Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Should Student Athletes Be Paid For Their Participation
Students are not Professional athletes With sports being such a big part in a student getting admitted to college their education is often put as a secondary priority. Many student athletes lose focus on the purpose of attending college due to the dedication required for playing sports at a collegiate level. Responses by student athletes vary when asked: Should student athletes be paid for their participation in college sports? College athletes very rarely analyze everything they are given, including opportunities to meet people, luxuries such as clothes and shoes, and lastly a free education. College athletes are offered scholarships and are given the chance to attend school debt free, while playing the sport they love. Student athletes†¦show more content†¦Par 14) In addition to scholarships, athletes receive benefits that average students do not. They are available to personal tutors, academic athletic advisors, and other benefits such as clothes, shoes, and equipment that are supplied with each athlete each y ear. An athlete in college also directly gets support from educational, financial, health and safety needs. Athletes are given more than what they need to survive in college and compensating them more money with create a business atmosphere and less of an educational atmosphere. College athletics is a stepping stone towards a professional athletic career. Athletes can wait a few years to get paid millions by professional franchises if they are at the professional level. The NCAA is known by many athletes to be the head honcho in all decisions regarding sports. The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a non-profit association which regulates athletes, conferences; organizations; and individuals. College sports is for amateurs who are not getting paid money to play the sport while they attend school. The chances of athletes becoming professional after college is unlikely and athletes should appreciate and take advantage of the free education and services they are given for their athletic participation. Brian Kobil from Washington Times expressed, â€Å"I am wholeheartedly supportive of anyone, male or female,
Monday, December 16, 2019
Inoculating with Autism Free Essays
Hearing that your child is autistic, is one of the most heart wrenching experiences a parent can face. After significant research, I was disgusted when all fingers pointed to vaccines as the culprit. Is it just a coincidence that autism greatly increased when the Center for Disease Control introduced additions to the recommended vaccination program for infants in 1988? In the 1980s, autism rates were only six in ten thousand children. We will write a custom essay sample on Inoculating with Autism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Currently, the autism rate is an alarming one in eighty eight children. So, roughly one million Americans are now suffering from autism. Over twenty-four years the amount of vaccines children receive grew from less than ten vaccines to about fifty vaccines. It is not just a coincidence that as the amount of vaccines increased so did the amount of autistic children. As the autism crisis worsens, more and more parents are questioning and grasping the realizations surrounding the negative effects that vaccines are having on our children’s developing immune systems. In many cases, parents should not allow vaccines to be administered to their children. The perfect example of why parents should not vaccinate their children is the story of Valentino Bocca from Italy. Valentino was given the MMR vaccine when he was fifteen months old in 2004. Valentino’s family says that right after receiving the vaccine he started to show signs of serious discomfort. Consequently, Valentino’s family decided to act and took the case to court. Judges and the Italian Health Ministry determined that the vaccine did cause the autism after new evidence was presented. Moreover, the Valentino case is not the first case where children have been damaged by vaccines. Actually, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid over two billion dollars to families damaged by vaccines. This story of Valentino was a result of just one vaccine. A normal child in the first six months of life receives as many as nineteen vaccines. The fact is the more vaccines children receive means more of a risk of autism. As a parent, you have the right to choose whether or not to vaccinate your child. Some may argue vaccinations are safe and even one of the greatest health developments of the twentieth century. Moreover, some research may say that autism and vaccines are not linked at all. It is true that immunizations have protected millions of kids from potentially deadly diseases. Also, that the vaccines probably saved thousands of lives over the years. Proponents of vaccinations argue that the health benefits can outweigh the risks. In addition, some believe that without immunizations there is greater risk of catching some preventable diseases. Also, it is believed that a child who is not immunized could be susceptible to dangerous and deadly diseases. Furthermore, fighting some of these diseases can be painful, taxing on the body, include mandatory isolation, and be expensive. It is now common knowledge that autism is a catastrophic epidemic. In addition, we now know that the primary cause of autism stems from vaccines. There is substantial evidence that the vaccines are brimming with toxins according to fact sheets by the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration. The toxins that are in the vaccines we are injecting into our young children include; dozens of chemicals, heavy metals and allergens. In addition, they include several other repulsing ingredients, such as monkey kidney cells and aborted fetal tissue. American children are now the most vaccinated population in the world. However, instead of being the most healthiest, we have the highest statistics of children suffering from autism. Our children do not need to be inject4ed with toxins and aborted fetal tissue, they are born with their mother’s immunities. Most children’s immune systems can deal with most infections naturally. The vaccines themselves cause the body to be in an unnatural state and set you up for major disease. Overall, the possible side effects of vaccination, mainly autism, are just not worth the risk of being safeguarding. Every year more and more children are being diagnosed with autism. There are so many anguished parents who have had to watch their children completely regress after receiving a vaccine. When one listens to these parents, it is hard to not think that where there is smoke there may be fire. All parents should be doubting the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Parents must keep in mind that a significant amount of the research that is being done about autism and vaccines is by the drug companies themselves. With so many vaccines being forced upon our children, healthy skepticism could go a long way toward raising a vibrant healthy child. By not vaccinating your children, it simply means that you are an informed and caring parent with healthy kids that do not need to rely on high risk medicines. Ultimately, it is you that is in charge of your child’s health. Remember, educate before you vaccinate. How to cite Inoculating with Autism, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
A Description of Prospectus free essay sample
A prospectus is a proposal for a possible paper topic. Think of it as an outline for your complete research paper. A prospectus is a good way for me to see that you have considered your topic carefully, have the start of a hypothesis (and sometimes thesis), and are ready to develop the topic in a more complex way. I can also give you advice and guidance that will help you make important rhetorical decisions BEFORE you begin the actual paper. The prospectus is still considered an academic paper, so you must put it in the form of an essay. You will also want to introduce some of the sources you will be using in your research essay. You will also need to turn in an annotated bibliography along with your prospectus (directions are on the following page. ) This prospectus is intended to give you a clear starting point for researching a problem or analyzing a part of our culture or community. You can use either use a community-based issue (see the following page) OR discuss an issue that is prevalent in popular culture (media, stereotypes, gender, race, ethnicity, etc. ). On the following page, I will list some possible prompts to help you get started. Both papers (prospectus/research paper) must be completed in MLA format. ggh For the Prospectus: Part 1: Write a statement of the problem you see in the community or an analysis of the cultural issue you will be discussing. Avoid oversimplifying the issue. Consider the impact of the problem on the community and on other communities – consider as many perspectives as you can think of. Deal with assumptions: If your view of the problem is based on assumption, you’ll need to clearly identify those assumptions and go on to say what you’re going to do to check out those assumptions to be sure they’re true. (In other words, don’t jump to conclusion without investigating the truth of those assumptions). Part 2: State the question that you will guide your research. The question must be specific enough that you will be able to provide in depth answers and analysis to the question. (For example: Do nutrition labels on packaged food influence a buyer’s purchase? ) Part 3: Describe at least ten questions that you will need to look into and research, followed by a brief explanation of why you think the questions are relevant to your topic. (For example: Are the calories listed on nutrition labels based on a particular calorie diet for an average-sized person? This is a question I will need to look into because there is a very big difference between a child’s calorie intake and a man’s. I believe the calorie value would either decrease or increase based on the person. This could mean the nutrition label is misleading). Part 4: You must integrate the use of at least one source in the prospectus. You can use the sources at the beginning when you introduce the issue or within the body as you discuss the questions you will be asking throughout your research. You need to use MLA format for the prospectus and the research paper. Part 5: The prospectus is not an argumentative paper. You are only presenting a problem and discussing perspectives. You should include possible solutions to the paper, but not argue for a specific solution. When you write the research paper, you will still include multiple solutions, but you are allowed to argue for one solution over another. In other words, you may want to list the solutions in your questions, but do not need to include a written analysis of those solutions in your prospectus. Part 6: You will need to include an annotated bibliography in a Works Cited format. You should have at least one resource listed and a description of the resource. See below for an example annotated bibliography. Further Details for the Prospectus: 1 This needs to be written in MLA format. 2 Use at least 1 sources 3 2 pages in length (essay format), NOT including the annotated bibliography. 4 This is a formal academic assignment. It should be written in Standard Academic English – no slang or colloquial language. Avoid using a subjective tone (â€Å"I think,†â€Å"I feel,†or other personal examples). 