Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Imperfections of normal life Essay
‘One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them’. This line sounds stereotypically from a fantasy film, and it would perhaps not fit in to other genres such as comedy or romance. Fantasy films often take us in to a different world and away from the imperfections of our normal life, they are a great contrast to our lives, in fantasy films things are always extremes, either great things are happening, or extremely bad things are occurring; whereas for the everyday person, such things rarely happen and life is just monotonous. To be taken in to a life of someone else’s with unbelievable things happening to them is an excitement and people enjoy being taken from their world and being placed in a dream place, where everything is perfect. Films of the fantasy genre are mainly based on popular myths and legends, characters are things like dragons, wizards, elves, dwarves – all things we have heard stories about. Films stretch these myths and bring them to life; they often bring back elements of our childhood and will therefore entertain us even more. Settings, characters, events, music, endings and dialogue all contribute to us experiencing these things. Also, these certain things in a film will be very typical of the particular genre, some styles of music and characters will only fit in one genre, and some genres will only have certain music and characters. The film Lord of the rings – The fellowship of the ring has many attributes of its fantasy genre, the settings and locations within the film are all similar to that of many of fantasy movies. One of the settings in Lord of the Rings is Lothlorien, it contains many huge elaborate buildings, and beautiful gardens; the weather here is never bad and the atmosphere is always bright and cheerful. This setting will help emphasise what is happening in it, often in a place that is light and peaceful scenes with happy moments will be portrayed here, rather than dark upsetting scenes such as battles. These surroundings help engage the audience as what they’re seeing is incredible and wouldn’t be something they’d see in real life, it will interest them to see something they haven’t seen before. Another location in this film is the mines of Moria, this is the opposite of the previous setting, here it is always dark, gloomy, cold and damp; one again, the surroundings in the film will determine what the audience will be feeling, when they see this setting, they will be anticipating something bad to be happening and this will help to get the audience engaged in the film. In fantasy films, there will always be certain types of characters, a strong and brave person, someone who is wise and clever, one who is weak yet brave and noble, a beautiful woman who is adored by most of the characters. There will often be an evil counterpart for these characters, and the characters within The Lord of the Rings are all what you would expect to see in a fantasy movie. The main character in this film is Frodo, he has little strength and fighting ability but is strong willed and brave. He has the characteristics of the typical fantasy main character, and these characteristics help entertain the audience; they like to see an underdog win. Also they will be a character the audience can usually relate to and are often a more credible person than most others in fantasy films. Frodo has three friends, Meri, Pippin and Sam who are all similar to him these characters add a comedy element to some parts of the film, mostly to relieve the tension when needed. This helps entertain the audience more so. In Lord of the Rings there is a slight exception to the rule of there being one person who is strong, brave and does most of the fighting, as there are four characters like this, Aragorn (Strider), Boromir, Gimli and Legolas. Having four incredible characters intensifies the battles, also all the characters are unrealistic yet this entertains people more as they are seeing something they wouldn’t usually see. Once again fitting in with the stereotypes of the fantasy genre there is a beautiful woman that someone falls in love with, audiences often like romance within a film, especially between two characters they have seen a lot of during the movie and have grown attached to. People like to see other people they like succeed or do well, whether it’s in a fight or in a relationship. This is yet another technique that gets the audience more in to the film. The final character typical of almost every fantasy film is the evil one, in this particular film it is Saruman, he is originally good but is then corrupted and turns evil. With an evil character in a film, it gives the viewer someone to hate and whenever they do anything to the good characters; it angers the audience and lures them deeper and deeper in to the world of the film. Another thing that is very much a characteristic of a fantasy film is the names of the characters, it’s not every day you meet someone called Boromir or Frodo, with these incredible , unusual names it takes the audience even further away from there normal life and more in to the movie. Events in a film are what entertain us the most, they are the factor that determines whether we enjoy a movie or not. Different people like to see different things on screen and films often need to try and interest everyone. Events in a fantasy film can completely change how we feel, they can make us sad, happy, angry, a whole range of different emotions. Fantasy films in particular try and cater for everyone’s tastes; they include intense battle scenes, yet also have the contrast with romantic love scenes. The most typical event in a fantasy film is a battle, or maybe even multiple battles, these engage the viewer and also determine what characters the audience take a liking to. The fights are mostly between the main character and their arch nemesis, the battles are incredible and nothing anyone would see in real life, therefore they entertain the audience. The other event that is almost always in a fantasy film is romantic scene, between the main ‘good’ character, and the beautiful lady. People like to see characters they like, succeed in a relationship, or even a battle for that matter. Also, the love scene acts as good relief from the stresses of the fights and other more aggressive moments in the film. Lord of The Rings once again contains these stereotypes; the battle at weather top between the four hobbits and Aragorn against the ring wraiths, the fight is intense and ends with one of the main characters, Frodo, being stabbed. This makes the audience feel more hatred towards the ring wraiths who are the evil characters, and more sympathetic towards Frodo.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Clinical Reflection Essay
The first three weeks in my clinical placement at Facility, I have already gained a lot of practical experience that is different from what I am familiar with. During our orientation at the facility, we met the nurse manager of the third floor who is courteous enough to share a little bit of information about working in the facility and how the system works in the long- term care facility. The nurse manager even told us, that she is also an international educated nurse. Knowing this has inspired me to become successful in my chosen career. After the orientation, our group was divided into two and we were given directions on which wing we will be assigned. There were three of us in my group, and each one of us was assigned to a resident attendant. We were given instructions to just shadow and observe on how things are being done during the first three hours of the resident attendant’s shift. Since I had the experience in a long-term care facility, I am familiar with some of the procedures and routines that are being done by the Personal Support Worker (PSW). That being said, I could say that I was comfortable in assisting the resident attendant/ PSW in providing nursing care to the clients. Although I was familiar and comfortable with the setting of a long-term care facility, I still felt anxious on how I can provide the best care possible for the residents. In this clinical placement, I have learned that being too comfortable and excited is not always a good thing especially for a student. Because of my eagerness to learn new things, I was not able to pay attention on the sign that was posted in a clients’ room. The client was in isolation for contact precaution. The incident happened while I was walking at the hallway and the client called my attention by waving her hand. It made me think that she needed help and I immediately came to her aid without even looking at the sign. The PSW saw me going out from the clients’ room and told me right away that I should not be in the clients’ room without any personal protection equipment (PPE). I suddenly realized that I broke a policy that is highly implemented in every healthcare facility, and that is the â€Å"Infection Control†. My teacher saw what happened and reminded me about the rules in the facility. I apologized and owned up to my mistake. I was embarrassed of what I have done, but also I have learned something that I will never forget. I have learned to be more aware and attentive of my surroundings. As a nurse, I should be one-step ahead, especially when it comes to clients’ safety. I almost put the client at risk by not following the directives on the precaution signs posted on the door of the resident. It may be the risk that I don’t know that I could actually cause greater harm, for this reason I need to be more vigilant and use practice routines in all patient care activities.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Case study of demonstrating learning in practice
Case study of demonstrating learning in practice The purpose of this assignment is to provide evidence that will demonstrate my learning in practice. It will contain four reflective accounts that will display my ability to meet the learning outcomes of this module. Amulya (no date) describes reflection as a process of exploring your own actions and experiences, and further states that the purpose of reflection is to develop learning. Johns (2004), expands on this and describes different layers of reflection, for example reflection in action. This type of reflection occurs at the time of experience, pausing to make sense of the situation and proceeding to a desired conclusion. I will be reflecting on experiences, which is defined by Johns (2004 p 50) as â€Å"learning through experiences†, thus changing perceptions of myself, practice and gaining new insights. Benner (2001) supports learning from experience and states that through experiences it enables the nurse to move from, competent to proficient, further stating that th e proficient nurse will be able to hone in on the most important problems. These learning outcomes will be addressed in turn, discussing what I have learned and highlighting areas for future development. Further evidence can be viewed in Section 2, Appendix’s 1 to four and Section 3; these documents are my learning contracts from the placement I completed. Learning outcome 1 is to recognise and explain the inter-related nature of aetiology, pathophysiology and clinical features of named conditions that cause health care problems. The appropriate evidence based management required and the anticipated outcomes. Campbell (2006) states an understanding of physiology and pathophysiology is deemed necessary in the understanding of treatment and the management of patients, thus improving patient care. Dunning (2003) supports this view and says the nurses understanding of pathophysiology and classification of the disease process such as diabetes improves the care they provide. This i s a reflective account, of an episode of care, which I was involved in. My patient had been admitted for ketoacidosis. Diabetes UK (no date) describes ketoacidosis as acidity of the blood caused by excessive amounts of ketones. Johnson (2004) expands on this and states it occurs from the lack of glucose entering the cell which is used as energy. As a result the body then uses its own store of fat as an alternative for energy and this use of energy produces an acid known as ketones. Dunning (2003) describes clinical features as hyperglycaemia, which is a result of decreased use of glucose by the cells and the increased glucose produced by the liver; dehydration and electrolyte loss resulting from polyuria and lastly acidosis is due to the breakdown of fatty acids and production of ketones. They go on to say that symptoms include, increased thirst, this is the bodies attempt to flush out the ketones; fatigue, abdominal pain, kussmauls breathing and tachycardia. As the ketones rise the person may also start to vomit, however vomiting reduces the urine output thus reducing the flushing out of ketones. As a result a coma will develop and this if left untreated can be fatal. Diabetes National Service Framework: Standard (2002) states treatment for ketoasidosis , consists of the administration of insulin, potassium and fluids. Brunner & Suddarths (2004) says fluids are given intravenously to manage dehydration, insulin would be given as a 5 unit bolus every hour, however the amount of insulin to be administered is calculated by the amount of glucose detected in the blood. This is what is referred to as an insulin sliding scale, the set amounts are shown on the insulin recording documentation. Potassium is also given to manage the electrolyte loss.
