and be a supplier to other smaller electronic companies. Again, the company hould invest more in R&D projects, so it can built new technologies and new products in order to compete against its competitors. E. References About Samsung. (2012). Corporate profile. Retrieved from http://www. samsung. com/us/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/ Epperson, L. (2012). Samsung Electronic Co. , Ltd. Hoover’s. Retrieved Oct. 27, 2012, from Hoover’s database. Mote, D. , Stansell, C. M. , Greenland, P. R. (2010). Samsung Electronics Co. , Ltd. In International Directory of Company Histories, 108, 433-440. Retrieved Oct. 27, 2012, from Gale Virtual Reference Library database. Patel, A. (2012).Samsung Electronics. St andard & Poor’s Equity Research. Retrieved Oct. 27, 2012, from Net Advantage database. Samsung Electronic. (2011). FY 2011 Annual report. Retrieved from http://www. samsung. com/us/aboutsamsung/ir/newsMain. do. Samsung. (2012). Samsung Company history. Retrieved from http://www. samsung. com/us/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/history04. html Samsung. 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