5 Email it to me by Monday, March 17. I will read it and give you feedback before you start the actual research paper. This assignment will be worth 50 points of your research paper grade, so make sure you turn it in. 6 You will not need to revise the prospectus, but my comments should help you begin your essay. DUE DATES: Prospectus and annotated bibliographyMonday, March 17, 11:59PM Research paper first draft on the Group Discussion Board and SmartThinkingMonday, March 31, 11:59PM Final research paper DUEMonday, April 21, 11:59PM In addition: I will also be available through the chat window to discuss your assignment by appointment. This isn’t an easy assignment, and I’d like to ease any concerns you have early in the process. Please email me if you’d like to chat with me online. I need day and time preferences as soon as possible. Or, as always, you can email me. For the Annotated Bibliography: â€Å"WHAT IS AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. THE PROCESS Creating an annotated bibliography calls for the application of a variety of intellectual skills: concise exposition, succinct analysis, and informed library research. First, locate and record citations to books, periodicals, and documents that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual items. Then choose those works that provide a variety of perspectives on your topic. Cite the book, article, or document using MLA or APA Style. (You can consult the Norton textbook, Writer’s Reference, or the â€Å"MLA†or â€Å"APA†format folders under â€Å"Resources†from our homepage). Write a concise annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article. Include one or more sentences that (a) evaluate the authority or background of the author, (b) comment on the intended audience, (c) compare or contrast this work with another you have cited, or (d) explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic. SAMPLE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ENTRY FOR A JOURNAL ARTICLE Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York: Anchor Books, 1995. Print. Lamotts book offers honest advice on the nature of a writing life, complete with its insecurities and failures. Taking a humorous approach to the realities of being a writer, the chapters in Lamotts book are wry and anecdotal and offer advice on everything from plot development to jealousy, from perfectionism to struggling with ones own internal critic. In the process, Lamott includes writing exercises designed to be both productive and fun. Lamott offers sane advice for those struggling with the anxieties of writing, but her main project seems to be offering the reader a reality check regarding writing, publishing, and struggling with ones own imperfect humanity in the process. Rather than a practical handbook to producing and/or publishing, this text is indispensable because of its honest perspective, its down-to-earth humor, and its encouraging approach. Chapters in this text could easily be included in the curriculum for a writing class. Several of the chapters in Part 1 address the writing process and would serve to generate discussion on students own drafting and revising processes. Some of the writing exercises would also be appropriate for generating classroom writing exercises. Students should find Lamotts style both engaging and enjoyable. You will need to do an annotated bibliography for each of the resources you will be using in your prospectus and research paper. This will be attached to back of your prospectus in MLA format AND your final research paper. Completed, the annotated bibliography should be about 2-3 pages, AND this doesn’t count toward your 7-10 page research paper. What sources are required and acceptable for the paper: 1 Two of the sources should be from the West Hills College database or library. These are scholarly, academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and books. (Under â€Å"Resources†from our homepage, you’ll find a â€Å"how-to†on both the databases and annotated bibliography). 2 Additional resources can be an online source AS LONG AS it is not a commercial website (websites ending in â€Å". com†) unless I okay it; â€Å". org†and â€Å". gov†are okay to use; â€Å". net†websites need my permission. DO NOT use a website that pushes an agenda. You need to read through the website thoroughly before using it as a source. Wikipedia is not concerned a scholarly source by many instructors, so find an academic encyclopedia source from the library databases. 3 Also, personal interviews are allowed as long as the person has authority on the issue. For example, if you are doing a paper on the lack of nurses in California, you may interview an administrator at a hospital who can give you a first hand account. Research takes time. You CANNOT wait until the last minute to begin researching and writing your essay. This is one of the reasons you turn in a prospectus and annotated bibliography prior to your complete research paper. You may use any material from your prospectus and annotated bibliography in your final research paper. Prospectus/Research Paper Ideas: 1 What are some issues in your community and how do you see people addressing them? For example, obesity in the United States, addiction, border patrol, teen pregnancy. Does the media influence any of these issues? And if they do, what is being done to resolve the problems? 2 Choose a popular culture topic (remember, analysis does not always have to be of written material, but of the world around us). Here are some possible ideas: a Television: 1) Do we really watch television to â€Å"escape reality†? In what ways do producers try and remain â€Å"real†? In what ways do they ignore reality? For this paper, you would discuss the overall of effect of â€Å"reality†on an audience. You should pick a specific show or shows to discuss and find the research that asserts your assumptions. 2) You could also do an analysis of a show you feel is â€Å"bad†or â€Å"good. †b Race/Ethnicity: 1) Trace the evolution of the portrayal of race and/or ethnicity in a particular medium – television, movies, art, public space. Has it changed in your lifetime? Why or why not? Other paper topics could include 2) doing research on the nature of prejudice. What do researchers say about its nature? 3) Watch two television shows, one with a largely white cast, one with a largely African-American cast. Compare how each deals with the idea of race or ethnicity. 4) Look at commercials. How do they construct a view of race? c Movies: 1) Write an essay on a director’s body of work. Choose someone who has done several films. Is there an overarching theme to their movies? How has the director contributed to film history? To American culture? 3) Write an essay in which you explore issues of gender in one or two recent movies. Perhaps you can pick a movie directed by a woman and on directed by a man. How are women represented? How are women’s bodies presented or framed? Male bodies? Do the women have strong roles, or are they limited, stereotypical roles? Do the women have good jobs and healthy lifestyles? (You can explore anything here) d Gender: 1) Write a paper in which you examine and debunk three stereotypes about gender. 2) Write an argumentative essay about certain texts that you think are harmful in terms of how they perpetuate stereotypes. 3) Write a paper on daytime television. What messages do the commercials and programming send to women (and men) about women (and men)? 4) Discuss events, like â€Å"Miss America†, the â€Å"Superbowl†, major league sports, cultural icons, music, media, and how they affect our American culture and women, men, children. (This is a little broader – so you should let me know what you are thinking about). e Technology: 1) What single technological advance do you think has been the most important in our lifetime? Why? In the last fifty years? In the last 200 years? Ever? Do you notice a trend in this development? 3) What technological advances do you think have been the most harmful in our lifetime? Do these advances have advantages too? How should we balance the strengths and weaknesses of technology: Through the free market? Government intervention? 3 Choose a more local issue. â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act†: Has it had a positive effect on our schools? A negative effect? 4 What about pedophiles and dangers of social networking websites? 5 Overcrowded prisons: What is the cost to California? 6 You can also choose a controversial issue: legalizing marijuana, lowering the drinking age, medical coverage for all American citizens, how CA should deal with illegal aliens, the fiscal changes our country is facing, etc. Choose a topic that is interesting to you and that you will enjoy researching. You’ll be stuck with this issue for a while. This is the topic you will be discussing in your 7-10 page research paper, so you should have a lot to say. The prospectus only needs to be 2 pages, and if you’re having difficulty meeting the page limit, you may need to rethink your topic. Prompt for the Research Paper Develop an essay in which you put your sources into dialogue with each other and with your own thoughts and analysis. This is â€Å"going under†an issue and explaining it more carefully than what you did in your prospectus. The paper should do the following: 1 Define the problem or issue; describe the situation: the causes and effects. 2 Describe and discuss the positions of each of the perspectives involved. 3 Identify possible solutions to the problem. 4 Identify possible limitations to those solutions. 5 After going through this exploratory process, discuss what is most important, what are the critical aspects to solving or lessening the impact of the problem or issue. You may now choose to argue for a specific solution, though you could discuss several solutions. 6 Use MLA format and have a complete annotated bibliography. 7 Your final draft also needs to be 7-10 pages (not including the annotated bibliography or prospectus). 8 You should have at least 5 sources for your research paper. What you need to consider when writing this paper: 1 This is not the type of paper to rant an opinion without the support of evidence. You need to consider your research, perspectives, and audience. 2 This is not a â€Å"report†, which is solely informational. It is also not about locating evidence that solely supports your view. (a. k. a. â€Å"I’m right and everyone else is wrong. †) Instead, this is about asking questions, conducting research to answer those questions, and letting your opinion develop out of the dialogue between your ideas and those of other scholars and citizens. First draft DUE on your Group Discussion Board: Monday, March 31, 11:59PM Final draft DUE in the Dropbox: Monday, April 21, 11:59PM Accessing Library Materials Login to the West Hills portal (not Edvance360). Under the â€Å"My Bookmarks†tab, click on â€Å"Library Electronic Resources (Off Campus Access). To view the library catalogue (books, etc. ), click on â€Å"WHC Coalinga Library. †There are also several other features you can access from the library’s webpage, including a virtual tour. Under â€Å"Databases,†click on â€Å"Ebscohost†from the start page (instead of clicking on WHC Coalinga Library, you’ll click on one of the databases listed beneath it). This will give you access to several databases for research. Once in Ebscohost, click on the first option: â€Å"Magazines, Journals, Newspaper articles†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Then select/click â€Å"Academic Search Premier. †(There are several other databases listed; you can choose from any of them based on their descriptions, but Academic Search Premier is very comprehensive). Type your topic into the search engine. Note: this isn’t google, so + signs and long sentences will not work well. For example, I typed in â€Å"Media Violence†and retrieved several hundred articles; then I typed in â€Å"Media violence and children†to narrow the search and retrieved fewer articles. You can also change the settings on the left (publication dates, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. ) DO NOT change the full-text setting. Once you’ve chosen article you think is important, print it, read it carefully, figure out what quotes you want to use in your paper, and cite them in-text (see pages 428-476).