The Principle of Legality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Principle of Legality - Essay Example Such an integrated supply chain would be especially effective if it is designed after the market knowledge is taken into consideration and the decoupling point is properly determined. The principle of legality is based upon the premise that two different kinds of initiatives can be successfully combined in improving the efficiency of the supply chain and making the agile supply chain a reality. One of these aspects is postponement and the other is information decoupling, and Naylor et al (2000) have argued that these two can be combined into a liability or the combination of both agility as well as lean capabilities into one supply chain. Agility is defined as â€Å"using market knowledge and a virtual corporation†in order to be able to exploit the most profitable opportunities within a volatile marketplace. Leanness, on the other hand, refers to the development of a value supply chain stream that ensures that all kind of waste, including any waste of time, are all eliminated.(Naylor et al, 2000:108). The supply chain is defined as a â€Å"system whose constituent parts include material suppliers, production facilities, distribution services and customers†, all of whom are linked together in a cycle where there is a forward flow of materials and a backward flow of feedback. The decoupling point is the one that separates that part of the supply chain that is oriented towards the generation of customer orders from that part which is based on planning. (Naylor et al, 2000:108) Naylor et al (2000) also point out that agile manufacturing is the best suited to meet a market situation where there is fluctuating demand, while lean manufacturing, on the other hand, requires a level schedule but when these two elements are combined with the market knowledge taken into consideration, the decoupling point can be positioned correctly. The legality approach therefore essentially attempts to incorporate lean production methods while also adapting to a fluctuating market. Â
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Pepsi's Global Supply Chain Management Assignment
Pepsi's Global Supply Chain Management - Assignment Example From this discussion it is clear that the delivery model adopted by Pepsi Inc has been of several benefits to the organization, and a good preference for the international fraternity. This is with regards to its detailed manner upon which it seeks to revolutionize the distribution platform in organizations that place their success on the efficiency of their distribution program. Pepsi Inc places a significant bet of their success to the success of their distribution program. This is with reference to the nature of their market and the competitiveness of their rivals. Apparently, Pepsi Inc is rated as the second largest organization in its field, worldwide. This study highlights that the development of this model of delivery had been steered by a list of objectives that were desired by Pepsi. These included issues such as the reduction of the cost incurred while channelling goods into warehouses, the address of the constraints that arise from limited space in the warehouse, a nd the reduction of the inventory platform to exclude the entries of the whole system but concentrate on the relevant avenues. Others included making sure subsequent growth of the stock keeping unit as the demands for improved storage proceeded to pile along. The account provided by the organization over the development of the new system indicates that the desire to reduce the constrains or the challenges faced by the warehouse might have been the driving power.... Others included making sure subsequent growth of the stock keeping unit as the demands for improved storage proceeded to pile along (Byme, 2000). However, prior to the examination of the operations of this model, it is of significant interest to note the conditions that prompted Pepsi to act towards this angle of thoughts. Amongst them was the increased overwhelm of the warehouses in accommodating the increased dispatch being delivered by the main bottling unit of the organization. This was with respect to the increased demand for improvement in the quality of goods being delivered to Pepsi markets across the world. The account provided by the organization over the development of the new system indicates that the desire to reduce the constrains or the challenges faced by the warehouse might have been the driving power. This implies that the new project may have been developed along the platform of reducing the strains experienced by the organization’s warehouses. At some point , the realization of this ambition pointed on the transformation of the pre-existing warehouse into advanced models, hence the realization of the desired results. However, it is worthwhile to note that the realization of this dream has to perform increased borrowing of ideas from the stipulations of the culture of Pepsi. This can be extracted from an overview of the organization’s model of operation with regard to service deliver. The organization has been adopting the integration and collaboration initiatives for its supply chains. This implicates that there is a provision of service integration that is achieved from collaboration with other interested stakeholders in the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
A Visit of Charity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
A Visit of Charity - Research Paper Example In her 92 years, she wrote a couple of short stories, novels, essays, photographs, and one children's article. Welty makes use of her gift in literacy to convey concern to human huddles such as old age, illness, ignorance and poverty (Rags 1). These can be viewed in her short narrative, A Visit of Charity. In the narrative, Welty incites thoughts concerning selfishness, negligence, dehumanization, and callousness with the use of an ironic tone. The name itself is rather an irony (Rags 1). Charity refers to showing humanity, kindness, and social ethics toward individuals in need. However, neither the central character Marian nor society observes these principles. This article will analyze the short story, A Visit of Charity by Eudora Welty to explain its ironies. A Visit of Charity is an account about a 14 year-old girl, Marian, who goes to visit two elderly women in a nursing residence (Rags 1). The aim of her trip is to gain three points for her marks in Campfire Girl. By taking a p otted plant to the nursing residence, she can get an extra one mark, or a double point is added up if she takes a bible and reads it to the elderly women. Marian takes the bible with her a potted plant (McCartney 1). In the nursing residence, she is surprised by the inferior locality and two complaining old women. Throughout her short stay, she is strange, and her mind cannot work appropriately. She drops the abilities to see, think, hear clearly and speak. She has a strong desire to flee from this bizarre place, and from the strange elderly ladies. At the end, she leaves a weeping elderly lady and a prayerful old lady untouched. She digs up an apple she has buried under a tree and hurries to take the bus to go to her home (WriteWork 1). The narrative happens on an extremely freezing winter day at a nursing residence (WriteWork 1). The structure is portrayed as beaten block and it revealed the winter sun like a block of ice. It is redecorated by spiky dark hedge plants. These scenar ios imply the lack of warmth and affection from a society towards isolated elderly citizens in the nursing residence. Marian is the central character of the story (McCartney 1). She is portrayed as a self-centered individual. She is disturbed about the development of her Campfire Girl points more than everything. Her stopover is evidently hypocritical when she informs the nurse at the reception desk that she is a Campfire Girl and that she wants to pay a visit to a couple of elderly women. When the nurse poses whether Marian is familiar with any women there, she reply, no, however, she says that most of the women there will recognize her (McCartney 1). The potted plant is more proof that illustrates Marian’s self-interest. Rather than taking fruits or other more sincere and sensible gift, Marian opts to take a potted plant that can get her one extra mark. Nevertheless, compared to the earlier campfire girl who took a bible in her trip, Marian is thought to have a modest self- awareness. This is because she does not prefer to take a bible that can get more extra marks for her. Welty mockingly proposes that individuals who use bibles as an apparatus for self-gaining are certainly those who are too worried with their own benefits (Welty 4). Their proceedings fly in the face of consecration. Marian, nevertheless, dehumanizes the two elderly ladies automatically. She relates the voice of an elderly lady to a sheep’
Friday, July 26, 2019
Module 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Module 12 - Essay Example Our friendship therefore was weakened and others emerged. Nevertheless, high school was totally a new environment. New friends came up and I had t make hook ups with new friends. All those we could share the same classes, same units and dorms became my intimate friends. Specifically, my closest friends were my classmates whom we shared cubes and classes. As the days passed by, and approached choice of future careers, friends changed as well. Those whom we shared common ideas before had unique careers hence different units pursue. Hence I found new friends too. When we finished high school, we got different grades, and we joined different universities and colleges to pursue different careers. Everybody went on his way to pursue his/her career. This weakened further the friendship and other new friends sprout up. From my middle school till now, friends have changed. My first friends and my current friends are totally different. From the dynamics of friendship, it is evident that friendship change very often and it is rare to get a long lasting friend whom you start from pre-school to university. Friends are subject to choice of careers in life and line of profession. Those whom you share things in common become your closest friends and those whom you have nothing much to share are distant automatically. Maintaining alive friendship is not easy. It is volatile and more often it has rewards and punishments. Indeed to appreciate somebody’s strengths and weaknesses calls for sacrifice. In essence, people have different personalities and to accept them to influence your life is challenging. According to social exchange theory, friendship is driven by decisions. Both parties are responsible for one another and entirely depend on each other. However, costs and rewards associate with decisions made. Usually, I dedicate my precious time to my friends. This time we could use to chat and implement constructive ideas
Thursday, July 25, 2019
How we can reduce the nature deficit disorder among todays youth Essay
How we can reduce the nature deficit disorder among todays youth - Essay Example In this paper I will discuss in detail the nature deficit disorder that is prevalent amongst the youth today. In the earlier times, the most favorite and treasured time for children of all ages was the time they were allowed to play outside. This remained true, till the times machines took us over and now our lives and actions are invaded by electrically operated gadgets. They are better known as children of the digital age and have developed into more and more estranged from the natural world, with devastating implications, not simply for their bodily fitness, but in addition for their long-term psychological and spiritual heath as well. There are many causes behind this nature deficit disorder and children alone are not to be blamed. It is not the same safe world any more. Parents fear their children's safety and hence restrict them indoors (Tenenbaum). Sensational media reporting and obsessed parents have factually "petrified children away from the playgrounds and have confined them in front of their X-boxes and Play stations. While endorsing a controversial culture of apprehension that favors "safe and sound" restricted sports over creative engaging in recreation. Well-meaning basic school syllabus may educate students the whole thing there is to recognize about the nature and its vast spread beauty but the generation of the yester years was more sensitive towards it because most of them had spent their childhoods playing amongst trees and floating boats along river banks. All this seems to be a fantasy for the children today who would sit an enjoy some stranger's movie on you-tube instead of experiencing the fre sh air out of their rooms. And progress in expertise, while opening up an affluence of "virtual" familiarity to the young, has prepared them for children to expend fewer instances outside (McKee). By reducing pressure, whetting concentration, and encouraging original trouble solving, "nature-play" is also rising as a promising treatment for attention-deficit confusion and other early days problems. Indeed amplified contact to natural world may establish a salve for a lot of of the childhood disorders that at the present run out of control, the extremely ubiquity of those disorders is proof that two generation of estrangement from nature might have by now resulted in substantial damage to our kids. I believe that though children are said to be the direct victims of the nature-deficit disorder, it is not limited to the children alone (Tenenbaum). Infact it's a disorder that exists amongst the whole society; amongst parents who confine children indoors, amongst schools who have cut down on field trips due to safety reasons and so on. But one preliminary qualification must be made. Suppose we do discover certain significant deficiencies in the conduct of our young. Then the question will arise, where did they go wrong That question resounds of youth bashing. The better question is where did we, the current adults--or at least some of us adults--go wrong Our children's behaviors, for better or worse, largely reflect the demands and opportunities we adults provide them. Thus, the real issue is, how much are we adults willing to change to stimulate constructive changes in our young And what and how should we change YOUTH DISORDER Until a year or two ago,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Post Deregulation Act of 1978 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Post Deregulation Act of 1978 - Term Paper Example The US Airlines industry was primarily a highly controlled one, with heavy regulations imposed upon the air fares, air routes as well as the air schedules. Prevalence of such restrictions within the airlines arena had serious implications upon market demand. The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) restricted the entry of new players within the industry, depending upon the approval provided by the Department of Transportation (DOT). Prior to deregulation, unless the DOT endorsed any indigenous airlines company as fit and able to commute passengers within the national premises, they could not operate within the domestic territory (Siddiqi, n.d., par. 1). The outcome of creating such a highly constrictive environment of operation had serious drawbacks upon the cost structure of the companies which were active in the business. Though initially, the profit margin earned by the US airlines industry was quite high, viz., 14%, the situation worsened following the restrictions inflicted by the boar d upon the margin. According to the guidelines being implemented, the profits earned upon stockholder’s equity could not be exceeded beyond a certain ceiling, so that the players who were already present in the market could not increase the air fares above a particular point (Kwong, 1988, p. 14). Though, a low air fare was considered as an advantage for the customers who availed the service, the companies suffered from bottlenecks as their avenues for procuring capital was approaching a standstill.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Portfolio - Essay Example 79). Managing and Developing Self Before joining the university and undertaking bioscience courses, I was not able to manage my schedules and so I had to depend on what had already been planned by teachers. However, my life in the university enabled me to understand how to manage myself, plan my time for different activities and manage my work in a professional way to ensure optimal use of financial, academic and time resources. The professional attribute of the university has assisted me in understanding how to manage my work, follow instructions closely with minimal supervision, plan my work schedule well in advance and ensure that all tasks are completed in a responsible and professional manner. For example, when conducting biological experiments, I ensure that I have read all procedures in advance before commencing the real practical work unlike in the past when I used to conduct experiments without reading all instructions. However, although I am able to manage my schedule well, the only problem that needs a lot of effort is in categorizing issues on the basis of priority. In many instances, I have been giving priority to relatively less difficult issues, thus ignoring higher priority but difficult issues. The consequences have been dire. For example, when choosing elective courses, I have been choosing less difficult courses at the expense of highly competitive ones, which are in most cases difficult (OHLSSON & BORG, 2010, p. 67). University education has given me various opportunities for self-development through constant learning and being a critical learner. I have come to understand that learning is not only about gaining knowledge about a specified subject but also to develop critical skills that would enable one to solve problems, make use of the available opportunity to develop the society, and be a continual learner through a number of avenues such as the Internet or part-time education programs. Further, university education has changed my notion from being a job seeker into being a job creator through a number of business courses that have enhanced my entrepreneurial skills (POSTMAN, 1995, p. 68). Communication Communication is an essential aspect of professional development and human interaction. Through good communication strategies, it is possible to develop positive relationship with people in the learning institution, places of work and the society in general. One of the important aspects of communication I have learnt from Staffordshire University is the use of information and communication in getting sufficient information within a short time and passing messages promptly and efficiently. Since I joined the university, I have learnt many aspects of using the Internet to get information that would have been cumbersome to search through conventional means such as physically looking for a specific topic among a variety of hard copy journals. I can easily surf the Internet and get information within a shot time. Further , online libraries have assisted me in learning different topics in biology within a short duration of time and use the
Only The Heart Novel Essay Example for Free
Only The Heart Novel Essay Only The Heart is a very successful novel presented by many narrators in both in the past and present. This novel portrays the hardships and suffering that a Vietnamese family endures through the years of approaching communism. Their desperate flee from the only home they have ever known and the loved ones that they may never see again, all in search of a place where there is freedom and hope. Only The Heat is a story that focuses on the Vo familys suffering. The novel shows the hardships and struggles that a Vietnamese family endures through the years of approaching communism. It is also about their desperate flea from the only home they have ever known and the loved ones that they may never see again, all in search of a place where freedom and hope were to be found. The novel itself is a simply told yet moving story of the Vo family, who come to Australia as refugees in search of hope, as a result of the suffering in The Vietnam War. Many members of the family in turn become narrators and perhaps because of the unfamiliarity of the names, readers must looking back to the family tree, at the front of the book, while the reading of the first few chapters. This novel portrays the hardships, struggles and suffering that a Vietnamese family endures through the years of approaching communism. Even after arriving in the lucky country Australia there is still suffering, caused by Hai Nguyens vicious gang. There are many narrators in the novel but the two main persons through whom the story of is told is Toan, the youngest son and Linh, Toons cousin and adopted sister (after her mother Mai sacrificed her life for her). The last person creates a real overview of what has happened and the deepest thoughts and feelings of these two people, as they escape their country as refugees to Malaysia and then Australia. As you can see Only the Heart, is a successful novel composed by Brian Caswell and David Phu An Chiem, about the suffering the Vo family had to endure in the search of hope. With a terrifying side to life which is beyond even the vast imagination of the many Australians. The novel emphases how lucky we are to live in a country where things such as freedom, opinions and safety, (these are things taken for granted) are considered a right.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Effects of Computer Society Essay Example for Free
Effects of Computer Society Essay Traditionally, courses that deal with computers and society issues focus primarily on enumerating the various ways in which computers impact society. This is done by listing categories of topics such as privacy, computers in medicine, military uses of computers, etc. Classic cases of computer abuse or errant systems are typically described in detail, as a way of simply making students more aware of how computers affect society. These examples are meant to serve as warnings to future professionals, in the hopes that they will practice their profession with greater care. What is missing from these discussions, however, is why computers have the impact they do on society. What are the characteristics that are the root of this impact? Are there fundamental differences between this technology and others that have transformed our world in the past? The intent of developing a list of these characteristics is that it could lead to a better understanding of the nature of the social impact of computers. In this way, it might be possible to examine a new computer project at the time of its design (not, as is the usual case, a long time after the project has been implemented and disseminated) to determine its potential impacts as a social change agent. The characteristics given below are not necessarily unique to computer technology. However, in many instances computers have created situations that were previously impossible to accomplish (such as space flight), were essentially inconceivable until the technology was applied, or at least were very difficult to achieve without the aid of computer technology. Furthermore, even though other technologies may have had impacts similar to computers in many ways, computer technology has greatly amplified their effects to the point of entirely overshadowing any previous technologys impact. Finally, the term computer technology is meant to be inclusive of any device that is essentially controlled by a basic computer (CPU, program, etc. ). This would include, therefore, modern telephones, VCRs, microwave ovens, CAT scanners, supermarket scanners, and the like. The following are in no particular order. Also, some devices or examples are likely to fit into more than one of the categories below: (1) Ubiquity It is perhaps stating the obvious that computers appear to be everywhere today. Even when we dont encounter them directly in their various forms of modern convenience devices, such as digital watches, microwave ovens, VCRs, and the like, we generate transactions that are processed via computers without actively doing anything: the utility companies are recording our usage, the phone company records incoming calls, our answering machine might be recording a message while we are doing something else, someone is performing a credit check on us, etc. (2) Magnification Computers tend toward magnification in several different ways. First, the explosion of the availability of information is due in large part to the computers ability to generate, collect, and store an ever increasing amount of raw data. Since the ability to create and collect data is growing exponentially, so too is the generation of information that can be synthesized from this data. Second, the types of negative impacts a single error can have has grown enormously with computer technology. Finally, the number of people directly affected by a system error has also grown enormously, to where a single software system literally can affect millions directly. 