Saturday, November 30, 2019
UAE after Islam an Example by
UAE after Islam One of the main features of United Arab Emirates is its possession of a very strategic location which helps facilitate its trade and commerce. Within the country, the people are engaged in several occupations such as trading, transportation, fishing and hunting. This an important part of their civil life which, aside from certain developments, remained more and less as the same occupations the people in the country are engaged with through the years. However, unlike occupation which remained relatively stable through the years, there is an important aspect of UAEs culture that underwent radical changes through time. This is in the area of religion. Such changes may be divided between UAE before Islam and UAE under Islamic religion. Need essay sample on "UAE after Islam" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Even before the arrival of Islam, the people in UAE have a developed religion. It may be what people at present consider as primitive, but it is nonetheless a developed and organized religion. They have a deity in the form of a snake. A temple is built for the worship. This is a good evidence of the degree of civilization of these snake worshippers as regards their religion. They were able to create a sacred location where worship of their deity will be performed. Moreover, the existence such temple implies the existence of established rites, customs and traditions of a religious nature that are observed by them. Temples are also usually used to communicate to the deity, thus implying some form of prayer method among the people. Aside from the temple and worship, they also have other established norms and traditions such as in burials. This brings us to the second level of analysis, which is the examination of the status of UAE after the arrival Islam. Islam replaced the old religion practiced by people in UAE. It was facilitated by one of the major features that have characterized UAE for a very long time, its advantages as regards trade and commerce. At that time, the Gulf, in which UAE is a part of, became one of the important commercial centres as well as the industry of the ships. This facilitated the spreading of Islam through the help of Gulf merchants. The inculcation of Muslim faith is characterized not by a peaceful integration of people to the religion. Instead, the birth of Islam in the country is facilitated by blood and loss. The road to Islam that UAE and other countries in the region had to track was paved with battles and conquests. Even from the beginning, Islam was first brought within the country by Amer bin el Aass by fighting all the invaders from the region of Arabian Gulf after the death of prophet Mohammed (PBUH). In the Gulf, this was followed by other battles, some of which are characterized by victories, the others, by losses. Examples of the victories include the victory of the Ottoman sultan, Mohammed Al-Fatih (the Conqueror) to conquest "Constantinople", while examples of the losses include the end of the kingdom of Granada in Andalusia in 1492 and end of the Arabian marine control over the Arabian Gulf, Oman Sea, and a part of the Indian Ocean during the 15th Century. Many of these battles resulted in many d eaths and great loss of properties. Among the enemies against whom the need to defend arose were Portugal, Holland, France, and Britain. The political climate after the introduction of Islam was also affected by the formation of alliances and tribal organizations that are often formed by ruling families. Moreover, the policies of government and people have changed. One important consequence of the developments in the Arab region, including UAE, is their effects on the issues people hold dear. Progress and liberation have become major calls for Arab citizens and attention was given to the desire to achieve modern education, social modernisation and media openness. The Arab development, especially after Islam, has considerable effects on its different parts. An important discussion as regards these effects will be the development of Dubai Emirates, which is an integral part of United Arab Emirates. It is considered as the main portion of the Gulf and like UAE, has achieved a considerable position in trade due to its strategic location. It has also become a main trading in the Gulf owing partly to the success of its pearl-making business. However, as discussed above, UAE has become witness to the crossing of cultures due to its strategic location beside bodies of water used for trade and transportation, and so have its parts. The result is the commingling of the arts and culture of its parts, including the Dubai Emirates thus losing their distinction among each other. Reference David C King 'United Arab Emirates' New York : Marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2008. Sultan ibn Muhammad al-Qasimi, Ruler of ShaI riqah'Selected speeches' Sharjah, United Arab Emirates : Al Qasimi Publications, 2016.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Crash Essays
Crash Essays Crash Essay Crash Essay I thought this movie was powerful and very well put together. It was nice seeing that all the characters ended up in the same bubble. It was a little intense but I enjoyed watching it because it is happening now. It really makes you think. This film was made to show how our society as a whole is working. You can tell that it made some people uncomfortable. Maybe because what was happening in the movie could be evoked memories of there own. Or it’s showing their own behavior or of someone close to them. As a society, we need to fix the way we think sometimes. We need to understand every culture, race, etc. is different.Dealing and understanding what is around us, shows you are the bigger person. If we don’t deal with this stuff, we end up repeating it and that creates cross-cultural conflicts. Watching this felt very intense but I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. Throughout the film, it had a true vision that most films don’t have. The acting makes this one movie stand out in a heavy way because the characters come across in a real way. The people are living in their everyday lives with real jobs, fears, and hard times. Every character has a story that at the end shows how their lives crash together in a way that you can’t explain.What they wore showed who they were as a person. It helped you see where each character came from and how they acted. The environments and settings were different in each scene according to what character it was filming. I enjoyed that because it didn’t put you to sleep. Having the setting change often made it very hard to keep my eyes away. There was also a lot of gun action and shooting that you heard and seen. It made the movie kind of scary in some scenes but its everyday life. We might not see it happening but you hear it on the news 24/7. Everyone had their own goal that they were motivated to reach.No one stopped for anyone it was mostly all about the individual. Thi s film had many different experiences. It went from going out to a nice dinner to getting held up. The narrator is trying to show us that this is how people think and how it might always be. It’s kind of disgusting how people can act sometimes. You can see that throughout the movie was very dramatic after one event happened. Scenes are dealing with conflicts, fears of other races, etc. This movie illustrates interconnected plots that cause dilemmas created by the people’s race. You notice that when something terrifying is done, that person or persons don’t eel any guilt towards what they done. They also showed that one of the characters were frustrated. He relieved himself by taking anger on black people. But having the opportunity to making up for body searching a woman from a car accident. Crash was very successful with acting out the different kinds of racism among the different characters and plots formed in the movie. The movie â€Å"Crash†symbolize s what’s going on in today’s world concerning racism and stereotypes. He makes known that society views themselves and others based on there ethnicities. There are several different races, different lives, with different beliefs.You notice that the movie shows ends of the picture, from criminals and cops and as bring rich or poor. Just walking on the street, you visualize that people are very paranoid when seeing the opposite race. Throughout the film you view how other races react and â€Å"Crash†with different races. Also, in each scene you see how everyone views the races around him or her. â€Å" I agree with Mr. Ebert that when we are coping with issues of racism, it is never a simple because it is a complex issue†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Everyone can say that they said something that would hurt another race, gender, etc.Most of the time you don’t know your judging them, it could just be how you think and feels that its not a bad thing. It’s hard not t o judge someone when they are dressed different because they catch your eye first when you look up. â€Å" It seems that we can not help but categorize and assume certain traits based on stereotypes, observations and experiences. †We judge before knowing whom the person really is inside, which is wrong. If they don’t look like you or the people you hang out with, they automatically become a bad person. Most of us think that way because we think how we act or dress is the only right thing in the world.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Write a Great Blog Post
How to Write a Great Blog Post How to Write a Great Blog Post How to Write a Great Blog Post By Ali Hale Blog posts might look straightforward, but if you’ve ever tried to write one, you may have found it was harder than you expected. Whether you want to start a blog as a hobby, as a step towards freelancing, or as a tool to promote your book your blog posts need to be well-structured and well-written. Of course, blogging offers a lot of freedom. You don’t have to write to a specific length, in the way that you would if you were writing a newspaper column or a magazine article. You can write short, newsy pieces, long, in-depth pieces, or anything in between. You’ve also got the freedom to pick your own topics – and to develop your own writing style. Perhaps you want to write nostalgic, gently humorous blog posts drawn from your own life or maybe you’d prefer to create detailed, reassuring tutorials for new WordPress users. Whatever you’re writing about, though, and whatever your reason for blogging, your blog posts need to work. They need to have a recognisable structure and they need to stick, more or less, to the point. Here’s how to write a great blog post: Step #1: Plan Your Post Before You Write Your blog post should have an introduction, main body and conclusion (or, if you prefer, a beginning, middle and end). Here’s how those work: The introduction should set the scene for your post and hook the reader. You might do this by asking a question, making a bold statement, or giving a quick anecdote from your own life. The main body is the real content of your post. It’s where you develop a particular line of discussion, share a story, or give your suggestions or tips on a particular topic. The conclusion wraps up your post. It’s easy to miss off – but it’s really important. It should sum up briefly and, ideally, offer the reader something to do next. Step #2: Draft Your Full Post While different bloggers work in different ways, I find that it’s usually best to draft a whole blog post from start to end (rather than writing a few paragraphs here and there to stitch together eventually). You could: Imagine that you’re emailing a friendly acquaintance as you write. I find that thinking about one reader helps me to get the draft of my post down as smoothly as possible. Jot down some brief notes for your introduction, then launch in with the first key point that you want to make. It’s often easier to flesh out the introduction once you’ve written the actual post. Avoid editing as you write. If you need to fix a quick typo or restart an occasional sentence, that’s okay – but don’t start deleting whole paragraphs at this stage. When you’re mid-way through a draft, it’s hard to see what needs to go and what should stay. Step #3: Redraft Your Post Once you’ve got a rough draft of your post, it’s time to shape it for your blog. Since you’re writing for an online audience, it’s important to: Keep your paragraphs short. It’s harder to read on a screen than in print, so if you’re used to writing for books or magazines, you may need to cut your paragraphs in half. Keep (most of) your sentences short and straightforward. The occasional more complex sentence is fine – especially if you’re writing for an academic or well-educated audience – but mix things up with some short, simple sentences too. Use a conversational writing style. That means using â€Å"I†and â€Å"you†. These aren’t appropriate in academic writing, so you might have been taught not to use them at school but when you’re blogging, it’s fine to write as though you’re talking directly to the reader. (Just like I’m doing right now!) Step #4: Format Your Post Once you’re happy with the post as written, it’s time to move on to the formatting – how your post looks. You might want to: Include subheadings and/or bold text. These help to â€Å"signpost†important parts of your post for the reader – for instance, in this post, the different steps each have their own subheading so you can easily figure out where you are within the post. Add images where appropriate. Many bloggers like to start off their posts with an eye-catching image to draw the reader in. Images also help to create â€Å"white space†(the blank bits of the page around the words and images), which makes your post look more attractive and inviting. Add links to other posts (on your blog or elsewhere). One great advantage of writing online versus writing in print is that you can link to other resources. That might mean linking to an explanation about something you mention in passing, for instance, to help your readers who are new to your subject area. Step #5: Edit Your Post While you could tackle the editing before the formatting, I find it’s helpful to do a quick edit, at least, after putting subheadings, images and links into place. When you edit: Look out for typos and misspellings. Your default spellchecker won’t necessarily catch all of these. Some bloggers find that it’s helpful to view their post in a larger size, or to preview it live on their blog, to help mistakes stand out. Check that your links are working. It’s frustrating for readers (and embarrassing for you) if a post goes live with broken links in it. Look for areas where your post could be more polished. In this post, for instance, I went back while editing to make sure that each of the â€Å"steps†had three bullet points, so that they all matched. Of course, writing blog posts is more of an art than a science – and I definitely don’t want you to think that there’s only one â€Å"right†way to do it. These tips, though, should help you to produce polished blog posts that are enjoyable to write and that are easy for your readers to engage with. (And if youre looking for some more suggestions, check out Sarahs post 10 Tips on How to Write the Perfect Blog Post.) I hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do and if you have a great tip to share about writing blog posts, leave it in the comments for us! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:70 "Home" Idioms and ExpressionsConnotations of 35 Words for Funny PeoplePeople vs. Persons