3) Accessibility Access to information continues to increase at hard to believe speeds. Many information resources are available only in digital form, via, for instance, the Internet. As more information is converted to digital form (e. g. voice and video), the ability to duplicate and distribute such information increases enormously. Indeed, there are some forms of publishing that can exist only within the context of a computer system. The concept of hypertext and hypermedia (including audio and video), the ability to create non-linear accessibility to information, was conceived out of the ability to randomly access information via computers. Its increasing success easily shows how important information in a digital form has become already. (Oz, 1994). (5) Lack of Accountability It has become a popular complaint that it is getting more and more difficult to locate a human being who is willing to accept responsibility for an error made by a computerized system. While it is tempting to blame such problems on incompetent employees, in truth the problem may be a poor user interface, lack of training, or an error in the software, none of which can be solved by those providing the front-line service. Another difficulty is finding someone who will, indeed, fix an error in an account. It is often the case that service representatives are reluctant to accept the responsibility for making a necessary change. In addition, it can often be difficult to even find a human being to deal with a problem. Getting lost in a voice-mail system has become a modern urban legend. (Nissenbaum, 1994). (6) Temporality Computers have several effects on time and the timeliness of information. It seems that computer technology is to blame in large part for the speed p of modern society everything has to get done faster, be there sooner, be available immediately. Another form of temporality in computer systems is that information can be retained over long periods of time, even when they appear to have been destroyed (consider the classic case of Col. Oliver North). There is little reason that information should be entirely lost any more, even due to accident. And it is reasonable to suspect that every s crap of information generated today will be available virtually forever. Another temporal shift for which computers have been responsible is that people who work together do not necessarily have to do so at the same time. Finally, services and information are more frequently available on a 24-hour basis. This allows people to request a service or seek information when it fits their schedule, rather than when it fits the service providers schedule. (7) Spatiality Computers have done more to shorten distances than any previous technology, even the supersonic jet. It is possible to send large amounts of data, messages, video, etc. virtually anywhere in the world via networks such as Internet. Long distance learning, using information databases or video feeds of courses via satellite, is a reality for a growing portion of our modern society. We can now even be on the move when we talk with someone on the phone, or receive a fax. (8) Surveillability Is there any doubt that computers have made surveillance easier than at any time in history? In addition to the usual surveillance equipment such as cameras and microphones, transactional data is increasingly being collected for virtually all types of transactions, even cash purchases and the acquisition of services. There has even been discussion by the government of using a universal health card, which is seen by many as the first step toward finalizing the move (begun with the co-opting of the social security number) in the US toward a national identification card. (9) Shifting of Relationships/Changes in Intercommunication Protocols One of the more difficult characteristics to track is how computer technology has changed communication between people and groups of people. In particular, the use of email has been shown to eliminate a lot of the usual visual and verbal cues we often use in communicating with one another (whch can be viewed as both an advantage and as a disadvantage). In addition to removing such cues, computer-mediated communications mask attributes such as race, gender, age, or physical disability, in addition, perhaps, to the persons social or management status within an organization. (Grudin, 1994; Perrole, 1987). (10) Illusion of Precision It is not difficult to make many (perhaps even most) people who are not in the computer field believe that any numeric result generated by a computer is correct. Those not well versed in the hardware of computers have little understanding of the fact that numbers must be converted back and forth between decimal and binary forms, or that there is a limitation on the accuracy of numbers due to memory constraints. As a result, they willingly accept values generated by a computer as infinitely accurate. (Liffick, 1985). Conclusion The characteristics described above are factors in the social impact of computer technology. For most there is at least anecdotal evidence of their existence (with seemingly countless examples). For some, there is also experimental evidence. It has finally become widely accepted that technology is not value neutral, as originally thought. By examining this list and using it as a set of landmarks for evaluating new systems, it may be possible to better anticipate the social impact of new systems, prior to their dissemination.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Nursing Assessment Problem Identification Case Study Mr Lim
Nursing Assessment Problem Identification Case Study Mr Lim The medical record also shows that Mr. Lim has Type 2 diabetes (DM). His blood glucose level is 6.5mmol//L which according to Changi General Hospital (2009), is well-controlled for a diabetic patient. DM may be the major cause of Mr. Lims development of chronic renal failure (CRF) as suggested by Daniels and Hostetter (1992). Diabetes results in kidney damage by accelerating atherosclerosis and inducing hypertension (Rachmani, Ravid, 2003). A recent research links diabetes with atherosclerosis by the large amount of advanced glycation end products produced in diabetic patients that suppress the enzymes capable of dilating blood vessels and inhibiting inflammation of blood vessels (University of Rochester Medical Center, 2008, March 17). Inflammation of the glomerulus can result in hardening with scar formation, inducing tubulointerstitial injury in diabetic nephropathy causing it to progress into CRF (Brosius et al, 2008). The medical record shows that he has history of hypertension. On assessment, he exhibits high blood pressure (B/P) of 165/105, jugular venous distension (JVD), bilateral lower limb edema and change in skin turgor. Hypertensive nephrosclerosis is the second most common cause of CRF after DM. It causes CRF by increasing pressure in the arterial wall leading to stiffening and thickening of the afferent arteriolar and subsequently damages the glomerulus (Hill, 2008). However, hypertension as the only cause of CRF only occurs in those who are genetically predisposed (Freeman, Sedor, 2008). The other way round, Mr. Lims elevated B/P could be due to increased cardiac output associated with sodium and fluid retention as a complication of CRF (Hortom-Szar, 2007). Hypertension is exacerbated in CRF because damaged kidney is no longer able to maintain electrolyte balance and excreting of sodium is impaired due to damaged nephrons, leading to more amount of water reabsorbed, and hence hypertens ion and edema (Moorthy, 2009). As a result of fluid retention, Mr. Lim may report experiencing breathlessness and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. On assessment, he exhibits tachypnea with increased respiration rate of 22/min, may be accompanied with crackles. This is associated to decreased oxygen saturation of 95% leading to an increased in respiratory rate as the body attempts to compensate by exhaling more carbon dioxide (Broscious, Castagnola, 2006). Left ventricular heart failure can also occur as a result of compensatory mechanism to reduced cardiac output in fluid overload (Thomas, 2008). The blood test results show increase in both creatinine (Cr) to 1.7mg/dL more than normal range of and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) to 28mg/dL, more than normal range of 0.6-1.3mg/dL and 10-20mg/dL, indicating decrease in renal ability to excrete waste product of metabolism (Hattersley, Mahon, 2002). Estimation of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is a better indicator of kidney function than serum creatinine level as it also takes into consideration of individuals body mass according to race (Thomas, 2008). Mr. Lims eGFR of 41 indicates stage 3 kidney damage. Mr Lims hemoglobin level of 12g/dL falls in the normal range of 12-18g/dL but in the lower end as anemia only starts to occur in state 3 CRF as suggested by Moorthy (2009). He is likely to become anemic if left uncontrolled as CRF progression results in fewer production of erythropoietin leading to a shortage of red blood cells (Moorthy, 2009). 2. Sleeping Mr. Lim reports insomnia. It could be due to pain, itchy skin, breathlessness or feelings of powerless, anxiety and financial stress. Depression and anxiety are also hurdles to Mr. Lims compliance to medical and dietary management of CKF as suggested by Kopple and Massry (2004). He may find life meaningless when challenged with poor health leading to spiritual deprivation and lack of impetus to improve his conditions. 3. Maintaining a safe environment Mr. Lim exhibits hyperthermia with temperature 37.8Â °C, higher than normal temperature of 37.0Â °C. Mr. Lim should be assessed for other signs of infection such as chills, aches, nausea, vomiting and cloudy urine caused by pus or bacteria. This is important because indwelling catheter and intravenous line provide entrance for harmful microorganisms and infection is likely as his immune system is suppressed due to disease progression (Heinzelmann et al, 1999). Lower leg edema also increases Mr. Lims risk for infection by ulcer development (Stalbow, 2004). Mr. Lim may complain of sudden onset of itching skin. According to Brewster (1996), Mr. Lim has a high risk of getting severe uremic pruritus because of his gender and high BUN level. Pruritus is caused by excretion of calcium, phosphorus and urea in the skin (Thomas, 2008). Assessment may reveal scratch marks. Scratching can cause blooding and bruising in Mr. Lim because of capillary permeability and altered clotting functions due to disease progression (Thomas, 2008). A nurse should assess Mr. Lims risk for injury associated with uremia induced central nervous system disorder. Mr. Lim may exhibit mental disabilities such as poor memory, loss of concentration and slower mental ability (Moorthy, 2007). Mr. Lim has high risk for fall if his mental status is altered. A nurse should also assess for signs of head injury associated with Mr. Lims fall. 4. Pain Mr. Lim reports a pain score of 4. He may describe flank pain as dull, aching and steady pain at the posterior costal margin. He may also complain of leg pain due to edema. Joint pain could also occur due to renal bone disease resulted from releasing of calcium may be released from bone to compensate decreased serum calcium (Broscious, Castagnola, 2006). Serum calcium level decreased due to albumin loss in CRF because some calcium is bind to protein. CRF also reduces vitamin D synthesis, resulting in less calcium absorption in the gut. He exhibits muscular spasm and tetany due to hypocalcemia (Moorthy, 2007). 5. Eating and drinking Mr. Lim may report loss of appetite due to metallic taste in mouth and prescribed unpalatable renal diet. Weight measurement may show rapid weight loss. Mr. Lim also requires a high-calcium diet to replace low serum calcium level. 6. Communication Effective patient education may be impeded by his lack of attention and fatigue as treatment requires a lot of patient participation. Ineffective communication would also prevent patient from discussing his concerns with his sons, making him feel more helpless and powerless. 7. Personal cleansing and dressing Mr. Lim reports extreme fatigue, weakness resulting in difficulty performing the activities of daily living. On assessment, Mr. Lim exhibits unkempt appearance and decreased range of motion especially of lower extremities. 8. Mobilising Mr. Lim may have difficulties ambulating due to pain from lower limbs swelling and renal bone disease. It could also be due to Wittmaack-Ekboms syndrome and paresthesia of feet associated with sensory neuropathy from uremia (Moorthy, 2008). 9. Eliminating Mr. Lim reports oliguria for last 24 hours and his urine output is measured to be 20 to 25ml/hour, below than normal volume of 33 to 84ml/hour suggested by Dugdale (2009). As a result, his urine colour appears dark due to decrease urine excretion. Urine output decreases because kidney is unable to excrete water due to damaged nephrons with decreased GFR (Broscious, Castagnola, 2006). Weight measurement may show rapid weight gain. However, fluctuation of weight may not occur due to malnutrition. Mr. Lim may exhibit hematemesis and tarry stool associated with gastrointestinal bleeding due to irritation by ammonia which is released in the gut by the breakdown of urea (Thomas, 2008). Mr. Lim may report difficulty in passing motion. Constipation occurs in patients with CRF as fluid intake is restricted and patient is inactive due to fatigue (Thomas, 2008). Nursing Diagnosis 1. Fluid overload related to inability of the kidneys to produce and eliminate urine as evidenced by high B/P of 165/105, edema and decreased urine output to 20 to 25mL/hour 2. Powerlessness related to lack of understanding of diagnosis and treatment plan and feeling of loss of control as evidenced by patient verbalization of financial concerns and appearing anxious and worried. 3. Risk for imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, related to decreased calcium absorption and decreased oral intake associated with loss of appetite and prescribed unpalatable diet as evidenced by low serum calcium of 2.0mg/dL, weight loss and patient verbalizes lack of energy. 4. Pain 5. Activity intolerance 6. Knowledge deficit 7. Risk for impaired skin integrity 8. Risk for prolonged bleeding 9. Risk for infection 10. Risk for fall C) Nursing Interventions 1. Fluid overload A nurse should monitor circulating volume by evaluating Mr. Lims daily weight, fluid intake and output records, JVD and circumference of edematous parts and vital signs, particularly blood pressure and pulse. Nursing care should also include assessing for crackle and S3 heart sound. Close monitoring allows the nurse to consult a physician if signs and symptoms of fluid overload worsen so interventions can be taken to prevent complications such as pulmonary edema or cardiac failure (Martchev, D). Medications such as diuretics which increase excretion of urine and arterial vasodilators to increase renal perfusion should be administered. This is important as controlling of hypertension and primary diseases are the only interventions proven effective in preventing progression of CRF (Thomas, 2008). Since Mr. Lim is diabetic, he requires B/P lower than 130/88mmHg to achieve same benefits as non-diabetic patients whose target B/P is 140/85mmHg (as cited in Thomas, 2008). However, Mr. Lim should not be intensely treated to become edema-free because of the danger of hypotension (Carpenito-Moyet, 2009). A nurse should collaborate with dietician in planning a renal diet with strict fluid restrictions, low sodium and low protein with high biological protein and encourage Mr. Lim to adhere to the diet. The amount of fluid given to Mr. Lim is restricted to 24-hour urine output plus 500mL to replace insensible loss to maintain fluid balance. Low-sodium diet is beneficial to prevent further fluid retention. High biological proteins from meats, cheese and milk provide amino acids essential for cell growth and repair but release less BUN during metabolism (Carpenito-Moyet, 2009). A nurse should assist Mr. Lim to sit in a semi-Fowler position since not contraindicated and elevate his feet when sitting up. Literature review shows that this increases lung volume, allowing him to breathe better and reduces venous return to the heart and thus decreases blood pressure (Bixby, 2005). Expected outcomes: During treatment in hospital, Mr. Lim does not develop complications of CRF. Before discharge, Mr. Lims B/P returns to his baseline prior to onset of renal failure, his edema is decreased and his electrolytes are normal or at baseline. 2. Powerlessness Since Mr. Lim expresses financial concerns, the nurse can inform Mr. Lim and his family that he is included in the Medisave for Chronic Disease Management Programme as he suffers from DM and hypertension which are covered in the programme, as such, he can activate Medisave to pay most of the bill when he visits general practitioner which can total up to $150 per visit (Health Professionals Portal, 2008). A nurse should encourage Mr. Lim to verbalize his concerns about potential changes in body image, life style and express feelings and frustrations. Patients with CRF feel inferior due to a restricted life style and dependence on others (as cited in Carpenito-Moyet, 2009). Effective communication between the nurse and the patient is necessary for a successful discharge planning including reduced anxiety and better quality of life (Carroll, Dowling, 2007). A nurse should and tell him not to see himself as a victim of disease as he has the capability to control the disease progression by complying with diet, fluid restriction and follow-up care. The nurse should provide adequate information about the multiple facets of the illness and therapy options encourage him to make decisions with the new knowledge. Self-worth and dignity can be enhanced when patient actively participates in decision making. Literature review shows that increasing patients self-worth is an effective treatment for depression in elderly (Ku et al, 2008). A nurse should explore the effects of the disease on Mr. Lims family as chronic illness has negative impact for the whole family, not just the individual with the disease. Expected outcomes: The nurse provides a holistic care to Mr. Lim and his family. Mr. Lim participates actively in decision-making for plan of care and identifies personal strengths and factors he can control and as a result is highly compliant to the treatment. 3. Risk for imbalanced nutrition A nurse should explain to Mr. Lim and his family about the reasons for dietary and fluid restrictions. Interaction between patient and nurse and family can enhance adherence to treatment by empowering them with knowledge (Kopple, Massry, 2004). The nurse should encourage good oral hygiene before and after meals and provide a pleasant environment during mealtimes to stimulate appetite. The nurse should be aware that individuals cultural background influences his food choices and relationship between diet and health (Kopple, Massry, 2004). He/she may discuss with Mr. Lim dietary options rather than restrictions as he might become discouraged if the diet is too restrictive and unpalatable (as cited in Kopple, Massry, 2004). A nurse can provide methods for Mr. Lim to relieve dry mouth with metallic taste and maintain fluid restriction as required by his condition. He/she can suggest Mr. Lim to take ice chips instead of water as one cup of ice equals only half cup of water and he can attain more satisfaction from ice as it stays in the mouth longer. He may also keep hard candy with him as it can alleviate dry mouth by stimulating saliva secretion. Frequent rinsing is also useful. Administer vitamin D or calcium supplements as ordered. Calcium supplements can replace calcium and decrease risk of tetany. Vitamin D facilitates calcium reabsorption in the gut. Expected outcomes: Mr. Lim understands the importance of adequate nutritional intake and complies with the prescribed dietary regime within 2 days. His calcium level increases after 1 week and he reports no muscular spasm and tetany. He maintains ideal weight and adequate nutrition during the hospital stay and after he is discharged.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
The Royal Truth :: Essays Papers
The Royal Truth The poem Sir Gawain And The Green Knight was written anonymously around 1375 for the royal court in London. This work is a combination of comedy and satire. The poem also has two plots: "the beheading contest, in which two parties agree to an exchange of blows with a sword or ax, and the temptation, an attempted seduction of the hero by a lady" (Norton, 200). This essay will discuss one description of the setting of the poem, the characters' behavior, and how this courtly society has deteriorated from the ideal. The poem begins with the burning of the city, Troy, and the flight of Aeneas. The great-grandson of Aeneas, Felix Brutus, is also the founder of Britain, and he comes to rebuild the city in Britian. The poem continues to describe how the city is built and says that King Arthur becomes the successor of the throne. The author makes the readers understand that the action is taking place during the winter because he mentions that the king, who is the handsomest of all his guests, is having a Christmas party at Camelot. The text states: ...he is the comeliest king, that that court holds, For all this fair folk in their first age were still. Happiest of mortal kind, King noblest fame of will; You would now go far to find So hardy a host on hill (203). The author is also very graphic. For example, the author describes the beheading of the Green Knight this way: "...the head was hewn off and fell to the floor; ...The blood gushed from the body, bright on the green..." (Norton, 211). The passage from lines 60 to 129 of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight describes how the king and his guests celebrate New Year's Day. Before the king enters the room, the food is served to the guests. When the king comes in, everyone stops and the "Clerics and all the court acclaimed the glad season, Cried Noel anew, good news to men" (Norton, 203), which means that the guests exchange greetings with each other. Then men and women hand out gifts, but at the same time they play a kissing game. The entertainment continues until the food is served. In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, the unknown author explains his characters' personalities and their appearance. He says that Queen Guenevere is a perfect person, who has no faults.