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Research Paper for Writing Class Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
For Writing Class - Research Paper Example It will analyze how Lerner used setting, symbolism, plot, and the characters of the mother and Emily to understand the theme of motherhood as a metaphor for womens multiple roles in a patriarchal culture. Using feminist criticism, the mothers experiences demonstrate that the patriarchal culture of American society have affected her struggles as a mother, which in turn, affected her daughters own struggles as a woman, and yet despite of social impositions, the mother and Emily manage to become independent and to develop their identities. The patriarchal culture shaped socio-economic conditions that made motherhood a personal struggle with conflicting goals. The mere title of the story demonstrates the physical tribulations of motherhood. She is standing, while she irons. Standing can be quite tiring, especially as the heat of the iron spreads around her. Furthermore, ironing is the metonymy of womens domestic duties. Mothers do not only iron, they also cook, do the laundry, take care of the children, clean the house, and at present, they are also forced to earn money, when their husbands are either gone or cannot fully provide for their familys needs. â€Å"Ironing†is a symbol that stands for the rest of multiple duties that mothers have to endure, because society imposes that they alone should be responsible for these domestic duties. Ironing is a symbol for the woman who is an eternal slave of the mans world. Baker argues that economic conditions impact womanhood, especially mothers. Economic conditions ar e not separate spheres from feminist concerns (Baker 655). The mother in the story is compelled to become both a traditional mother and a traditional father. Emilys father left them, because he â€Å"could no longer endure†â€Å"sharing want with [them]†(Lerner). He left her with four children to fend for, and the mother says that it was hard to do that in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Why is Buddhism considered to be the only common meeting ground of Essay
Why is Buddhism considered to be the only common meeting ground of Asian cultures - Essay Example In a culture where the idea of diety is so thoroughly solidified, Buddhism focuses on humanitarian deeds rather than worship of a higher being. Buddhism ultimately chooses to find the good in humanity in society where religious warfare continues to plague society. The foundation of Buddhist tradition and practice focus around ethical perceptions. All Abrahamic religions along with Hinduism such as Christianity and Islam all have a divine God. Moreover, Buddhism tends to focus around life and suffering. It is evident that Asia is a very poor continent with poverty plaguing the sphere internationally and domestically. Religious diversity continues to be the problem in the continent as extremists from all religions tend to create chaos and destruction. This is perfectly displayed through John La Plante as he states, â€Å"Buddhism tends to adhere to the teachings of Buddha which calls for a very peaceful and humble approach†(Plante, 34). Moreover, Buddhism allows individuals to practice other religions along with Buddhism. The whole essence of Buddhism is to preach peacefulness and embrace nature. It was clear that people were attracted to the idea in which humanity is the focal point rather than worship and control that other religions enforce. Another key element that proves why Buddhism is embraced by the Asian culture is due to the fact that it promotes peace. Since Buddhism embraces the fact that peace and harmony are vital towards reaching salvation, it completely diminishes the difference of opinion in the religion itself. Buddhism is one of the fewest religions in which sects are not a huge issue. Moreover, Buddhism tends to bridge the differences. Hinduism for instance continues to impose the cast system which clashes against equality. It leads to differences between society and further leads to more division and clashes amongst people. On the other hand,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Principles of Infection Prevention and Control Essay Example for Free
Principles of Infection Prevention and Control Essay Employees rights and responsibilities in the relation to the prevention and control of infection are to follow company’s policies and procedures, keep themselves safe and others, report any hazards which could lead to infection, attend relevant courses, use the PPE provided, keeping the work environment clean and tidy and to maintain good personal hygiene 1. 2: Employers responsibilities in the relation to the prevention and control of infection are to keep everybody safe and to provide a safe work place, they do this by following current legislation. This is why it is extremely important to wear the correct PPE and use the correct hand washing procedure and use the correct cleaning products. 4. 3: To carry out a risk assessment first of all you need to identify the hazards, then decide who might be harmed and how. Then evaluate the risks and decide on precaution and then record your findings and implement on them. After this is done review your assessment and update if necessary. 4. 4: It is important to carry out risk assessments to raise awareness of potential risks and to try and eliminate or reduce them and to ensure enough precautions have been taken to prevent injury. Outcome 5 PPE must be used in the correct way in order for it to be effective in the prevention of infection control. Some different types of PPE and there uses are explained below: †¢Disposable gloves- Wearing disposable gloves will offer a protective barrier against infection when worn when dealing with body products, e. g. blood, urine, mucus, vomit etc, changing soiled bed linen, clearing up spillages and dressing wounds. When wearing gloves they should be put on last after all other PPE is on and should fit the hands comfortably and not rip or tear easily. Hands should be cleaned thoroughly before wearing gloves to prevent germs spreading. While wearing gloves they should be change if they become heavily soiled or ripped and after each resident. Gloves should be carefully removed before any other PPE is removed and disposed of in the correct way in line with company’s procedures and hands should be cleaned again. †¢Aprons- these are used to provide a barrier which enables clothing to stay clean from bodily fluids, spillages etc. Aprons should be put on first before any other PPE. To put an apron on, one should be taken from the roll and opened out, after the head has gone through the hole the two ties should be tied together around your back. To dispose of carefully tare the ties and roll or fold into a bundle and dispose of correctly. †¢Masks- These are worn to stop airborne infections being inhaled. To put a mask on place over nose, mouth and chin and fit flexible nose piece over bridge of nose. A mask should be removed after all other PPE has been removed and disposed of correctly. Employers must provide appropriate PPE free of charge and ensure it is disposed of correctly. Employees must use this correctly and follow the training and instructions given. The regulations and legislation relating to PPE that we must follow are: †¢The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 †¢The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 Outcome 6 The key principles of good personal hygiene are vital in controlling the spread of infection. The most important action that will reduce the development of infection is regular hand washing. By using a good hand washing technique this will ensure bacteria and viruses have as little chance to spread as possible. You should always wash your hands: †¢Before starting and when finishing work †¢Before and after eating After using the toilet
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Screwtape Letters - Types of Love Essay -- Religion, C.S. Lewis
While attending Oxford University, C.S. Lewis went from being an atheist to a renowned Christian. Lewis touched a vast audience with his numerous books (around thirty or more) including The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, and The Four Loves. He brought fantasy and entertainment into his writing along with slight to thunderous bits of theology woven through his stories and books. This made Lewis one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century. One of the better known books from C.S. Lewis is The Screwtape Letters. The Screwtape Letters is a fiction book comprised of thirty-one letters from Screwtape, a senior tempter and head in a department in Hell, to his nephew who is a novice tempter Wormwood. These letters are detailed instructions on how to cause Wormwood’s patient to fall from the Christian life. Screwtape, in all his devilish wisdom, pin points certain tribulations that all humans face and gives a devil-sided view to the human responses. The book is fiction, yet can be studied because of the spiritual lessons that are inversely taught throughout the letters. In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis addresses a position on love that is seldom heard, yet universally felt. Screwtape makes a very clear distinction between his ideal of love and true love. If we take what Screwtape thinks love is, and reverse the teaching completely, all that is left is the love that God approves of. The purest and most sought after love is God’s. Love has been divided by C.S. Lewis into five ways. One way, taught in The Screwtape Letters is â€Å"being in love†. The other four ways is taught through The Four Loves: Affection, friendship (philia), romantic love (eros), and Agape love. Understanding the difference between the lo... ...coffin of your selfishness. But in that casketâ€â€safe, dark, motionless, airlessâ€â€it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, and irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell. (6) Works Cited Collins, Harper. "C.S. Lewis Classics". Harper Collins Publishers. March 10, 2010 . Lahti, David. "Lewis, C. S. The Four Loves ". 11 March 2010 . Lewis, C.S,. The Screwtape Letters. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996. Rayment, W.J.. "Synopsis of the Screwtape Letters". Bible Study Resource Center. March 10, 2010 . The Screwtape Letters - Types of Love Essay -- Religion, C.S. Lewis While attending Oxford University, C.S. Lewis went from being an atheist to a renowned Christian. Lewis touched a vast audience with his numerous books (around thirty or more) including The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, and The Four Loves. He brought fantasy and entertainment into his writing along with slight to thunderous bits of theology woven through his stories and books. This made Lewis one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century. One of the better known books from C.S. Lewis is The Screwtape Letters. The Screwtape Letters is a fiction book comprised of thirty-one letters from Screwtape, a senior tempter and head in a department in Hell, to his nephew who is a novice tempter Wormwood. These letters are detailed instructions on how to cause Wormwood’s patient to fall from the Christian life. Screwtape, in all his devilish wisdom, pin points certain tribulations that all humans face and gives a devil-sided view to the human responses. The book is fiction, yet can be studied because of the spiritual lessons that are inversely taught throughout the letters. In The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis addresses a position on love that is seldom heard, yet universally felt. Screwtape makes a very clear distinction between his ideal of love and true love. If we take what Screwtape thinks love is, and reverse the teaching completely, all that is left is the love that God approves of. The purest and most sought after love is God’s. Love has been divided by C.S. Lewis into five ways. One way, taught in The Screwtape Letters is â€Å"being in love†. The other four ways is taught through The Four Loves: Affection, friendship (philia), romantic love (eros), and Agape love. Understanding the difference between the lo... ...coffin of your selfishness. But in that casketâ€â€safe, dark, motionless, airlessâ€â€it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, and irredeemable. The alternative to tragedy, or at least to the risk of tragedy, is damnation. The only place outside Heaven where you can be perfectly safe from all the dangers and perturbations of love is Hell. (6) Works Cited Collins, Harper. "C.S. Lewis Classics". Harper Collins Publishers. March 10, 2010 . Lahti, David. "Lewis, C. S. The Four Loves ". 11 March 2010 . Lewis, C.S,. The Screwtape Letters. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996. Rayment, W.J.. "Synopsis of the Screwtape Letters". Bible Study Resource Center. March 10, 2010 .