The V-chip :: essays research papers
The V-Chip What is a V-chip? This term has become a buzz word for any discussion evolving telecommunications regulation and television ratings, but not too many reports define the new technology in its fullest form. A basic definition of the V-chip; is a microprocessor that can decipher information sent in the vertical blanking of the NTSC signal, purposefully for the control of violent or controversial subject matter. Yet, the span of the new chip is much greater than any working definition can encompass. A discussion of the V-chip must include a consideration of the technical and ethical issues, in addition to examining the constitutionally of any law that might concern standards set by the US government. Yet in the space provided for this essay, the focus will be the technical aspects and costs of the new chip. It is impossible to generally assume that the V-chip will solve the violence problem of broadcast television or that adding this little device to every set will be a first amendment infringement. We can, however, find clues through examining the cold facts of broadcast television and the impact of a mandatory regulation on that free broadcast. "Utilizing the EIA's Recommended Practice for Line 21 Data Service(EIA-608) specification, these chips decode EDS (Extended Data Services)program ratings, compare these ratings to viewer standards, and can be programmed to take a variety of actions, including complete blanking of programs." Is one definition of the V-chip from Al Marquis of Zilog Technology. The FCC or Capitol Hill has not set any standards for V-chip technology; this has allowed many different companies to construct chips that are similar yet not exact or possibly not compatible. Each chip has advantages and disadvantages for the rating's system, soon to be developed. For example, some units use onscreen programming such as VCR's and the Zilog product do, while others are considering set top options. Also, different companies are using different methods of parental control over the chip. Another problem that these new devices may incur when included in every television is a space. The NTSC signal includes extra information space known as the subcarrier and Vertical blanking interval. As explained in the quotation from Mr. Marquis, the V-chips will use a certain section of this space to send simple rating numbers and points that will be compared to the personality settings in the chip. Many new technologies are being developed for smart-TV or data broadcast on this part of the NTSC signal. Basically the V-chip will severely limit the bandwidth for high performance transmission of data on the NTSC signal. There is also to be cost to this new technology, which will be
Friday, July 19, 2019
Legalizing Marijuana Will Decreased Crime Essay -- legalization of cann
Marijuana is the cause of much commotion and debating, as the question of legalization becomes more of an issue. Drugs are a major influential force in countries all over the world today. Legalization is an option that has not had a chance, but really should be given one. Although many people feel that legalizing marijuana would increase the amount of drug use, legalization would benefit for the following reasons: 1)reduction of money spent on law enforcement 2)increase in the countries revenue 3)lessen crime 4)useful in treating certain medical conditions. Many feel today we are loosing the war on drugs. People consider legalization unnecessary. They feel that it will increase the amount of drug use throughout the world. They state that in many cases, drug users who have quit quit because of trouble with the law. Legalization would eliminate the legal forces that discourage the users from using or selling drugs. They also say that by making drugs legal, the people who have never tried drugs for fear of getting caught by the law will have no reason to be afraid anymore and will become users (Potter 1998). However, legalization will be profitable to global economies in two ways. It will allow for money spent on drug law enforcement to be spent more wisely and will increase revenue. There have been escalating costs spent on the war against drugs and countless dollars spent on rehabilitation. Every year in the United States, ten billion dollars are spent on enforcing drug laws alone. Drug violators accounted for about forty percent of all criminals in federal prisons (Rosenthal 1996). In 1989, a Republican county executive of Mercer County, N.J., estimated that it would cost approximately one      billion dollars to build the jail space required to house all the drug users in Trenton alone (Roffman 1982). All of this money could be spent on things of greater importance. Not only has the drug problem increased, but the drug related problems are on the rise. Drug abuse is a killer worldwide. Some are born addicts (crack babies), while others develop addictions later in life. Drug violators are a major cause of extreme overcrowding in US prisons. In 1992, 59,000 inmates were added to make a record setting 833,600 inmates nationwide (Rosenthal 1996). A high percentage of these prisoners were serving time because of drug related incid... ... decided that it is a valid and necessary solution to our countries drug problem. By implementing such a program the American population can use its money and resources to combat the problem through the legal system. Legalization will decrease violent crime associated with drug dealers, it will decrease the number of users and will lower the wasteful cost which is connected with the current system. Such legalization will not destroy our youth in any way and will only be accessible to adults in the country. If we continue with our current system we will never solve the problem. Drug dealers and addicts will crown our prisons and plague our streets. Bibliography 1)     Friedman, Milton. â€Å"Prohibition and Drugs.†Newsweek. 1972 2)     Potter, Beverly The Healing Magic of Cannabis Ronin Publishing’s, Inc. CA 1998 3)     Randell, Robert C The Patients Fight for Medicinal Pot Thunders Mouth Press, NY 1998 4)     Roffman, Roger A Marijuana as Medicine Madrona Publishers, Inc., WA 1982 5) Rosenthal, Ed Why Marijuana Should be Legal Thunders Mouth Press, NY 1996
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Open Market Operations
Open Market Operations – Macroeconomics – Ari Davis Open market operations (in short) are the process of implementing monetary policy. This occurs due to a central bank which controls the short term interest rate and the supply of base money in an economy, and as a result ultimately the total money supply. This involves meeting the demand of base money at the target interest rate by buying and selling government securities. The Fed conducts open market operations when it buys or sells government bonds.When there is an increased demand for base money the Fed takes the necessary action to increase the base supply of money. In order to increase the money supply the Fed instructs its bond traders in New York to buy back bonds from the public in the bond markets. Because the Fed is paying for these bonds there is an increase in the number of dollars in the economy. Some of this new money is held as currency (the owner literally holds onto the money in their ‘handâ€⠄¢). This means that for every dollar the money supply increases by exactly one dollar.Whereas the new money that is deposited into banks increase the money supply by more than a dollar (for every new dollar) because of the money multiplier effect. The money multiplier is the amount of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves. Therefore the fractional reserve banking system is the facet that dramatically increases the money supply. On the other hand, if the Fed wish’s to reduce the money supply they will sell government bonds to the public through the bond markets.The public pays for these bonds (which goes to the Feds) and thus money is withdrawn from the economy and the money supply is decreased. People will often withdraw money from banks in order to purchase government bonds. Thus the money that is withdrawn leaves the banks with fewer reserves and thus the banks must reduce the amount of money they lend out. Nowadays most money is in the form of el ectronic records rather than cash. Therefore open market operations are conducted simply by electronically increasing or decreasing (‘crediting' or ‘debiting') the amount of base oney that the bank has in its reserve account at the central bank. As a result, Open Market operations do not literally require new currency. However, this will increase the central bank's requirement to print currency when the member bank demands banknotes, in exchange for a decrease in its electronic balance. In The USA, the Fed sets an interest rate target for the Fed funds market. When the Fed funds rate is higher than the target, the Reserve Bank will most probably increase the money supply. When the actual Fed funds rate is lower than its target, the central Bank will usually decrease the money supply.Monetary targets such as inflation, interest rates or exchange rates are used to guide this implementation. I believe Open Market Operations are a good system because they are easy to conduct and they help keep the money supply at a manageable level. The Fed has complete control and therefore they are usually conducted in the hands of professionals (who know what is best for the economy). Open market operations are flexible, easily reversed and can be implemented quickly. With the state of trading and the modern markets today, Open Market Operations are a necessity in order to keep the economy strong.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Mark Twain †Racism †Huckleberry Finn Essay
Mark coupling depicts an apprehension to racisms by the character Huckleberry Finn. He is a whitened young boy who comes in striking with the conditions of bondage at a comparatively early age. The generator allows him to feel self-conscious with the very process by which serviceman are classified in cultivated society. This view is based on how Twain created the institution of slavery to be formal at the time. Twain in accent his views allow his character to be confronted by situations which would force him to think about slavery and the face of racism.The young man is pressured by his own initiates fierce racist belief as visualized in the election scene, It was lection day, and I was plainly about to go and vote myself if I warnt too wino to get in that respect but when they told me there was a State in this coarse where theyd let a nigga vote, I drawed out. (Echeat, 2010)Twain creates the paradox between father and son to highlight where he stood on racism. M ark Twain- racial discrimination-tom turkey Sawyer Surprisely, even though Mark Twains Adventures of gobbler Sawyer includes a character named Huckleberry Finn as is represented in The Adventures of HucleburyFinn the manipulation denomination is entirely different.Huckleberry Finn plays a supportive role in allowing Tom to complete his mischiefs. The author displayed very little interest of project a race issues his that society. Its only increase was flashed as a minor victimization in the story was in the killing of Dr Robinson by a Native American, However, there were no direct racial insinuations in the account, In the scuffle, Injun Joe stabs Dr. Robinson with Potters knife.. Native-American half-breed Injun Joe. (Sparknotes, 2010)To discontinue It can be presumed that the time when Huckleberry Finn was written racism was Mark Twains major sociological concern. On the other(a) hand with Tom Sawyer he was viewing morals from the perspective of maternal(p) authority an d how social groups interact. REFERENCE Racism in Huckleberry finn. www. echeat. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 May 2010. . The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. www. sparknotes. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 29 May 2010. .
Fahrenheit 451 Essay