Monday, November 11, 2019
Personal Philosophy Essay
Educational philosophy is sometimes referred to as the immediate objectives of education. Immediate objectives on the other hand are purposes which a subject at a given time must aim to achieve through the courses of study or the curriculum. Its aims constitute a very important aspect of the total education. They are more specific and they can be accomplished in a shorter period of time, maybe a day or a week. These, too, are considered goals of specialization. This study aims to develop an educational philosophy and relate its important to one’s classroom teaching. Role of the teacher. The life of the teacher everywhere is full of responsibility. The teacher should recognize that the welfare and interest of the child is the principal objective of his profession. The school is for the children and the teacher’s first thought should be for them. At least during the time the pupils are in the school the teacher stands for the parents. The teacher should guard the health, moral, and well-being of the pupils with intelligent care. He should also be alert to discover physical defects of his pupils, and prompt to inform and interest the parents so that relief may be offered. Curriculum. Through the years, schools have taken on many new subjects without dropping old subjects. Schools must relinquish subjects that can be learned readily outside the school system and should be child-friendly and child-centered school. It should provide a variety of programs to meet the special interests and talents of the students. The Child. The child is the center of the matter. The teacher must know the nature of the child to be motivated, directed, guided, and evaluated. To understand the child, the teacher must know him as a biological organism with needs, abilities, and goals. He must know the social and psychological environment of the child and the cultural forces of which the child is a part. The behavior of the child at any given moment is the result of biological environment factors operating simultaneously. The child behaves as he does because he is a human being with needs and motives, and because he is surrounded by environmental and cultural forces which determine his behavior, these needs and motives shall be met. Methods of Education. The literature on the subject of teaching generally makes no distinction between method of teaching and technique of teaching. Writing on educational theory and practice has presented different classroom procedures as methods of teaching/education or techniques of teaching. These two terms have different meanings and values, but both are integrated in any teaching and learning situation. The method of education covers the psychological processes involved in learning, and the technique of teaching covers the use of devices and the application of principles in teaching in order to effect the proper development of the individual student. In addition, method relates to the learning performance rather than to the teaching performances, and method of education involves steps to guide the mental processes (Demiashkevich 43-48). Aims of Education. The philosophical aims of education require all public and private schools in this country to pursue, in the development of every child, regardless of color, creed, or social status. All educational institutions shall aim to inculcate love of country, teach the duties of citizenship, and develop moral character, personal discipline, and scientific, technological, and vocational efficiency. The study of the Constitution shall be part of the curricula in all schools (Peterson, pp. 64-69). The State shall provide citizenship and vocational training to adult citizens and out-of-school youth, and create and maintain scholarship for poor and deserving students. Moreover, philosophy of education is one of the major ground bases of education as field of profession; hence, focused study of such condition is essential. The case study involves the subjects of philosophical perspective of education linked with the condition of determining the future trends of the system. Utilizing five aspects of contributing factors, such as standards of teaching, bilingual education, cultural diversities, special education and the public policies, we shall determine the possible implications of such factors in professional philosophy of education. As a conclusion, as for the philosophy of education, and the continuity of learning and the aspects of continuous teaching without regards to any exceptions as incurred by the society, divine law, and human rights. Every minority with no considerations to race, gender, and possibly realistic health conditions should be deprived with education. The philosophy of education involves the general principle of conducting education as a means of providing universal treatment for the development implicated in a universal perspective. Furthermore, the philosophy of education, on the perspective of professionalism, involves that the educator must also be under the said umbrella of development and continuous learning despite of the governed tasks of teaching. Reference: Demiashkevich, Michael (2003). An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. Pp. 43- 48American Book. New York. Peterson, Michael L. (2000). Philosophy of Education: Issues and Options. Pp. 64-69, InterVarsity Press. Downers Grove, IL.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Problem of Induction: An Analysis of the Validity of the Humean Problem of Induction
Induction refers to â€Å"a method of reasoning by which a general law or principle is inferred from observed particular instances†(Flew, 1986, p. 171). The method of inductive inference, in this sense, may be considered as the primary means through which justifications are formulated to show the relationship of evidence towards particular assumptions (Goodman, 1983, p. 13). The process of induction, thereby, may be seen as arising whenever we note that evidence lends support to a hypothesis while in the process failing to establish its deductive certainty. In relation to the aforementioned method, Hume argued that since no necessary connections exists between empirical phenomena, it is always possible that a future observation will prove our inferences wrong no matter how appealing it may have been or how richly supported by past observations. This problem has been referred to as the problem of the uniformity principle [in this sense the lack of such uniformity]. According to the argument, nature has no uniformity. If such is the case, it thereby follows that there is no voucher that ensures the consistency of man’s most refined predictions. Consider for example, the statement â€Å"Whenever I drop a piece of chalk it will fall†. Two claims may be inferred from such a statement: (1) Dropping a piece of chalk causes it to fall and (2) Dropping a piece of chalk tomorrow will thereby cause it to fall. According to Hume, such claims assume the uniformity of nature. The problem however is evident if one considers that if all knowledge of causation is based on experience and all knowledge of experience is based on the faculties of cognition, in order for knowledge of causation to be valid [at all times] it is necessary that the faculties of cognition are infallible. However, such is not the case since conditions for the attainment of understanding are based upon fallible faculties. If such is the case, it follows that man’s understanding of the empirical world is obscure thereby providing no solid grounds for the formation of inferences that determine the uniformity of nature from which man derives his causal laws regarding the workings of nature. At this point, it is worthwhile to consider that the aforementioned problem [commonly referred to as Hume’s problem of induction] stems from Hume’s critique of the Cartesian claims regarding the powers of reason. According to Descartes, man is in possession of an infallible faculty of clear and distinct perception which if properly exercised is able to grasp various general causal principles a priori. In addition to this, Descartes claims that possession of such faculties enables man to establish the essence of the mind [which is thinking] and the body [which is extension] through the use of pure intellectual insight. If such is the case, man is thereby privy to the acquisition of a priori knowledge regarding the behavior of minds and of things. If such is the case, it follows that man is also privy to the knowledge of the workings of the external world [external to the mind and hence the physical realm]. As was noted at the onset of this paper, Hume’s critique of Descartes’ conception of the powers of reason has thereby resulted to the critique of the process of induction and hence the critique of the assumption regarding the uniformity of nature. It is important to note that Hume’s claim [as an opposition to Descartes’ aforementioned claim] may be understood in two ways. In the first case, Hume’s claim may be understood as setting the limits of man’s intellectual capacities [which is evident in his emphasis on the fallibility of our faculties for cognition]. In another sense, one may understand Hume’s claim as enabling a naturalistic conception of knowledge acquisition thereby enabling the dissolution of Descartes’ dualism [evident in Descartes’ distinction of the mind from the body]. The importance of such lies in its emphasis on the necessity to set solid foundations for the acquisition of belief. Within these grounds, it is thereby possible to understand Hume’s subtitle to A Treatise of Human Nature, which states, â€Å"Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects†. Hume’s naturalized epistemology may thereby be seen as an attempt to enable the provision of valid and indubitable grounds for the formation of beliefs within both the empirical and moral realms of human existence.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
10 Evaluation Essay Topics on Affordable Care Act
10 Evaluation Essay Topics on Affordable Care Act Today we are going to help you better understand the Affordable Care Act so that you can write a good essay based on it. People generally know very little about ACA, especially those not insured and that’s something we need to focus on. The law itself remains unpopular but some of its parts have generated a lot of press. This law makes it possible to bring about low rates, quality care, available insurance plans and cost cutting measures that will be imposed on insurance companies from both public and private sectors. In response to the questions raised about the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the staff of Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimated that, on balance, the amount of people who are getting medical care from their employers would decrease by 3 million by the year 2019, under the current legislation. According to CBO’s latest projections, between 2019 and 2022, up to 5 million people will stop taking coverage from their employers in comparison to the previous law. According to the Affordable Care Act families that are making less than 133 percent below poverty line, which sits around $29,000 for an average family of four, will be covered under the national social insurance program known as Medicare. Families lie between 133 percent to 400 percent below the poverty line, which adds up to around $88,000 for a single family of four, will get a relieving tax credit on a sliding scale, so that they are financially capable to pay for private insurance. Premiums are capped for families that are currently earning less than 400 percent of the poverty line. This means that families earning between 150 percent and 200 percent below the poverty line will not be obligated to pay anything above 6.3 percent of their earning in premiums. Similarly if a family is earning between 300 and 400 percent of below the poverty line, they won’t have to pay more than 9.5 percent. The formula is available for everyone to use, moreover there is an online calculator established by the Kaiser Family Foundation which makes it easier for families with all kinds of earning levels to calculate their subsidies and caps. Those who can afford coverage when the individual mandate kicks in and choose to overlook it, if their insurance costing is less than 8 percent of their entire annual income, must pay an amount of $695 or 2.5 percent of their entire annual income. Whichever is greater will take precedence over the other. Small businesses having less than 10 employees, with average wages below or up to $25,000 who provide insurance policies for their workers, are eligible for a tax credit of up to 50 percent on their contributions. Tax credit also applies to small businesses having around 50 employees where average wages go up to $50,000. However, the tax credit amount gets smaller as the business expands and prospers. Insurance companies are restricted to evaluating cases of individuals based on pre-existing conditions. Factors that the insurance companies can take under consideration are age, premium rating area, usage of tobacco and family composition. The law obligates employer-provided health plans to pay taxes up to 35 percent if a single employee’s coverage exceeds $10,200 or if a single family’s coverage exceeds $27,500. This policy is to make sure that employers avoid going for expensive insurance policies; this way the insurance companies are forced to keep their costs down. Tax code deductions of employer-based health insurance plans, which are currently unlimited, is also capped. The ACA makes sure around 1 trillion dollars are spent in the next ten years. The law ensures there are spending cuts, most of which apply to medicare, and certain increases in tax as well, as it will help to either save money or raise more of it. This is one of the reasons why the CBO has speculated that the deficit itself will go down as a result. As time passes, savings will be better matched with expenses and even exceed expenses The CBO expects the ACA law to bring the deficit down by a staggering trillion dollars in the coming decade. According to surveys, healthcare costs have alarmingly slowed down. Some blame this unstable outcome on the recession while others believe that it’s merely by chance. Experts, however, deduce that this is due to the ACA going through quick changes in how the medical care system works. ACA has forced care-providers to shift their agendas to quality based payments. The long term effects of ACA will be based on controlling costs to ensure the entire healthcare system is reformed. ACA encourages Accountable Care Organizations to distribute Medical Homes as a gesture to penalize hospitals charging their patients more than necessary, for preventable infections. This leads to the establishment of a separate board in which new reforms are incorporated via the medicare system. These facts are sure to spark your creative juices so you can write great topics on the subject matter. In addition, check out our 20 topics on Affordable Care Act for an evaluation essay to get a better idea and a complete guide for assignments of this kind. Healthcare acts cover the public and private healthcare needs, and are based on a long term strategy to not only achieve an affordable healthcare plan but also bring down the economic deficit. References: 2015 Affordable Care Act: Law, Regulatory Explanation And Analysis. (n.d.). Amadeo, K. (2015). Ultimate Obamacare Handbook (2015?2016 Edition). Skyhorse Publishing. Askin, E., Moore, N. (n.d.). The Health Care Handbook: A Clear And Concise Guide To The United States Health Care System. Brill, S. (n.d.). Americas Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, And The Fight To Fix Our Broken Healthcare System. Bromley, K. (n.d.). The Employers Guide To Obamacare: What Profitable Business Owners Know About The Affordable Care Act. Emanuel, E. J. (n.d.). Reinventing American Health Care: How The Affordable Care Act Will Improve Our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust, Outrageously Expensive, Grossly Inefficient, Error Prone System. Katz, M. (n.d.). Healthcare Made Easy: Answers To All Of Your Healthcare Questions Under The Affordable Care Act.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Central venous catheter
Central venous catheter Essay Healthcare institutes today are confronting a major job with centrally-line- associated blood stream infections ( CLABSIs ) . CLABSIs occur normally and are the most potentially preventable beginning if morbidity. This research was conducted to see how cardinal line packages could be use to extinguish CLABSIs. Harmonizing to the Sutter Roseville medical centre ( SRMC ) . they have seven old ages of zero CLABSIs. by utilizing a broader attack of the cardinal line buddle instead so the conventional buddle required by the CDC ( Harnage. 2012 ) . The SRMC’s. cardinal line buddle is ease to utilize and failure cogent evidence as shown in figure 1 of the article ( Harnage ) . This article explained how assorted constituent of the cardinal line buddle were modified to accomplish zero infection of CLABSIs by the SRMC. The most of import point of this attack was riddance of infection through cardinal lines. The success of this attack was base on the protocol implemented on dressing alteration. catheter flushing and day-to-day checking of all cardinal lines. Dressing alterations were done merely when the site was musss but with the protocol is done every 7 yearss and as needed. besides the catheter lines were been flushed with normal saline so with Lipo-Hepin utilizing a positive force per unit area flower. but now flushing is done every 8 hours when non in usage or before and after medicine disposal with 10ml of normal saline utilizing a push and intermission technique. Remember these lines can non be use if there is no blo od return and the authority checked. For this protocol to be effectual. instruction and preparation was mandated for the registry nurses. that is a one -on -one bedside preparation. The registry nurses are the one time utilizing this line on a day-to-day bases so developing them on the usage of this line were a major yesteryear in the infection control procedure. An facet in the dressing alteration kit in was besides nurse friendly in that all the supplies needed for the dressing alteration were topographic point in a individual bundle. By seting everything together it helped the nurse to easy entree everything they need. because due to the many undertakings the nurse needs to make. they may be tempted to short-circuit or jump wholly preventative patterns that are excessively clip devouring. The nurses besides had to document on a day-to-day base on the patient flow sheet how the site and dressing on the line expression. therefore doing the nurses take duty and accountabit of the site. The chief job with this attack was that it wasn’t cost effectual. But harmonizing on research. CLABSIs cost from $ 21300 and $ 35000 to handle. therefore avoiding infections can salvage most healthcare institute 100s of 1000s of lbs yearly ( Harnage ) . I will wish everyone who reads this article to implement it because is a patient first civilization attack and we every bit healthcare provide are at that place to supply attention to patient and do no injury. With that say. my clinical group for NURS 210 at Grace Fairview have since this pattern and protocol and have besides participated in it execution. So from experience I will follow the attack and promote my registry nurses colleague to make same because the benefits out weight the disadvantages. Mention.Harnage. S. ( 2012 ) Seven old ages of zero cardinal – line – associate blood stream infections. British Journal of Nursing. 2012 ( IVTHERAPY SUPPLEMENT ) . Vol 21. No 21
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Defense of Arrested Persons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Defense of Arrested Persons - Essay Example It will then go further to distinguish between these law enforcement agencies, which one is state and which one is local, also which one is criminal law enforcement agency or which one provide defense service to the accused. The document is organized into five sections each sections addressing the agency in each regions. Northeast The office of the Windsor County State Attorney is in Vermont and is found in the Northeast region. Its main function is to prosecute persons who have been arrested in the district court or county court. It helps victims to get justice in the prosecution of criminal offenses, child abuse and neglect cases, juvenile delinquencies, mental health proceedings and other civil matters. The office collaborates with law enforcement agencies, social service agencies, victims and members of the public to seek justice in the cases under investigation. The department protects and promotes public safety (DSASA, 2012). Southeast Georgia Department of Corrections is a sta te agency in the Southeast. It is located in Georgia State. It enforces criminal law. It functions to protect and serve the public by managing the offenders and creating a safe and secure environment for Georgia residents. It achieves its goal by providing correctional industries where the offenders are taken used to manufacture various commercial products. These products are targeting mainly the government agencies as the consumer. The government is the sole preferred consumer for these products to ensure that the market for the products is maintained and the correctional process through labor is thus maintained (GDC, 2012). The Department of Business and Professional Regulation, also in the Southeast region, is a state agency mandated to issue licenses and regulate businesses and professionals in the Florida state. It is therefore a law enforcement agency. In business, the agency licenses and regulates five major industries which are: alcoholic beverages and tobacco; Condomiums, T imeshares and mobile homes; drugs, and cosmetics; hotels and restaurants; and Pari-Mutuel Wagering. The agency is divided into various divisions of which each deal with a specific industry under the mandate of the agency. The division of alcoholic beverages and tobacco issues licenses necessary to operate these kinds of businesses. The division of condomiums, timeshares, and mobile homes protects the consumer from malpractices by this category of business. It regulates yatch and ship brokers, cooperatives, timeshares and mobile home parks. The division of drugs, devices and cosmetics safeguards health, safety, and welfare of the local Florida residents against injury from the use of adulterated, contaminated, misbranded drugs, drug ingredients and cosmetics by administering the Florida Drug and Cosmetic act. The division of building codes and standards ensures the residents safety in staying is safely constructed buildings. The division of hotels and restaurants licenses inspects an d regulates public lodging and food service establishments in Florida. It also regulates and licenses elevators, escalators and other vertical conveyance devices. The division of pari-mutuel wagering is vested with regulation of the state’s mutual, cardroom and slot gaming industries. It is also charged with collecting and protecting associated revenues due to the state (DBPR, 2012). Midwest The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation under the Office of the Attorney