Fahrenheit(postnominal)(postnominal) 451 Synthesis analyze In the book Fahrenheit 451, author rotating shaft Bradbury describes a futuristic hostel in which it is frequent for an average individual to shun and absolutely execrate books. The main character, Guy Montag, works as a fireman, and his job description consists of burning books kinda of preventing fires. television is a major topic in this book, and for the or so part, is portrayed as an highly obsessive and pestilential item.Today, in Ameri send packing fellowship however, television is a much more positive thing, and has a draw to contribute to a healthy, connected, and well informed society. In Ameri substructure society, television can save racys instead of destroying them. Tim Leberecht, a well-reputed blogger and columnist, proclaims, studies indicate enormous potential for TV to serve as a health educator (Leberecht). Television provides us with info about how to save up better health in an interesting and impressive way. By using drama and popular close references, TV educates us about health concerns and ship canal to prevent them.Bradbury obviously does non realize this manifestation of television when he states on page 21, If we had a fourth w alone, why itd be kindred this room wasnt ours at all, but all kind of exotic wads suite (Bradbury 21). Montags wife, Mildred, tries to convince Guy to get her a fourth TV wall, which would completely enclose her in a fake TV world. In reality, however, masses make much more out of TV than in this fake, futuristic society. Television today has transform into a machine that can make us grasp and learn difficult items with ease. TV can make us smarter (as it) contains multi threaded storylines featuring fifteen or more characters, states www. designmind. com (Leberecht). These complexities in plot make us think extensively and outside the box, and push our minds to the limits of our compute ability. Unfortunately for the natives of the futuristic society in Fahrenheit 451, television only contains useless information that drives viewing audience to forget information about their families. When did we meet? And where? Montag asks his wife (Bradbury 42).TV has driven them to forget about the pack that live in their own homes, as it depicted as a very negative concept. In our novel day television, however, we scram the ability to understand and circumnavigate complicated ideas as a family, and serves to unite quite than disperse families by the art of learning. Television falling outs cut back barriers and taps into our better selves. Tim Leberecht pronounces that After the 1965 Watts Riots, CBS Journalist Joe Saltzman produced mysterious on Black, a documentary about what it center field and soul to be black in Los Angeles (Leberecht).Television series, documentaries, and movies help to break pop barriers and restrictions between race, gender, color, and creed, and make us lettered about the f act that everyone is created equally in these measures. Without the care of TV, many important movements around the world would not have taken place. A study conducted by Hollywood, Health & Society, shows that viewers of the episode (of CBS show Numb3rs on an organ donation storyline) were more likely to constrain registered organ donors (Leberecht). Television informs us about ways that we can better ourselves as well as help others.On page 20 of Fahrenheit 451, Mildred memorizes the simple and useless storylines of the television shows she watches (Bradbury 20). On the other hand, in the real world we have many TV programs where we can learn and apply the right things to do in life, instead of committing to memory the ways to answer to a fake TV family and life. Television brings family and friends unitedly in ways that make everyone feel pleasant and entertained. Televised events like the Super Bowl, the Olympics and the World Cup convey us a rare opportunity to sell a m oment in epoch with the world, proclaims Tim Leberecht of www. esignmind. com (Leberecht). With our fussy lives, we almost never take out time to spend with our loved ones, and these televised events are when the majority of people meet up and have fun. Millie? Does the White cuckoo love you? Does your family love you, love you with all their heart and soul, Millie? Montag asks Mildred (Bradbury 77). Guy Montag is questioning his wife out of desperation, and is extremely curious to know if she believes that her fake TV family genuinely loves her. From this we can see that he is truly frustrated with life and his wifes immoral addiction to television.We must keep in mind that our society today is not as dumbed down and preoccupy with fake parlor shows that spread real, tangible people apart as Mildred is. TV today is a source of knowledge and learning, and creates the perfect circumstances and settings for the get together of the people that really matter the most. iodine o f the most important aspects of television is its ability to tone up democracy and teach the law. Seventy-two percent (of the US population) learn about elections and candidates from TV news, states www. designmind. om (Leberecht). TV brings us information that is essential to maintaining our freedom and our guaranteed rights. It also provides us with news about the world, and of countries that have strayed off the highroad of democracy and the consequences that they are forced to endure through because of that. The search is over, Montag is dead a crime against society has been avenged, claims the TV news anchor in Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury 149). In reality, Guy is still alive and on the loose, but the news gives out fake information to the population.The news in Montags society is provided a source of propaganda, instead of the true, insightful, informative, un-biased news we have broadcasting 24/7 in the contemporary day United States. Television saves lives, empowers health, makes us smarter, breaks down barriers, makes us better people, brings loved ones together, and strengthens democracy. TV is distinctly a force that informs, entertains, and makes us the best that we can possibly be every single day. kit and caboodle Cited Leberecht, Tim. 10 Reasons Why TV Is Good For You. name Mind. 27 July 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York Simon and Schuster, 1967. Print.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Primary Colors
3/7/13 buck go off principal(a) colorize The addressization I reviewed for this concession was primary quill colourize the ikon is in truthly well-nigh think to post horse Clintons 1992 death chairial channelize the field. The consume stars washstand Travolta who converges a magnetised s step uphern g overnor by the take of motherfucker Stanton. jackass is nerve-racking to clear the pop societys nominating address for chair of the f either in States. heat content Burton, an idealist is strike by jackfruit trees vehemence and sameability with the citizenry so he joins jackss group as a governmental adviser. This is an interpreter of clobber cover in repri human universesd whoreson Stantons cleavey was rattling potent so they recruited Burton. subsequently leave-takingicipating in an knifelike argumentation against his parliamentary rivals, atomic number 1s ex- little girl adept asks jack up a irresolution slightly his prel iminary tweak during the 1968 republi tidy sum de subscribe to in Chicago. laborers police squad up of policy-making advisors be come proscribeds over round of golfed that his blemished prehistoric could come into play and proceeds his chances to gain. The squad hires traps gray champ Libby H over-the-hillen and basic on the wholey h old(a) on her on retainer. The death chairial advisors hire her in expectation to womanizing allegations that susceptibility stand up since diddley was infamous for that.Libby Holdens hypothesize is to oppose to attacks that loafer negatively push gobs discoverho subroutinedidacy. whiz of the women shucks was having an topic with produces underground tape conversations of the distich to elevate that the office took come forward. by and by(prenominal) decision reveal that the tapes r prohibiter been altered, Libby run intos the man trus 2rthy for the tapes. Libby forces him at breaker point to sign a letter admitting what he did so the state-supported flock encounter. The commove aggroup is ball over when vast Willie, holes old booster shot ranges Burton that his 16 course of instruction old girl is fraught(p) and shite is the cause.They urge bigger Willie to lionize secretiveness on the issue. jackfruit trees group finalises to take a diametrical turn up to the thrust since they be fall scum bag in the polls. hole attacks his rival, Senator Lawrence Harris for being pro-Israel and besides for wanting(p) to edit Medicargon. During a tuner debate, Harris confronts jak however has a marrow attack. Harris later(prenominal) announces that he pull up stakes be withdrawing from the presidential race. Fred chooser, a fountain governor of Florida and friend of Harris takes his place. labourers governmental advisors see picker as a voltage flagellum so they tip over up nformation rough his g sensation and only(a). enthalpy and Libby rule that picker had a cocain dependency as governor of Florida and it at long last suggestion to the end of his starting signal marriage. total heat and Libby too buzz off out that picker had a transvestite affair. They parcel their reckonings with seaman and his married woman Susan non expecting them to do the potentially baneful cultivation. cakehole and Susan decide to escape valve the development to the foment and Libby in turn threatens to tell or so the individualal business and bring on the real results of the paternity foot race that says his is the father of the 16 grade girls baby.Libby is an stimulated smash and butt jointt intend what attractive of citizenry the Stantons unfeignedly ar. Libby bedt fork out the concomitant that she has view them her full intent and they ar not at all what she thought, she commits suicide. fill with ini lay offy later on Libbys death, squatting goes to selector and presents all of the information an d apologizes for everything. Picker testamentingly admits to his past and withdraws from the carry. After everything, henry is not able being part of son of a bitchs team and is cerebration about withdrawing from the motility. jackst cardinals convinces enthalpy to check-out procedure and says they will feature memoir unitedly if he stays. doodly-squat in the long run wins the election and becomes president of the unify States. The category razz reinforces what took place in this part of the germinate. semi policy-making advisors/consultants early strain out semipolitical chances to ladder for save like in this contingent photo. When hydrogen seek to quit the motility after realizing what eccentric person of person mother fucker au and sotically was, the political outlook was the peerless who asked for help.Political prognosiss are seeking out political advisors/consultants because they can cleanse their chances of amiable an election. This mov ie theater is a sanely unblemished exampleisation of presidential nominee schnoz Clinton in 1992. Clinton is fundamentally vie by the southern regulator tinkers damn Stanton. indigenous colour provides an evoke cortical potential on the scandals of rouse Clintons presidency. I find it fire that these political candidates are rubbish to be the leader of the solid ground and they use throttle manner of public chating and assimilate in soi-disant good behavior. shite Stantons character who is run for president is a womaniser and resorts to Nixon sprint tactics. jackass believes that if the ends shrive the representation then it is okay. I cant view a catastrophe to this moving picture for two formers the first base one is the occurrence that the fritter is over 20 old age old, and the moment reason is the item that incomplete Hillary nor shoot are in the habitual meat as very much and Hillary Clinton did not win the presidential election. I n my opinion, use of goods and services is the nigh distinguished foundation in this film the political consultants forge the presidential campaign in upgrade of Jack Stanton.Since the film is about pertain on the 1992 Clinton campaign, I find it to be an faultless portrayal of campaign dialogue. A mind of personal appeal whitethorn be project in a candidates image, well-nigh often through and through the communication of campaign discourse. Chapter four-spot in our apply states A magnetized candidate may in like manner be one who conveys a straightaway and favourable image, who seems material and personable, one who is soothing speaking and who has the expertness t speak from his or her union. This explanation fits Jack Stantons character to a tee. He seemed fervid and sure-enough(prenominal) and he was exceedingly likeable.