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Small business use of electronic commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Small business use of electronic commerce - Essay Example In an environment in which time is precious the advantage to the consumer is undeniable. Not only that, but the concept can reduce costs too. For instance, Pea Pod that stores the goods which a customer wants can sort and pack these goods considerably more efficiently than the store and can be located out of town in an industrial park or other area where cheap rents are available. Moreover, staffing requirements are lower, the incidence of in-store theft is reduced, and the hours of operation can be extended. For small business companies like KOA MART, the opportunities of Internet-based commerce seem considerable, but few companies have yet succeeded in exploiting them profitably. Such success is dependent on acquiring an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of the Internet and matching these with the characteristics of existing products or services. In contrast to Pea Pod, KOA MART proposes better catalogues and more vivid visual representation of its products. It is easy to find a product and its price. Pea Pod has poor design and simpler structure; it is difficult to navigate and use this site. The majority of sites linked to "small business +electronic commerce" are devoted to potential online resources and analysis of the market opportunities. Some of the sites propose technical assistance for small business while others highlight the main trends and e-news about developments within the industry. This information can also be used by small business organizations that want to sell as well as buy (Demery, 2007). Small business companies may see that competitor's price reduction appeals only to a certain type of customer (those, for example, who have easy access to the competitor's products; in other words, the discount is not sufficient to attract customers who do not have this access). In this case, proposal would be to restrict their own price reduction so that it applies only to those customers who have easy access to the competitor products. By doing this, they can minimize the impact of competitor's actions on overall margins (Demery, 2007). Thus companies may identify that if one of competitors reduces the price of a product, volume of sales will go down; if companies reduce price at the same time, volume of sales will remain static (assuming that companies also match competitor's price promotion or other marketing tactics). One of the key characteristics of the goods and services that are capable of being traded successfully on the Internet, therefore, is that they are recognized and understood by the consumer (Howlett, 2007). This means either that they must have a strong brand (so that the consumer knows what to expect) or that the goods must be of such a nature that the consumer knows what they will receive. There are many thousands of sites on the Internet, which makes it considerably more competitive than local shopping mall or high street. Getting people to enter a site is as difficult as, if not more difficult than, getting people to purchase goods from a retailer (Howlett, 2007). The Internet did not level the playing field between large and small businesses because large companies receive great opportunities to reduce prices and tattract global target audiences. While one of the major advantages offered by the Internet is that - as a manufacturer, for example - a small company no longer has to do battle with retailers and competitors to obtain the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Human Relations - Conflict Resolution - MAYER Essay
Human Relations - Conflict Resolution - MAYER - Essay Example It is to be pointed out that the value of this book is more than that of a guide for conflict practitioners, but it helps an individual to withstand conflicts in future. The central issue in this book concentrates on unique perspective of conflict resolution and prevention. The book can be divided into two distinct parts, first deals with conflict, i.e. the problem, and the second part deals with resolution or solution for the problem. Three dimensions of conflict are pointed out, i.e. perception, emotion and action, and it consists of practical vision of understanding conflict. The description of the causes of conflict points out conflict resolution as a social service. Mayer points out that, people’s approach towards conflict is unpredictable because of individual difference. So, the goals and objectives of a practitioner or a mediator must focus beyond mere resolution. The foretold goals and objectives should go ahead of resolution, and it must change the ethical and moral value system of our society. Different types of conflicts are discussed like cognitive, emotional and behavioral. So the role of individuals in conflict is varied and th ey are mentioned by Mayer as-advocate, mediator, expert, arbitrator, or witness. But communication and understanding plays the prominent role in conflict resolution. The next set of ideas mentioned is that of conflict resolution. First of all, Mayer points out three dimensions of conflict resolution. He is with a different idea on mediation as method to resolve conflict. Effective and practical approaches like distributive and integrative negotiation are mentioned but the radical idea is that of confronting an impasse while negotiation. The importance of the role of mediators and their limitations are also mentioned. He further goes beyond the traditional methods of conflict resolution and it leads him to the search for alternative conflict resolution procedures. The
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Cognitive Network Security
Cognitive Network Security Introduction: The rapid development of various communication and wireless technologies had led to ultimate spectrum insufficiency. This may cause a great spectrum extinction thereby not allowing new wireless services to be installed. To overcome this great spectrum disaster and to optimally use the underutilized bands, a new technology so called cognitiveradio evolved. This technology scampers the software programs thereby helps cognitive user to look for spectrum holes, pick the best among them, work jointly in coordination with other users and do not disturb the owner of spectrum on arrival[1].The members do stay connected in an ad-hoc manner and there is no guaranteed network architecture. This makes the privacy issues more intricate than in conventional wireless devices. [2]. The medium of transport is free air, any adulteration of data can be done without much being noticed by the sufferer and at the worst case, the data signals are even jammed. Establishing security in these networks is a ri sky task because of its inimitable quality. [4] The innate temperament of it has made it an open play ground for attackers. There are four layers in a cognitive network out of which Physical layer is the lowermost layer and various attacks are feasible here .The main focus is on attacks in these layers since it is the common layer and has same compatibility with all other devices. The rapid development of technology has led to a new attack so called Primary User Emulation Attack wherein the imitation of spiteful user as a primary transmitter occurs to deceive the secondary users and gain access over the white space. Better functioning of the Cognitive network is affected to a great extent if this Primary User Emulation Attack is severe.[3]Earlier methods and the most primitive are cyclostationary and the energy detection ones [11]. The first technique is based on the fact that the signals from primary users are periodic and do have regular cyclostationarity property. The second method involves comparison of energy level of the signal with a preset threshold. [10].These methods are already bypassed owing to the rapid growth of technology. It can be done either by impersonating the primary transmitted signal or high power signal to confuse the energy detector [9]. Thus to avoid the problem of PUEA, we need a trustable method to verify the arrival of primary user .One such method is verification of licensed user by means of biased reaction signalling[6]. The other technique involves LocDef , where we use localization technique by non interactive technique [7]. We can also use Public encryption systems thereby ensuring the trustworthy communication[5]. Primary user has a closely placed helper node which plays the role of a bridge thereby enabling of the verification of the primary user’s signals using cryptographic signatures and authentic link signatures.[8].There are hand off techniques meant for secret communication of sharing session keys between the client and the router [12]. We do add the tag for authentication in a transparent way so as no to interfere with the primary receiver but still maintain authenticity with the cognitive user. We can add this tag in parity bits of the codeword or in the modulation scheme .[13].But to make this signature embedding accurate, error control codes like convolutional codes, turbo codes or alamauti codes can be used. .A convolutional encoder is a linear predetermined-state device with n algebraic function generators and K stage shift register. The binary input data, is shifted as b bits at a time along the registers. Decoding can be done by either sequential decoding, maximum likelihood or feedback decoding[15]. In case of turbo codes, two RSC elementary codes are in a parallel organization. Maximum A Posteriori algorithm is used for decoding it in iterative process[16].In a highly noisy environments single error control codes do not have high coding gain. In order to improve this concatenated codes are preferred.[14] H ence to cope up with the FCC regulations, we proposed a method in which the authentication tag is embedded onto the data signal by the helper node after encoding and the comparative study of which concatenated codes serve the best to reduce the bit error rate has been discussed. II. PROPOSED METHOD: 2.1)HASH ALGORITHM: Procedure: Message is Padded in such a way that the length of message matches to 896 modulo 1024 . In certain cases ,the length may match yet the padding becomes additional. We do add a binary bit 1 followed by binary 0s to make the desired length. Depending upon the actual message size, we may have n number of bits padded where n=1 to 1024.We do assume that the message after padding is an unsigned integer of 128 bits and output of earlier two steps is a 1024 bit integer in order to calculate the length of message. Eight registers each of capacity to hold 64 bits (p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w) are needed to grasp the 512 bit results momentarily .This 512 bit output is carried over as an input to the consecutive stages. For the first stage, the previously stored transitional hash output is taken. On processing the padded message of 1024 bits, we get 64 bit as input per round. So to maintain the security and avoid repetitions, we do use a constant to point to the round number out of 80.After completion of 80 rounds, the final stage result is fed back to the first block until the message gets over. Thus we need (Oi-1) to produce Oi where I is the stage number. 2.2)METHOD OF EMBEDDING: We assume that the primary transmitter and the helper node share almost the same geological location and the helper node has a secret communication with the secondary users there. The primary transmitter on arrival generally transmits a data signal to its intended primary receiver. Since the primary transmitter has the highest priority and in no way it should be interfered we use the helper node to embed this security tag. The primary transmitter encodes the data sequence, modulates and transmits the signal. The data sequence after encoding is modulated and being transmitted by the primary transmitter. The helper node here repeats the signal and the hashed output is being embedded by it .Here the embedding is done in such a way that the tag to data ratio is comparatively low. Encode the data sequence to form N code words and each codeword contains p bits. We get an authentication tag by splitting the hash function output obtained earlier into p bit blocks. The tag thus obtained is su bstituted in the place of first p bits of the total N code words obtained. We do obey the regulations as per FCC since this tag embedding task is solely performed by the helper node. At the receiver end the authentication tag is retrieved and checked for authenticity. This tag verification is being done by the Cognitive Radio user upon reception since we did assume that the key for hash had been exchanged privately earlier. If verification is successful, the task is suspended and secondary user looks for any new white space. BLOCK DIAGRAM: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: BER VALUES FOR CONVOLUTIONAL CODES: BER VALUES FOR TURBO CONVOLUTIONAL CODES: BER VALUES FOR CONVOLUTIONAL-ALAMOUTI CODES: BER VALUES FOR TURBO-ALAMOUTI CODES: REFERENCES: O. Leà ³n ,Hernà ¡ndez-Serrano, J.,Soriano, M.,. Securingcognitiveradionetworks, International Journal of Communication Systems,23: 633-652. May 2010 Parvin, S.,Han, S.,Tian, B.,Hussain, F.K, Trust-based authentication for secure communication inCognitiveRadioNetworks,International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, Hong Kong; China;,pp. 589-596. December 2010. Zhang, C.,Yu, R.,Zhang, Y., Performance analysis of Primary User Emulation Attack inCognitiveRadionetworks,International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference,pp.371-376. August 2012. Parvin, S.,Hussain, F.K.,Hussain, O.K.,Han, S.,Tian, B.,Chang, E., Cognitiveradionetworksecurity: A survey ,Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35: 1691-1708. November 2012. Parvin, S.,Hussain, F.K.,Hussain, O.K, Digital signature-basedauthenticationframework incognitiveradionetworks, International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia,pp.136-142. December 2012. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