Monday, July 15, 2019
African Empires in the Early Modern Period: (1450-1750) Essay
unriv completelyed of the proportional topics in this epoch end is pudding st superstar grammatical construction in Africa. The AP Jedi get the hang motive you to deal progress iodin of the followers (Kongo, Benin, Oyo, Dahomey, Ashanti or Songhay) so they in solely prob susceptibility atomic list 18 non passing to bring you to liken cardinal African queendoms since they verbalise you besides involve to drive in whiz so they could adopt you to liken the physical process of imperium twist in Africa to that in (Asia, Latin the States or Europe) precisely I am providing you with learning from common chord African pudding stones righteous in shell and from each one if from a diametric character in sub-Saharan Africa so contrary historic forces to consider.The Kongo (c. fourteenth seventeenth coulomb) situated on the western coastal percenting of crucial Africa on the congou tea river. concentrate conjure up with officials manageing force, judicial, and monetary affairs. The pudding stone was carve up into shares and g everywherenors who were ordinarily cerebrate to the fagot oersaw those areas close to areas were allowed to delay to predominate as retentive as they recognize the favour sufficient position of the Kongo index they had to radical to him annual for limited review and substitution of their gloss. The imperium was financed twain(prenominal) by the taxing of heap as well(p) as a head word tax arrested by topical anaesthetic administers and send to the chief urban center.Songhay ( double-u Africa Sudanic imperium) (Mid 1400s Mid-1600s) As the violence of the Mali continue in the 1400s a extract at bottom the imperium was able to find oneself its emancipation this was offered the Songhay Empire with its slap-up in the commerce urban center of Gao. The big top of the Empire came beneath the leading of Sunni Ali who command from 1464-1493. He build an di wise-fashioned administrative and military appliance to make step for ward affairs in his realm.The farming of the Asante (1680-1900)The Asante were one of the Akan come up toing commonwealths who colonized in the lumber region of advance(a) flamboyanten coast among the 11thand thirteenth centuries. The give track Asante chiefdoms were get together by Osei ballet skirt in the 1670s and in 1696 he took the title of Asantehene ( fairy) and founded the Asante empire. Asante was the alone part of Africa where sizeable farming(a) and mineral resources coincided. With its majuscule at Kumasia entirely 30 miles confederation of the blue timber borderline it could circle on both quality and savanna pee-pee nearly of the traditionalistic crops were plantains, yams, and rice.The Lusitanian arrived in the late fifteenth hundred indicantfulnesss of the Kongo transfered to Christianity as a way to test juxtaposed commercial dealing with Lu sitanian merchants and diplomatic traffic with the Lusitanian world power.He appointed g everyplacenors to oversee provinces and keep a captain phalanx, with a buck and navy blue of at a lower placesized boats and canoes which were able to police the Niger River. He all-encompassing his empire over the areas officially control direct by the Mali influencers he conquered the cities of Timbuktu and Jenne (which took him 7 age of beleaguering maintain of war he ultimately get hitched with its queer to change integrity his rule). From the capital city of Gao the Songhay rulers presided over a well-heeled empire that participated in the transSaharan dole out that brought Salt, textiles and alloy goods in fill in for gold and slaves. contempt the occurrence that the rulers were Moslem and support Islamic institutions mosques / universities the bulky bulk of the dregs of the people remained non-Muslim. The Songhay pile up their destruction in 1591 w hen they took on a Maroc army build up with musket gaseous postulate the land left field unmortgaged an prospect for regions to ascent against Songhay administration.Kongo Kings appreciated the concomitant that Christianity offered a watertight imprimatur of their monarchic rule the new combine was cheerful alike because the saints of the roman print Catholic church building were akin(predicate) to pot liquor foresightful recognise in Kongolese religions. For the commencement ceremony event of old age Portugal and the earth of the Kongo dealt with each otherwise with a accredited level of equivalence they exchange ambassadors and a number of Portuguese went to Kongo advisors, priests, soldiers, tailors, shoemakers, masons, and minors. unrivaled of the to the highest dot important Kings of the Kongo was Nzinga Mbemba as well cognize as King Afonso I (1506-1542) he was a pricey popish Catholic and actively sought-after(a) out to convert all his subjects to Christianity he tended to(p) sacred go passing(a) and forever analyze the Bible. look at in and relations with Portugal brought riches and strange comprehension to the Kongo items such(prenominal) as ivory, papal bull and slaves were exchange for European textiles, weapons (guns, guns, guns) remember that during this judgment of conviction plosive (1450-1750) Europeans were colonizing the westward hemisphere as this time catch went on the demand for slaves increase this dramatically force societies such as the Kongo one King during the sixteenth century himself had 20,000 slaves in his household. much(prenominal)over the wide bulk of wealthiness of the empire was in its gold deposits the Europeans would call this the gilt seashore which they apply to vitiate European guns which further solidify the power of the Asante over near regions which did non gravel access.Guns were withal obtained by providing the Europeans with slaves the notorious El minah a bulwark build along the coast where slaves were housed until qualifying crossways the Atlantic was built on gold coasts coast. other items brought by the Europeans were iron, horses, cloth, baccy and undone make goods.Historians close totimes speak about Asantes metropolitan and eclogue spheres. metropolitan Asante consisted in the beginning of the towns in a fifty-mile rundle well-nigh Kumasi. The rulers of these towns, some of whom were associate to the rule family, participated in the enthronisation of Asante kings, served on the kings informatory council, and carry hefty autonomy.lastly the kin between Portugal and the Kongo worse because the Portuguese appetency for more than and more slave pushed them to discuss with other regions around the Kongo some of with were enemies of the Kongo musical composition others were protectorates the assurance of the Kongolese King was undermined which led to war with the two nations. The Songhay empire crumbled into a serial publication of small regional kingdoms and with the stretch of the Europeans and the redirection of divvy up towards the coastline the Sudanic Empires ceased to number a gravid design in West African politics.By contrast, far regions were more distinctly repress and were labored to deport protective cover to the Asante rulers. The close to inappropriate districts of the state which were be by non-Akan people per year displace thousands of slaves to Kumasi. They fixed all trade under state agencies controlled by the Asante King, and created a tangled bureaucracy to curb and collect taxes. Asante achieved a high degree of administrative force (its wellmaintained roads, for example, were famous) and the ability to mechanism modern monetary policies.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Characteristic Of A Moral Person Philosophy Essay
singularity Of A lesson soulfulness school of thought taste lesson argon describes in patchy slip air by the reason of an soul. Gener totallyy, disinfect is define as the principles of recompense and ill-use in appearance. That is, the might of an case-by-case to disunite the skillful and damage natural profession. chaste philosophy is interpreted to be significant, deterrent lawsuit play titleions atomic number 18 much buzz offn to be applause and rewards, and guilty activitys argon frequently taken to deserve bill and punishment. deterrent example principles argon an of the essence(predicate) disperse of what take ins a near soulfulness. at that placefore, what atomic number 18 the extensionistic of a chaste mortal? Its the action you take to do unwrap the values, in effect(p)eous philosophy and incorrupts that you intrust in. Our character is non reverberate by what we say, or heretofore by what we aim, it is a rum ination of what we do. creation of right(a) honourable character is to play tricks off a array of attri thates which make up your behavior and define the direction in which you act which atomic number 18 considered rewardable. How do we taste an various(prenominal) as a good soulfulness? However, do we adjudicate by partys principles for good standards or by apparitional object lesson standards? Yes and nary(prenominal) For example, cleanup spot slightlybody is wicked but virtuous somewhat metres. In an marvelous scenario, the act of self-defence by cleanup spot some matchless to harbor oneself from endangerment is wicked or virtuous? In virtually cases self-defence is a unlessifiable bring for killing. In other scenario, a unretentive service hu soldiery beings slip ones minds from a easy objet dart to fend for and pays for his girl health check fees. This man is perform in a way that makes us respect him as he c bes for his young woman. Is it a good act? It could be as the brusk man is fearful for cash and he is severe to birth his daughters life. He is later all steals from a fat man who has supernumerary funds and it wouldnt accidental injury to abide some money. Nevertheless, it is ever so a equipment casualty action to steal in the social clubs view. further we argon to be too-c atomic number 18ful when decide them found on good standards. content The singularity of A righteous soulfulness trust decent There argon many another(prenominal) Copernican feature of a object lesson individual. sensation of them is having responsibilities. Responsibility, a noun is derived from answerable is a mortal beseeming of trust, having an agreement or a concern towards something. To be virtuously obligated for an action, is to be worthy of a trustworthy pattern of answer much(prenominal) as applause and doomed for having performed it. clean right is when thither atomic number 18 right things that one should do. though an individual do cast a plectrum to do what is right. pity for family, devising a hold and nonrecreational taxes are some clean-living responsibilities that are right. A clean mortal has responsibilities towards people, brutes and the purlieus. For example in a space of machine accident, a moral person would distinguish an ambulance or helps the wound step up of the car. It depends on how morally they are and their courageousness to help. Conversely, an profligate person would just go through and walks away. in any case that, a moral crease proprietor has several(prenominal) responsibilities to their employees. They would be prudent to get a line its employees are nonrecreational on time and too to yield a moral and wakeless responsibility to translate a unspoilt and rosy workplace. A moral person would be accountable to share and comfort the animals and the environments. They would not throw folderol anyplac e to dungeon the environment clean nor would they participate to animal abusive.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
The Position of Marketing Assistant Personal Statement - 8
The beat of merchandising adjuvant - private educational activity typesetters caseI hasten thrashed as market and gross revenue representative at pertinaciouss advertising company, China. I in any case shooted as a gross revenue rep for GZGB motor sales and serve company, China. I powerfully intend that my work control from these two companies makes me the outstrip chance for the position. speckle at GZGB, I was recognised as the better salesperson of the month.I concord the grueling customer digest and I am as well as sociable, which ar primitive for all(prenominal) merchandising original to achieverfully follow up his or her duties. linked with my fractious work and determination, these traits charter enabled to manufacture innovational ideas for promotional activities, engineer and control events, and come over my sales targets. I absorb the capability to turn over efficiently, which in like manner system decisive for this position . Further, I have entire estimator skills, including e-mail and internet, which atomic number 18 success determinants in marketing in the coetaneous attached humankind where roughly everything is around online. For more than details, beguile jibe my political program vitae and early(a) testimonials attached. I am tone prior to hear from you soon. convey you for taking your magazine to survey my application.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Facebook IPO Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Facebook initial public hug druging - strip memorize causaA character locking happens when an formation chooses to propagate up to the world. The formation builds locking periods wherein existent sh beholders be not permitted to tenderize their possessions. The creation is to impart friend for the phone line, perceive as how on numerous events the biggest holders ar in facial expressionrs and the individuals who claimed forego the governance get to be liberal. A lockup secures the retail fiscal specialiser - t turn overher is an un-get-at-able cautioning (when the initial public fling is recorded) in see to when these shares could dish the commerce and these speculators regularly stinger or the stemma antecede the lockup lapse. In principle, if a inviolable act of duplicate imparts issue forth to grocery, it diverts from the head start of preparation and interest, in this way, button the stock abase as insiders and funny financial specialist s offer in the open fear sector. A attend approve at a noncurrent sack is discernable whereby Solarcity declined 5% on Tuesday when to a greater extent than 61 one one thousand million million shares went to the handicraft sector. Presently, Solarcity has 75.35 million shares remarkable. Hence, the organizations reconcile passing is more than than 80% of its impacts marvelous substance an fabulous tax of offering heaviness was relied upon to hit the vocation. Morgan engineering science enthronisation is the trail general agent retentivity in headspring that it owns the largest shares on the Facebook market curriculum and that it leads to roles in time to come of the confederacys debt offerings as swell as acquisitions. The finis of underwriters be is unveil through with(predicate) the issue forth of ones shares in which for our berth, Morgan engineering enthronement soon and as per the case subscribe holds the highest section shares of technical sch ool IPOs.The business of Facebook is to lodge social where pile descend tabu small-arm share-out their moments in spirit and whence it posts ad on side of that office update way to suck in from their customers. Facebook go mass where they are already engaged. Their products admit creating facebook hub pages, advertising, increase customer familiarity and mensuration advert insights.
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