The Lord of the Flies :: Free Essay Writer
The Lord of the Flies William Golding uses much symbolism in his novel, The Lord of the Flies, to help readers gain a greater understanding of his message. He uses symbolism in three important areas: objects that have symbolic value as references to ideas, characters that symbolize important historical and religious people, and the setting which frames the conflicts on the island in comparison to the whole world. Objects are the first part of the story that are symbolic. Many objects in The Lord of the Flies have important symbolic value. The conch shell represents power and authority, and Ralph uses it to call for the boys to come to meetings. Whoever has the shell has the power to talk. The conch shows how people use objects to give power, like a crown, sceptre, or other thins that show who has power. We also learn that objects don’t really give power when people choose not to obey it, like Ralph’s conch. The pig’s head, or Lord of the Flies, is an important object. To Jack it is a sacrifice for the beast. This object shows that people will make religions and rituals to control their world, even when what they think is not true. The Lord of the Flies is also a symbol of Satan, or the Devil. When Simon talked with the Lord of the Flies, he learned what the real evil was, which is the evil in people’s hearts. The Lord of the Flies is a symbol of the things we make up to be the cause for evil, when those things aren’t the real reason. The fire is a symbol of hope and rescue. When the fire was burning bright, it was because the boys were working hard to get rescued. When the fire burnt out, it was because many boys, like Jack, didn’t care anymore about being rescued. In the end, the fire that got them rescued was not meant for rescue. It was there because Jack was burning down the island to kill Ralph. This shows us that we get things from luck instead of hard work. The objects in the story are used by characters that also have symbolism. The many different characters on the island are symbols of important people. They show how the real world is made up of people. Ralph is a good leader who cannot control bad people like Jack. Ralph is like Franklin Roosevelt before World War II who could not stop the war from breaking out.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Action Genre
The action genre is a genre wherein physical action takes precedence in the storytelling. Also, action movies often have continuous motions and actions including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. The story usually revolves around a hero that has a goal but is facing incredible odds to obtain it. While the action genre has a long recurring component in films, the action film genre began to develop in the 1970s along with the increase of stunts and special effects.Audiovisual Translation (AVT)According to Zobalbeascoa (2008), an audiovisual text is a mode of communication that is distinct from the written and the oral mode, although it may not be easy to draw a clear borderline between the audiovisual and other modes (p.29). And, other scholars like Bartrina (2004) believes that â€Å"in using the term audiovisual texts we receive via two channels, the visual and acoustic such texts contain images that move rapidly one after another†(p.157). Unlike communication through books, radio, telephone or sign language, audiovisual communication implies that the acoustic channel through air vibrations and the visual channel through light waves are simultaneously utilized. In other words, the film establishes a multi-channel and multi-code communication that take place through two channels (visual channel and acoustic channel) except for silent movies, but other communications, like radio and books, oppositely take place through one channel (only acoustic channel) (Delabastita, 2008). Finally, Gambier (1994) states that â€Å"audiovisual translation is a new genre in the realm of translation studies and several forms of translation take place in the international world of audiovisual communication†(p.277).IdeologyThe concept of ideology in translation studies is as old as the history of translation itself. And, according to Fawcett (1998), â€Å"throughout the centuries, individuals and institutions applied their particular beliefs to the production of certain effect in translation and an ideological approach to translation studies could be found in some of the earliest examples of translation known to us†(p. 106). However, Venuti (1998) states that â€Å"the linguistics-oriented approaches to translation studies have failed to address the concept of ideology through years of their prevalence, because such approaches are limited to their scientific models for research and the empirical data they collect, so that they remain reluctant to take into account the social values that enter into translating as well as the study of it†(p.1). Finally, ideology viewed in a more positive sense as a vehicle to promote or legitimate interests of a particular social group rather than a means to destroy the contenders (Calzada-Perez, 2003, p. 5).NormsAccording to Maylaerts (2008), quoted from Schaffner, (1998) norms are the translation of general values or ideas shared by a community into performance instructions applicable to particular situations. Norms specify what is prescribed and forbidden as well as what is tolerated and permitted in translation. Therefore, they imply sanctions, positive or negative. This means that norms imply a degree of social and psychological pressure since the concept of the norm has been used differently in translation studies, and its value has been both asserted strongly and called into question. Also, Toury (1995) maintains that â€Å"norms are the translation of what is wrong or right†(p.55). And, Munday (2012) believes that â€Å"norms are components peculiar to cultures, societies, and time being socio-cultural limitations which are acquired by persons during the educational and socializing processes†(p.112). Norms do not apply only in language, but also at all levels of our social lives, and it varies from one community or culture to another culture (Snell-Hornby, 1988). While, Pym (1999) discerns that â€Å"norms exist and they will change by means of beliefs, reasons, technology or creativity†(p.106). Norms of a society determine how taboo words and expressions dealt with in that given society. Finally, there are four types of norms:1) obligated 2) Permitted 3) Tolerated 4) Prohibited. In Islamic societies such as Iran, there exists a fifth norm which is recommended. Based on this, taboos are either tolerated or to a much greater degree prohibited.SubtitleSubtitles usually located at the bottom of the screen, either left-aligned or centered. They must be in 1 to 2 lines, not more than 35 characters and yellow or white font colors on the dark ground are preferred (Schwarz, 2002). And, according to Gottlibe (1997), subtitling as a translation practice has special features that they are as follow: a) written, b) additive, c) immediate, d) synchronous, e) polymedia (p.2). Cintas (2008) states that â€Å"subtitles considered as captions and transcriptions of a movie or TV dialogue in a same or different language and presented simultaneously on the screen at the bottom. They should be placed at the bottom of the screen in order to not interrupt the image action†(p.7).Taboo ConceptsFromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2013) believe that â€Å"taboo has a strong cultural component that representing particular customs and the way people view their society†(p.112). Also, taboo terms actually are a broad term that has been approached by various disciplines from different standpoints. Throughout the years, there have been controversies about the scope of the term as well as various notions with regard to their function and role within the societies. Since the concept itself is multidimensional and highly culture-specific, what taboos cover often differs from one culture to another. Therefore, it seems to be no common ground reached regarding the issues dealt with under the title of taboo. In fact, the concept plays a central role in forming the cultures which considered as the main reason why so many disciplines are interested in theorizing it (Horlacher, 2010, p. 5). Finally, according to Wardhaugh (1990), the taboo is one way in which a society expresses its disapproval of certain kinds of behaviors that are harmful to its members either for supernatural reasons or such behaviors are held to violate a moral code (p.230).The Related Works in Iran and Other CountriesAmong the Works Applied in the Field of Translation of Taboo Terms and Concepts in Iran: Azardashti (2013) in an article titled as â€Å"Normative Attitude Toward Translation of Verbal Taboo†in The Catcher in the Rye has noted that different societies and cultures, particularly more traditional societies such as Iran dislike raising unusual subjects such as slangs and examining slangs in scientific areas have been always concealed. In spite of some researches in this regard over recent years' ambiguities and intact angles regarding translating slangs into Persian still attracted attention. In view of the importance of verbal taboos as an inevitable part of the language and its difficulty for translators in encountering with them the importance of this study would be revealed. Finally, Ghazizadeh and Mardani (2012) in their study titled as â€Å"Strategic Examination of Translator in Translating Western Taboo in Dubbing English Movies into Farsi†have pointed out language in the same extent can be used for expressing thoughts and communicating that can be used as a tool for obstructing propagation of certain opinions too. For example, taboo terms derive from the ideology and a set of beliefs of different nations about certain contents which they transfer in the process of translation give rise to lingual and cultural problems. Since cinema products are among main tracts of transferring culture components such as taboo, the matter of translating such products in the form of subtitle or dubbing is of high importance. Yet fewer studies have been conducted in this regard. In the current study it has been attempted that through a descriptive study of dubbing English movies into Farsi, translator's strategies are examined in translating the language and cultural Western taboo terms and concepts. The results of their research revealed that the most common strategies regarding language taboo expressions are finding equivalent for them, compensating and for cultural taboo, those are manipulating, modification and using non-taboo equivalents. Among the Works Applied in the Field of Translation of Taboo Terms and Concepts in Abroad: Midjord (2013) in her M.A. thesis titled as â€Å"On the Subtitling of Swear Words: The Case Study of Flickering Lights†with a special focus on the translation of the word fuck as an interest in exploring how the swear words are translated in the process of subtitling from Danish into English. The results of her study revealed that in English speaking countries the most frequently used swear words derive from the religion, sex and bodily effluvia, while in the Danish language the most frequently used swear words derive from the religion, diseases, sex and bodily effluvia. Moreover, the analysis showed that many swear words have either been translated directly or deleted completely in the subtitles. With more than half of the swear words deleted in the target text, it can be discussed, whether there is a loss of the understanding of the environment and the characters' personalities in the film. However, on the basis of reviews from English speaking persons, this does not seem to have been a problem, which could indicate that the subtitler has made the right choices in the subtitling of the swear words in Flickering Lights movie.
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